Chapter 103

Fu Yanhan was thirsty late at night, and wanted to go to the kitchen to drink water, but unexpectedly found that the light in Mu Xiao's room was still on, so Fu Yanhan knocked on the door and went in.

"It's so late and you haven't slept yet?" Fu Yanhan held a water glass and looked at Mu Xiao.

Mu Xiao got out of bed, sat on the sofa with Fu Yanhan, and they chatted.

"Why haven't you slept so late, aren't you sleepy?"

"Well. How about you, why don't you rest?"

After Mu Xiao finished speaking, Fu Yanhan raised the water glass in his hand and smiled slightly.

"Wake up thirsty, get up and drink a glass of water."

Fu Yanhan put the water cup on the coffee table, then walked back to the sofa, looked at Mu Xiao and asked, "Affected by the day's events?"

Mu Xiao nodded, then shook her head again: "It should be."

Mu Xiao didn't know how to describe her mood, she only knew that she was in a very bad mood right now.

Fu Yanhan saw that Mu Xiao was preoccupied, and he was also affected by emotions at the moment. He slowly raised his right hand, wanting to stroke Mu Xiao's hair and give Mu Xiao comfort, but Mu Xiao predicted the action in advance and quietly avoided it.

"I'm sorry." Fu Yanhan withdrew his right hand and said, "I just want to give you some comfort."

Mu Xiao smiled wryly and said, "You don't need to comfort me, I'm fine."

Fu Yanhan pursed his lips, remained silent for a long time, and said, "Don't worry, everything will pass."

"Well, I hope so!"

Mu Xiao nodded, she also hoped that all this could be resolved smoothly, but the reality is often crueler than the ideal, just like now, they have nothing to do with that person, and they don't even know who it is.

Fu Yanhan noticed that Mu Xiao was still depressed, so he quickly changed the topic.

"Let me prepare some hangover soup for you. You should have drunk a lot at the banquet today."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Fu Yanhan entered the kitchen, and soon he came out with a bowl of hangover soup.

Mu Xiao took the hangover soup, took a few sips, and said, "Thank you."

Fu Yanhan waved his hand: "You're welcome."

Mu Xiao handed the bowl in his hand to Fu Yanhan, wondering if the hangover soup had an effect, Mu Xiao's heart became warm.

This kind of warmth has not been felt for a long, long time.

Thinking of this, Mu Xiao recalled her childhood memories.

Mu Xiao's mood fell again, which made Fu Yanhan very puzzled.

"what happened?"

Mu Xiao looked at Fu Yanhan with an apology on her face, and she said, "Did I lose my composure in front of you just now?"

"No, I find it very strange. Why are you in a bad mood all of a sudden?"

Mu Xiao smiled: "No, I just remembered something from my childhood."

Fu Yanhan was very surprised when he heard this sentence, it turned out to be like this.

"So that's the case, then can you tell me what it was like when you were a child?"

"I don't remember very clearly what happened when I was a child. Anyway, I am much happier than now."

Upon hearing this, Fu Yanhan nodded in agreement.

Indeed, most of my childhood memories are how to play with my friends, how to please my parents and get some small rewards.

Perhaps, the happiest age for everyone is basically childhood.

Time passed slowly, and Mu Xiao also felt sleepy.

"Sleep when you're sleepy." Fu Yanhan said softly.

"You go back too."

"I'll go back when you fall asleep."

After Fu Yanhan said that, Mu Xiao didn't say anything more, just lay down on the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

Feeling sleepy, Mu Xiao didn't care if there was something wrong with leaving a man in the bedroom.

Not long after, Mu Xiao fell asleep.

Fu Yanhan approached, sat next to Mu Xiao, looked at Mu Xiao's sleeping profile, from eyebrows, to pen tip, to lips, Fu Yanhan's lips slowly approached, and when they approached again, they were about to touch, Mu Xiaohan Turned over suddenly.

Fu Yanhan rushed to nothing, and then suddenly realized that he was out of control. Fu Yanhan lowered his head and smiled, and remained silent.

Finally, Fu Yanhan tucked the quilt for Mu Xiao and left.

After Fu Yanhan left Mu Xiao's room, he bumped into Wu Ran head-on.

Wu Ran was surprised by Fu Yanhan's appearance, and after glancing at the door of Mu Xiao's room, she understood everything.

Wu Ran stared at him, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Have you gone to see Mu Xiao?"

Fu Yanhan nodded and admitted, but he was very frank, as if he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Wu Ran sighed, disapproving of Fu Yanhan's behavior.

"Fu Yanhan, you know, he and Li Tingxiao still have a relationship."

Wu Ran said to him, with a hint of helplessness in his tone, "I hope you can think about it calmly."

Hearing this, Fu Yanhan felt disgusted at the mention of Li Tingxiao, and his face became a little ugly: "I know, but so what, I just like it silently."

Wu Ran shook his head helplessly, he was speechless with his attitude towards Fu Yanhan, he felt that he had made his words very clear, Fu Yanhan was smart, so he naturally knew what he was worried about.

"Fu Yanhan, listen carefully, if you are really tempted by Mu Xiao, then you should stay away from her." Wu Ran said to him earnestly.

Fu Yanhan looked at her puzzled: "Why, can't I like her? I just like her silently."

Wu Ran looked at him and just sighed, the relationship between Mu Xiao and Li Tingxiao is already very complicated, and now there is another Fu Yanhan.

Who can tell the fate of this world.

So, Wu Ran gave up on persuasion, after all he was just an outsider, if Mu Xiao and Li Tingxiao were destined, even if there were tens of thousands of Fu Yanhans, they would not be able to separate them, but if Mu Xiao and Fu Yanhan were the right match, no matter how powerful Li Tingxiao was, it would not help.

On the second day, Mu Xiao's incident had already been topped the hot search list by interested people, and everyone was insulting Mu Xiao, causing Mu Xiao to fall into severe public opinion pressure.

Li Tingxiao naturally knew about it immediately.

He also understood why Mu Xiaoye didn't return home, she must have been hiding somewhere to investigate on her own, Li Tingxiao looked at the comments, and couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

After a long time, Li Tingxiao opened Weibo and edited a new post:

The Mu Xiao incident is temporarily suspicious. I have sent someone to investigate the cause of the incident. I am very clear about Mu Xiao's professional ethics and morality. In this incident, Mu Xiao was framed by others. If there are still rumors in the future Rumor, I will make him legally responsible.

As soon as Li Tingxiao's Weibo was posted, the attention of netizens changed accordingly.

"I'll go, President Li posted on Weibo himself!"

"Yeah, it must be our wish for Mu Xiao!"


They all expressed that they wronged Mu Xiao and supported Mu Xiao unconditionally.

As Li Tingxiao looked at these so-called fans and netizens, he just sneered.

After all, that's how netizens are, playing around with the wind.

They could make Mu Xiao fall from the altar because of a slanderous article, and they could also help her return because of Li Tingxiao's Weibo.

Fickle and unprincipled.

(End of this chapter)

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