Chapter 171 Try to Accept
"Divorce is a major matter that I will consider." Mu Xiao hesitated.

Wu Ran hated iron for being weak, and saw her indecisiveness: "Haven't you seen it, he only has himself in his heart, otherwise he will show up immediately when you suffer from online violence."

Mu Xiao lowered her eyes and looked down at the phone in her hand.

She thought that Li Tingxiao would send her a message, but there was no sound from the phone. She followed Fu Yanhan instead of leaving with him, but she was also a little sad.

She already knew that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. She had warned herself a long time ago not to expect him, but she still accidentally expected it.

Things like heart are really hard to control, just like now Wu Ran wants her to divorce, and Mu Xiao herself agrees rationally, but as soon as she thinks that the two of them really have nothing to do with each other, she Just... the heartache was so painful that I couldn't breathe, as if my left chest was blocked by a huge stone.

"He has always had his own reasons for doing things. Maybe he didn't help me because he was fettered by something." Mu Xiao smiled with difficulty.

Wu Ran was angry, and didn't want to say more to her: "You've disappointed me so much, you've been at home recently, don't go anywhere,"

Wu Ran directly locked Jiang Muxiao at home, and asked her to reflect on herself.

During this period, Wu Ran didn't let anyone in except Fu Yanhan.

When Mu Xiao was bored in the room, she would design some blueprints, read books or even watch TV shows, basically ignoring the gossip on the Internet.

As long as you don't look at the words of the Internet trolls, it seems that it is really a lot cleaner.

Her phone was out of battery, and she didn't want to charge it because she was afraid that there would be no messages from Li Tingxiao in the phone. After all, she still didn't want to let herself be too desperate for him.

"I heard from Wu Ran that you didn't eat much." Fu Yanhan would visit her every day, and Mu Xiao had heard the same words several times.

She gave the same answer as she did a few days ago: "If you don't really want to eat, just treat it as a weight loss."

She has no appetite and is not used to Wu Ran's food. Wu Ran eats Western food most of the time. She said Western food is simple and does not waste time.

"You are so thin, you don't need to lose weight, but I think you need to gain weight." Fu Yanhan basically talked to her about some very light topics.

Some irrelevant everyday gossip.

Mu Xiao smiled, her eyebrows and eyes became the shape of the moon: "Don't you know that most girls feel that they need to lose weight?"

"I also know that most girls are just talking, they should eat or eat." Fu Yanhan answered.

She froze, not knowing how to answer.

Recently, her thoughts have been a little chaotic, but she doesn't want to use her brain to think about any problems except for design, even if it's a joke between good friends, she hardly thinks about some jokes that require brain-twisting.

The two chatted for a while, and Wu Ran walked in after Fu Yanhan left.

"Fu Yanhan has always cared about you very much. Seeing you pretending to be indifferent, he was very sad and said he wished you would vent it." Wu Ran sighed after finishing speaking: "It is not easy for you to have a man like this, you should cherish it."

As long as you go to the downtown area, there will be a huge crowd of people on weekends. It looks like there are many people in the world, but there are not many people who really intersect with your own life.

Among those who meet, there are even fewer who love themselves.

"Treasure?" Mu Xiao murmured.

She seems to really not understand how to cherish: "If others treat me well, should I cherish others?"

"Are you sure you don't have any feelings for Fu Yanhan? At least you have to have good feelings to be friends for so long." Wu Ran continued to say good things for Fu Yanhan: "Look at Fu Yanhan, he is the one who is sincerely willing to give everything for you man."

Mu Xiao recalled the scenes of getting along with Fu Yanhan. He would show up when she needed company, and he would take the initiative to come out when she needed someone to protect her.

"You yourself should know what Fu Yanhan did for you. I believe you are not untouched." Wu Ran said firmly.

As women, she and Mu Xiao are good friends, and they know that Mu Xiao values ​​love and righteousness.

"She knew you didn't want to eat, so she bought you the jujube cake that you liked very much before. He drove for two hours and waited in line for more than half an hour to buy it." Wu Ran took out the jujube cake .

Mu Xiao moved her lips: "Why didn't he say that just now?"

"I was afraid that you would reject what he gave, so I asked me to bring it to you." Wu Ran really thought that Fu Yanhan was a good person, so he was willing to match the two.

Looking at the sour jujube cake, Mu Xiao was inexplicably moved, raised her hand to pick up a piece and put it in her mouth. At this moment, she had an idea in her heart, that is: she planned to try to accept Fu Yanhan's kindness.

It seems that after making up my mind, I feel much more comfortable.

I don't know if it's the sour jujube cake for appetizers or if I'm in a good mood and have a good appetite. In short, Mu Xiao ate two bowls of rice for the first time that night.

Just when she thought it was time for her to figure out how to live her life, in the middle of the night she dreamed of the face of the person who made things difficult for her.

In the dream, Li Tingxiao kept looking at her, and at him.

She wanted to step forward to see his eyes clearly, but she couldn't get close no matter what, and then suddenly a strange black mist appeared, wrapping her tightly...


Mu Xiao woke up startled.

Her chest heaved violently, and her mood suddenly became chaotic. She found that in her dream, she really wanted to get close to him. Mu Xiao was confused again, not knowing what her intentions were.

Li Tingxiao came to see Mu Xiao many times, but was stopped by Wu Ran.

"She is my legal wife, and I have the right to look for her." Li Tingxiao said in a bad temper.

When Wu Ran thought about it, it seemed that it was a bit wrong not to allow two people who are legally husband and wife to meet, but she thought that what she did was for Mu Xiao's benefit, so she didn't intend to compromise.

"It's your right to look for it wherever you want, anyway, no one is here with me." After speaking, he closed the door heavily.

Mu Xiao heard someone knocking on the door outside, and asked Wu Ran: "Is it a courier or someone is here?"

"No, you don't think Li Tingxiao will show up, do you?" Wu Ran preemptively struck, and sure enough, she said that Mu Xiao had nothing to say: "Don't think about that man, he didn't know where he was going. I also waited for him to come to you, but he never came."

As he said that, Wu Ran also found out a piece of news: "Look, Li Tingxiao will attend the dinner tonight, but he won't come to see you. Who knows who will be next to him at that time."

Mu Xiao felt lost for a while.

At the dinner party, Mu An'an deliberately acted very close to Li Tingxiao in front of outsiders, which made Li Tingxiao very uncomfortable. In a place where there were few people, he immediately said, "Let go! Just now, I was trying to save face for the Mu family, so don't push yourself too far."

Li Tingxiao wanted to get rid of her, but Mu Anan refused to let her go.

This picture of the two happened to be photographed, and the two in the picture looked like they were hugging like glue.

(End of this chapter)

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