Chapter 150
At noon, Mu Xiao, who had finished her work, was dozing off, and when she fell asleep, an assistant's timid voice came from her ear: "Mr. Leps is here, and he said that he must see you for work. "

"he came?"

Mu Xiao opened her eyes in a daze, and saw the assistant standing aside with a serious face, so she was sure that it wasn't an auditory hallucination just now.

"Yes, Mr. Leps said about the product, and I must have a good chat with you."

Isn't the matter of design already dealt with?Mu Xiao was full of doubts. When we met yesterday, I didn't hear Laps say that there were any problems with the product.

"Please ask him to go to the meeting room, I'll be there later." Mu Xiao said.

She is very serious and responsible for her work. Since Leipus has come here in person, she thought that maybe there is indeed a problem with the product design, so she was also a little anxious.

The door of the conference room opened, and Mu Xiao immediately saw Leips, who was dressed in a light gray suit and was very elegant.

He still had the usual smile on his face, and when he saw Mu Xiao enter the door, he got up to greet him: "I called you, but you didn't answer, so I came here in person."

Mu Xiao apologized: "I'm on a lunch break at noon today, so I didn't check my phone."

"Then didn't I bother you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Leipus sincerely apologized regretfully.

"I'm sorry. The phone should not be on silent." Seeing him like this, Mu Xiao felt a little embarrassed. She was really sleepy at noon, mainly because she didn't sleep well last night. Although Li Tingxiao stayed with her in the second half of the night, but Almost didn't sleep well in the middle of the night.

After working all morning, she just wanted to have a good rest during the lunch break, but she didn't expect Leipus to call her.

What a coincidence.

"It's not mine."

"Why don't we talk about work, otherwise it would be too far-fetched to apologize endlessly." Mu Xiao smiled sweetly.

The moment he saw Mu Xiao's smile, Leipusi's whole body was bright.

She is like the brightest star in the night, like the cool spring water in summer, or the fire when you are cold and hungry in winter, the depression of not being able to follow Li Tingxiao and her yesterday disappeared at this moment.

Mu Xiao originally thought that Laps would talk about design next, but he just kept talking about some daily things, and even asked if she had time to be his tour guide and take him to visit the city.

Although these words were a bit strange, Mu Xiao didn't find them too strange.


Leipusi's hand suddenly came to the side of her face, and Mu Xiao subconsciously flicked it away.

"You have broken hair between your temples. I saw it, so I wanted to help tidy it up. I hope it won't be too abrupt." Leips looked at her sincerely.

The blue eyes are particularly beautiful, but at this time Mu Xiao only felt a little terrified, she sat back and said a little embarrassedly: "It's okay, broken hair is just a small problem, by the way, you said you want to talk about work, but in the design Does the company require any changes?"

Mu Xiao felt that Leipus was a bit strange, and even resisted chatting with him, but they had overlaps in their work, so she couldn't just walk away.

Leipus was a little embarrassed, his eyes trembled, he was a little lost and even a little dazed.

Looking at Laps, who seemed to be wandering, Mu Xiao was even more puzzled: "Mr. Laps, may I ask if there is anything that needs to be changed in the design, but the factory is rushing to work, is it too expensive to change it?" gone?"

Mu Xiao asked questions about work. She was really worried about whether the completion of this batch of products would be smooth.

Leips came back to his senses: "There is no problem with the previous design. I'm here to talk about the sales in the future."

"Sales?" Mu Xiao wondered.

Li Tingxiao broke in suddenly, and sat beside Mu Xiao with a cold face, facing Laps: "Mu Xiao has already finished taking care of the product design, you just need someone else to follow up on sales, how can you let a designer Come to sell it!"

"That's not what it means. The main reason is that the designer knows the product very well. I think that if the salesman can understand the product better, the customer may be more satisfied when explaining it to the customer." Leps said.

Mu Xiao had also heard about this, but it was just a matter of communication between the designer and the sales director before, how could it be that Laps came here in person.

She was also puzzled.

"I really value Mu Xiao's design and trust her, so I came to discuss the future sales plan with her in person. Do you think it's wrong, Mr. Li?" Reps asked back.

Not to be outdone, Li Tingxiao was aggressive: "I think something is wrong. I will always find other people to follow up and connect with sales. Mu Xiao doesn't need to participate."

Leps kept smiling and said, "If that's the case, then fine. Although I'm sorry, I respect your decision."

Laps has always maintained a gentleman's demeanor. Facing Li Tingxiao's indifferent face and impolite words, Mu Xiao only saw a smile on Laps' face, and only heard softness in his words.

So much so, that she felt that Li Tingxiao had done something inappropriately.

"And you, Mr. Leps, you don't need to come over in person for such a trivial matter, just make a phone call or find someone to connect with you. Wouldn't it be overkill for you to come in person?" Li Tingxiao still looked domineering.

Mu Xiao didn't even understand why he suddenly became so hostile to Leipus.

"I've always been very meticulous about my work. If it makes you uncomfortable, I can only express my apologies." Reps said in a gentle manner.

Li Tingxiao frowned, he didn't like Laps' pious appearance very much.

People who can hang out in the upper class, if they don't have a bit of effort, how can they do well in the social arena. Li Tingxiao didn't care about Laps' smiling face at all, instead he thought it was just a disgusting mask.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Mu Xiao leaned over quietly: "Don't be like this, everyone is doing it for the product."

Li Tingxiao looked bad and didn't gnaw, took her hand and got up, politely said to Leipus: "She has other things, I'll find someone else to connect with you."

Before Laps could reply, Li Tingxiao dragged her out of the meeting room.

After coming out, Mu Xiao shook off his hand with a puzzled expression: "What's the matter with you, Mr. Leps and I were talking about work, why are you always acting weird. I don't even understand what you want What are you doing?"

This is really not the Li Tingxiao she knew. Mu Xiao frowned and sized him up, and continued: "I wonder if the man I saw in front of me is Li Tingxiao."

Li Tingxiao was not angry, but said domineeringly: "No matter what you think of me, keep a distance from Leipus in the future, he is not a good person!"

(End of this chapter)

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