Divorce, don't delay my abuse of green tea

Chapter 152 You Are Always Free

Chapter 152 You Are Always Free

The atmosphere was extremely anxious, and the surrounding employees were fidgeting. It is good to know a little gossip about the president's private affairs, but it is not good to know too much.

Many employees secretly left this place of right and wrong.

But Mu An'an wished she could stay in place, she suppressed the secret complacency in her heart, and pretended to be weak and considerate of the overall situation: "The designer of Mu Da must have been in a hurry just now, so he pushed me by accident. It's okay for me, it's just a little pain in my arm, I can bear it."

Hearing the words of this high-grade green tea, Mu Xiao's brain was furious.

However, she pursed her lips and warned herself: If you are provoked at this time, you will lose.

Li Tingxiao looked away from Mu Xiao's face, and he was stunned, how could he suddenly have such a big anger, after thinking about it, he found that the source of the anger was the excessive interaction between Mu Xiao and Laps.

Mu Xiao glanced at Mu An'an and didn't answer, she wanted to see what else Mu An'an could do.

Sure enough, Mu An'an didn't miss such a good opportunity to stir up shit, she continued to provoke: "It's just... why did the designer of Muda suddenly have an abnormal mood? Is it because he didn't agree with Mr. Leps in the conference room on work matters?" problem, that’s why I’m in a bad mood.”

She mentioned the name Laps on purpose, mainly because she knew that Li Tingxiao didn't like it.

"Stop changing the subject, you said I pushed you, right? It's very simple, you can watch the surveillance if I pushed you." Mu Xiao said indifferently, as if talking about something irrelevant to her.

She clearly remembered that she didn't touch Mu An'an at all, it was Mu An'an who fell and blamed him.

Hearing watching the surveillance, Mu Anan's face froze for a moment, his eyes trembled as if he wanted to see where the surveillance was, but he didn't dare to look, for fear that his guilty conscience would be found out.

Mu Xiao pointed to the top of her head in the upper right corner: "I don't know where the surveillance is, right? It's just above the head. This is near the tea room. It's not surprising that there is a surveillance. It was indeed broken before but it has been repaired."

Mu Anan's face was as white as paper, and after adjusting his mental state, he said forcefully: "If you watch the surveillance, you should watch the surveillance. At that time, I clearly saw that you pushed me."

She said so, but her pale face had already betrayed her.

Li Tingxiao didn't care whether Mu An'an was pushed away by Mu Xiao. The anger in his heart came from the fact that Mu Xiao actually chose to trust Lapus between himself and Lapus. This was the point that touched his backlash. .

The staff present sighed.

Everyone whispered to each other.

Some employees even took the initiative to go to the monitoring room to ask for video, and the truth will soon surface...

Mu Xiao turned and left, not wanting to participate in these nonsensical farces: "The truth will be known soon, whether I pushed it or not, you will know for yourself."

After saying this, she left from the crowd.

Mu An'an felt wronged and came to Li Tingxiao's side to beg for mercy: "President Li, I was really pushed by her just now."

"It's fine if you know it yourself. You didn't get hurt anyway. They are all colleagues in the company. Some behaviors should be done in moderation." Li Tingxiao glanced sharply at Mu Anan.

Mu Anan trembled as if she had been seen through for an instant, and only after Li Tingxiao's back disappeared in front of her eyes did she breathe heavily.

Downstairs in the company.

At a glance, Li Tingxiao saw Mu Xiao and Leipusi chatting with smiles on their faces, and they seemed to be very harmonious.

"When I was talking to my colleagues just now, I had a cold expression on my face, but now I see Laps smiling like the sun in summer. It seems that I'm in a good mood!" Li Tingxiao said with frowned eyes.

The assistant beside him subconsciously tightened his shoulders. Hearing Li Tingxiao's words, he had the illusion that a storm was coming.

"Is Mr. Leps still leaving?" Li Tingxiao walked over to find fault, and spoke with a smiley face, while standing between the two of them, forcefully squeezing a place for himself.

How did he come here?

Mu Xiao frowned and glanced at Li Tingxiao, but he turned a blind eye.

"I was just about to invite Ms. Mu to have dinner with me." Leps smiled, and he subtly discovered what seemed to be happening between the two of them.

He remembered that before Li Tingxiao entered the office to take Mu Xiao away, the atmosphere between them was pretty normal.However, the worse their relationship was, the happier Leips was, and the smile on his face became wider with his frowning.

"I said I've lost weight recently." Mu Xiao tilted her head with a slight smile, and said politely to Leips.

"She doesn't eat dinner recently. I'll just take her home." Li Tingxiao answered quickly.

Seeing that Mu Xiao seemed to resist Li Tingxiao's invitation, Leips was secretly happy, and volunteered, "I don't know if I have the honor to send Miss Mu back."

"It's my honor to have Mr. Leps pick him up in person." Mu Xiao still smiled brightly.

In her eyes, Li Tingxiao was like an invisible person.

"That's great, please get in the car." Leps was pleasantly surprised.

Mu Xiao faced Laps' car in front of Li Tingxiao, and after getting in the car, she didn't even look at Li Tingxiao outside the car.

The car disappeared in front of his eyes, and the anger in Li Tingxiao's eyes became more and more intense. When Mu Xiao couldn't see Li Tingxiao through the rearview mirror in the car, he let out an inaudible sigh.

Leipus said tentatively, "There seems to be an unusual relationship between you and Li Tingxiao."

"Is it because you heard what he said?" Mu Xiao asked back.

Leipus smiled and shrugged, "Yes, he said that the relationship between you is very close, but I don't think so, I feel that the relationship between you seems to be..."

"There is no special relationship between me and him, at least not emotionally!" Mu Xiao retorted.

Laps tightened his hands on the steering wheel, he was a little disappointed, women always say what they mean, and Mu Xiao said that it has nothing to do with Li Tingxiao, so to a large extent, they should have a very close relationship, otherwise she wouldn't see her when she got in the car Keep looking in the rearview mirror.

She was clearly looking at Li Tingxiao behind her.

"Some things cannot be hidden, especially when there is someone in the heart, the eyes will easily see through the thoughts in the heart." Leps then cited evidence.

Mu Xiao was speechless.

She didn't expect that many of her actions had already shown that she cared about Li Tingxiao. She moved her butt uncomfortably, pursed her lips and felt restless.

Maybe it's a lingering affection from her previous life, Mu Xiao secretly guessed in her heart.

After Leipusi sent Mu Xiao home, he wanted to drink coffee, but Mu Xiao politely refused.She lazily returned home with her bag in her hand. She felt much better after taking a bath, but when she picked up the phone, she became inexplicably anxious again.

At this time, I had to find a good friend to talk about it.

"Are you free?" Mu Xiao found Fu Yanhan's dialog box and entered three words.

Soon there was a response over there: If you look for it, you are free anytime.

(End of this chapter)

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