Chapter 143 Movie Delay
Leipus was pleasantly surprised, but unfortunately at this time his assistant informed him of a work matter, and Leipus had to deal with it immediately: "What a pity, I thought I could relax tonight, but now I can only go to We have dealt with work matters, so we will meet at the coffee shop across the street at noon tomorrow?"

Mu Xiao hesitated for a while, then immediately agreed: "Okay."

Every day at noon, many colleagues in the company eat at the coffee shop opposite. Mu Xiao originally wanted to avoid suspicion, but since Leips proposed it, she couldn't refuse, so she had no choice but to agree.

The next day at noon, at [-]:[-], Leipus sent a message, saying that he was already waiting at the coffee shop, Mu Xiao had just finished dealing with the matter at hand, and he didn't even have time to tell Li Tingxiao , went to the coffee shop.

Li Tingxiao waited for Mu Xiao to come and ask him to have lunch with him, but he never thought that it was almost 12:30 and there was still no one around.

Somewhat displeased, she got up, adjusted her suit, and left the CEO's office, looking for Mu Xiao to no avail, but heard someone chirping and gossiping:

"Mu Xiao was talking and laughing with that Leps in the coffee shop opposite the company."

"She and Leps look so familiar, don't they know each other before?"

"People will know when they come back and ask, don't gossip anymore."

"Tsk tsk tsk, there are only a few of us here, do you need to be so hypocritical? Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Laps is interested in Mu Xiao!"


Hearing the employees discussing, Li Tingxiao didn't like that the rumors continued to spread. He deliberately coughed to make some noise, and the employees realized that Li Tingxiao was actually at the door of the tea room.

"Li... President Li."

"When you came to the company, didn't the HR department give you training?" Li Tingxiao's cold half-downcast eyes were covered with a layer of icy cold air on his perfect face that was as sharp as a knife.

The gossipers looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

"The three of you are busy, go and memorize the employee records. I will ask the HR director to conduct spot checks. If anyone still doesn't understand the company's rules and regulations, they should leave the company as soon as possible!" Li Tingxiao walked away without turning his head.

After the person disappeared, the employee complained bitterly: "My God, memorizing the company's code of conduct, will it take a day or two to memorize it?"

"You can memorize it twice a day? I don't think I can do it in a week. Isn't the CEO killing me!"

"Better than fired squid."

Several employees regretted it.

But who would have thought that the president would go to the staff pantry, and it was already too late to regret it.

Li Sijie happened to hear the scene just now, so he immediately asked a company employee, "What's going on with Mu Xiao and that Laps?"

"I don't know very well. They should have a good relationship. Otherwise, why would they drink coffee together?"

As soon as the staff finished speaking, Li Sijie disappeared.

He came to the coffee shop non-stop, just in time to see Mu Xiao and a yellow-haired man laughing and chatting in the coffee shop, "She's smiling very happily, I haven't seen her so happy for a long time."

Li Sijie felt a little sour in his heart, and said to himself: It would be great if she saw me so happy.


"Don't you like drinking the coffee here?" Mu Xiao looked surprised when Li Sijie appeared here. It was like a person who never eats steamed stuffed buns going to a stuffed bun shop. It's not surprising.

Li Sijie sat down next to Mu Xiao, and deliberately grinned at her coquettishly: "I saw you here, so I came in, are you welcome?"

"The owner of the coffee shop will definitely welcome you. If a big star comes here to eat, this advertisement must be effective." Mu Xiao said.

While the two were talking, Leips occasionally interrupted.

For the rest of the time, Leipus basically only interrupted occasionally. Half an hour later, because of work matters, Leipus walked away first.

After the person left, Li Sijie suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally left."

"Childish!" Mu Xiao shook her head helplessly.

Could she not know that just now Li Sijie deliberately kept chatting with her in front of Leipus, in order to prevent Leipus from interjecting even if he wanted to.

Li Sijie raised his eyebrows proudly and smiled triumphantly.

Then he pretended to be serious and changed the subject: "I'm looking for you for a serious business. My play is about to be released. Are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy, I hope everything goes well." Mu Xiao said.

Both the director Yu Qi and Li Sijie are working hard on this film, as well as the staff and other actors in the film, all of whom have spent their time thinking. Everyone is looking forward to the smooth release of the film.

When Mu Xiao answered Li Sijie, she always felt uneasy.

As the movie's release time draws closer, this feeling intensifies.

She kept telling herself not to think about it, until when the movie was about to be released, a large wave of hot searches for Hei Yuqi suddenly appeared on the Internet.

"What good movies can he make? Watching the pilot movie is a bad movie."

"It's a pity Li Sijie, how could he cooperate with such a director."


Although various black topics have attracted a wave of enthusiasm, they are not beneficial to the release of the movie at all.

It is impossible to say that there is no one behind such a wave of popular searches. The sense of crisis that Mu Xiao felt before is actually not unfounded worry, but a strong sixth sense.

The most frightening thing is not just being hacked, but the film was eventually suppressed and launched, and their company may even have to pay liquidated damages.

After Yu Qi learned of the incident, he felt very sad.

But Yu Qi did not hide, but took the initiative to come to Mu Xiao to apologize: "I'm sorry that I caused such a big loss to the company, you see how I can make up for it. If I have to lose money, I will pay as much as possible. But……"

At this point he stopped.

He was willing to bear all the losses, but he couldn't bear the huge amount of money. Speaking of this, Yu Qi sighed with a scorched face.

"You don't need compensation. We will do everything according to the contract. There is no such clause in the contract." Although Mu Xiao was in a serious mood, she did not forget to comfort Yu Qi.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Yu Qi was surprised that the company was still thinking of him at this time.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have taken pictures." Yu Qi regretted endlessly.

It is understandable to work hard to realize one's dream, but if it hurts other people, then... Yu Qi cannot forgive such a huge loss to the company because of himself.

"It's not yet a final conclusion, and things may turn around."

"Really?" Yu Qi stared at her with wide eyes.

Mu Xiao frowned slightly, and said honestly: "I can only try it, whether it will work or not is not certain."

(End of this chapter)

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