Chapter 129
Different cultures not only have different architectural styles, but also different food styles and clothing styles, etc. She does not speak the language, but she wanted to get in touch with them before coming here.

Fu Yanhan is very familiar with this city, and used to come here often.

He took Mu Xiao to the bustling part of the city, and introduced, "Look at the big shopping mall in front of you. If you go in, you will find that the trip is worthwhile."

"I've heard of that shopping mall, let's go and have a look." Mu Xiao couldn't wait.

In the shopping mall, Mu Xiao found a lot of interesting things, and even caught a favorite doll for the first time in her life. After returning, Mu Xiao looked at the doll happily and took a photo and posted it on Moments.

If you are in a good mood, you will fill up the Jiugong grid.

They are all some scenery in the shopping mall, and one of them is a photo with Fu Yanhan. Although I am happy, the words express it very implicitly. I only wrote four words: Remember it.

"After all, I'm an adult, and I still have to be taboo to post on Moments about catching a doll." The reason why Mu Xiao likes this doll is not only because he caught it as soon as he caught it, but also because this doll has very local characteristics , she likes the design elements on the doll's clothes very much.


When she was happy, she suddenly yelled and threw away the phone.

Mu Xiao looked at the mobile phone she had thrown away at the other end of the bed, and murmured: "I must have misread it, but he never gives likes to people in Moments."

Mu Xiao remembered that the one she liked just now seemed to be Li Tingxiao's profile picture.

"It must be a mistake." Mu Xiao mustered up the courage, took back the phone, closed her eyes for a while, and opened them after mental preparation.

"Hey, it really is him."

Mu Xiao was so frightened that she came to the kitchen, took a cup of cold drink, gulped it down, calmed down a lot after drinking, and comforted herself: "I didn't do anything wrong, why are you so nervous."

That being said, even though she took a good bath that night, she still didn't wake up until dawn.

To be precise, she was awakened by a nightmare. In the dream, there was Li Tingxiao's black face, and his scolding was all around her ears. She didn't swear at anyone, and even though she didn't babble, the words she scolded were enough to make people's hearts jump.

"It seems that I can't sleep well tonight." Mu Xiao got up helplessly, and couldn't guess it by looking at the time.

She planned to go for a walk to get some air, thinking that maybe she could come back and get a good night's sleep, but when she came to the garden, she saw Fu Yanhan doing exercises there.

"You haven't slept so late?" Mu Xiao was surprised.

"Have you forgotten what I do? This time happens to be when I am most energetic." Fu Yanhan grinned.

Mu Xiao nodded with a sudden realization, yes, there are the most people in the bar at this time, Fu Yanhan, as the owner of the bar, is not the type who goes to bed early and gets up early.

The night breeze was cool, and Fu Yanhan was worried that Mu Xiao would catch a cold, so the two returned to the hotel lobby on the first floor.

They sat by the window, looking at a night light scene outside the hotel window, their thoughts couldn't help but go back to the past, Fu Yanhan said thoughtfully: "I still remember that my favorite weather was this kind of weather..."

Talking about the past seems to make people inexplicably calm their minds. After chatting for half an hour, Mu Xiao found that her previous nervousness had disappeared.

She couldn't help but yawned.

"There's an exhibition tomorrow. You see, I lost track of the time. I'll take you back to rest." Fu Yanhan said apologetically.

Mu Xiao nodded: "It's getting late, you should go to bed earlier."

"it is good."

At the exhibition, Wu Ran, Mu Xiao and Fu Yanhan attended together.

I don't know if it's because she slept well in the second half of the night, or because there were many designs that Mu Xiao was interested in at the exhibition. In short, she was full of energy this day, her eyes seemed to be full of galaxies, and her whole body was shining brightly stand up.

Fu Yanhan looked at Mu Xiao from time to time, and he was also very happy to see her in a good mood. He only looked forward to spending more time with her in the future, watching her smile...

At the same time, Fu Yanhan felt a little regretful, if he had discovered her beauty and his desire to protect her from the very beginning, maybe she would have belonged to him.

Wu Ran came over, and happily pulled Mu Xiao: "Du, take you to meet someone."

"Who is it, so mysterious."

Wu Ran raised his chin and pointed to Leipusi who was not far away.

Fu Yanhan had seen this person in a magazine, and heard Wu Ran mention Laps. If he was talking about a collaborator, he should be a good partner. After all, he had heard Wu Ran say a lot of good things about Laps before.

"It's also good to get to know each other. I'll go have a glass of champagne first." Fu Yanhan found an excuse to slip away.

Mu Xiao didn't want to go at first, so it can be seen that Wu Ran was very happy to introduce him, but Fu Yanhan took the opportunity to sneak away, so he had to go with Wu Ran.

"Mr. Leps, this is Mu Xiao, a very good designer."

"Hello." Leps said politely.

Mu Xiao saw his perfunctory, and said politely without getting angry: "Hi, nice to meet you."

Wu Ran was very happy. She felt that with Mu Xiao's talent, she would definitely have the opportunity to cooperate with Laps in the future, and Laps would definitely discover Mu Xiao's shining points in the future.

There were a lot of people at the exhibition, and many people wanted to chat with Leps.

Mu Xiao and Wu Ran hadn't spoken a few words to Laps before he was urged to meet his collaborator, and Laps called Wu Ran to go with him.

Mu Xiao was alone. She wanted to find Fu Yanhan but found no one, so she had to go shopping alone.

"How can this work be placed here? It's indecent."

"This is a work of art. Those who say it's indecent may be because they don't have artistic talent."

There was a controversial product design at the exhibition. Mu Xiao looked over and found that the design was indeed very good, but it was a bit grandstanding in terms of color matching.

"The work is indeed good, but the color scheme is a bit unsatisfactory, it seems to be intentional." Mu Xiao saw the clues at a glance.

It's not that the clothes on the curvaceous figures of the women in the artwork are risqué, but the colors are incongruous.If she guessed correctly, the designer should have used this color tone after receiving money from some paint dealers for fame and fortune.

The popularity of one color can drive the sales of fabrics of the same color, which seems to be a trivial matter, but it is actually a major event that affects the entire international fashion trend.

As soon as Mu Xiao said that, the people around him immediately noticed the clue.

"That's right, how could this kind of blue be used on women of that era? An artist couldn't make such a mistake. He must have collected money."

Mu Xiao had no intention of commenting, but never wanted to cause an uproar.

She ran away quickly, but was stopped by Leips: "You are very sensitive to the appearance of design products. Apart from the color, do you have any opinions on the design just now, do you have any comments on other aspects?"

Leipusi suddenly became interested in Mu Xiao.

"Of course." Mu Xiao said without timidity.

(End of this chapter)

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