Divorce, don't delay my abuse of green tea

Chapter 148 Being Followed Secretly

Chapter 148 Being Followed Secretly
"Hi Mu Design, Mr. Li is waiting for you in the background, and he said that you must come over." A slender man with a smile on his face bowed and said softly.

It was only then that Mu Xiao realized that Li Tingxiao, who was still by her side just now, was nowhere to be seen.

Yu Qi and Li Sijie on the stage were singing together and talking about the movie. Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. Seeing that there was nothing to worry about, Mu Xiao said, "Okay."

Afterwards, she got up and left quietly with the Miss Manners.

After arriving backstage, Mu Xiao realized that she was actually going to be on stage. She was full of astonishment: "No one told me that I was going to be on stage, it was too sudden."

"This is my surprise for you." Li Tingxiao smiled.

Mu Xiao shook her head and took a step back subconsciously: "NO, this is definitely not a surprise, it's a shock."

To be on stage without any warning, and to say a lot in front of everyone, without any preparation time, this challenge is really too big.

"I believe in your ability. The two of them are waiting for you on the stage. Hurry up." Li Tingxiao smiled rarely.

This smile looks very sincere, but it's not as good as it is for Mu Xiao. If she knew that she would not come backstage when she was invited.

Mu Xiao felt rushed, and when she rolled her eyes, she thought of an excuse: "I didn't prepare a dress, so it's not polite to appear on stage like this, so let's change it to another day."

"Look what this is!" Li Tingxiao raised his hand, and after patting it, Mu Xiao stared at the thing in the hand of a person who came in, her eyes widened.

"The dress is ready? So I have to go up." Mu Xiao saw the size of the dress, it was tailor-made for her.

There was thunder in the palms outside, and Mu Xiao even heard the host say: "There will be a surprise for the two of you in a while."

Yu Qi and Li Sijie looked at each other expectantly. They could see it in each other's eyes. They didn't know anything about the surprise that the host said.

The host looked at the time and saw that it was almost time.

It happened that the hostess nodded to the host from the side, signaling that everything was ready.

"There is another important person coming to the stage today, and I will come to congratulate Director Yu Qi and our actor Li Sijie in person. Please applaud."

The sound of "papapa" was extremely loud.

Mu Xiao appeared stunningly in front of everyone wearing a lake-blue dress. With a smile on her face, she stepped onto the stage gracefully, and after waving to the people in the audience, she came in front of the two.

"Congratulations." Mu Xiaoyou hugged Yu Qi and Li Sijie very generously.

Li Tingxiao in the audience frowned.

Seeing this, the assistant on the side picked up which pot was left open: "Mr. Li, you asked her to come on stage, that hug is just a courtesy, don't keep your face dark, the reporter might catch it."

"I asked her to go on stage, but I didn't ask her to hug people!" Li Tingxiao didn't care about reporters or not. After a pause, he said to his assistant in a cold voice, "If bad photos of me are posted today, tomorrow you will Don't use it for work."

"Absolutely not, President, just rest assured."

The assistant hurriedly left. He had to make sure that the photos in the reporter's camera that came today would make Li Tingxiao unhappy. Not only should there be no photos of Li Tingxiao's black face, but more importantly, there should be pictures of Mu Xiao hugging other men. cannot be shown in the media.

As an assistant, he still paid attention to the meaning of every word Li Tingxiao said.

Li Tingxiao had to do well what he ordered, but Li Tingxiao didn't give orders but thought in his heart, so he had to do the same.

Mu Xiao on the stage was like a shining star. She thanked all the staff and movie lovers elegantly and sincerely: "It is because of your support that our movie can be so successful..."

After the event, Mu Xiao still had lingering fears about the sudden appearance on stage just now, but she was still happy during the whole process, at least it felt better than she imagined before going on stage.

She originally wanted to express her gratitude to Li Tingxiao, after all, this dress is not cheap and it is really beautiful.

Unexpectedly, it took him a long time to find him. When he saw him, Li Tingxiao still had a gloomy face.

Mu Xiao asked concerned: "Did something happen?"

She thought that something serious must have happened in the company, otherwise he wouldn't look in such a bad mood, "Is it the company's business, let's talk about it and find a solution together."

"Everything is fine in the company, but I am not fine."

"Are you feeling unwell?" Mu Xiao raised her hand to try Li Tingxiao's forehead, then pressed the back of her hand against her own forehead, and muttered, "Everything is normal."

She breathed a sigh of relief, thinking he was not feeling well.

"If you don't tell me, I'll go back first." Mu Xiao pretended to leave.

Li Tingxiao pulled her over and said jealously, "Your dress is too revealing and you even hugged Yu Qi and Li Sijie. Do you think I can be happy? The more I think about it, the more angry I get!"

"You didn't prepare this for me..." Li Tingxiao's kiss pressed down before he could finish the word dress.

The strong masculine breath lingered in her nostrils, and the smell on his body was so good to kiss. Just when Mu Xiao was about to fall, she suddenly remembered that this was still outside.

She resisted coquettishly: "Don't be like this, there are people around."

Suddenly, the person who was hugging her tightly left unexpectedly.

When Mu Xiao was astonished that he was so obedient, suddenly a voice came over: "Hello, Miss Mu."

It turned out that it was Laps who came over. Li Tingxiao just saw the person coming, but Mu Xiao couldn't see him. Only then did she understand why Li Tingxiao stopped abruptly just now.

"I didn't bother you two, did I?"

"You're asking the question knowingly." Li Tingxiao raised his brows.

Leipusi laughed, and immediately changed the subject, and praised Mu Xiao's ability without hesitation, expressing his appreciation for her: "It is my honor to know you, I am so glad that there is such a beautiful you in this world .”

"She is indeed the best." Li Tingxiao competed secretly, deliberately showing that he was very close to Mu Xiao in front of Leipus, and kept wrapping his arms around her waist to show his ownership.

Seeing this, Leipus was disappointed, said a few words of congratulations, and left.

"Don't touch me in front of outsiders, it's too inelegant." Mu Xiao frowned.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you from now on." Li Tingxiao said in a good mood.

Mu Xiao was in a good mood so she didn't bother to argue with him, she just said: "It's almost time, let's go back first."

"No problem, I'll drive."

Li Tingxiao opened the car door, and Mu Xiao naturally sat in the co-pilot.

Amidst the music, Mu Xiao closed her eyes to rest, and suddenly felt that the speed of the car was much faster. She opened her eyes in shock, and said palely, "What's the matter, why did you drive so fast all of a sudden?"

Li Tingxiao found out that someone was following them, and with his sharp eyes, he realized that that person was actually Laps. He didn't want to be followed, and he didn't like that person to be Laps, which made him go fast, like a racing car.

(End of this chapter)

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