Divorce, don't delay my abuse of green tea

Chapter 212 Another Olive Branch

Chapter 212 Another Olive Branch

As soon as the big man gave the order, the younger brothers around him began to smash the studio even more recklessly. Li Sijie stepped forward to stop him, but was besieged by the big man and his men. Within a moment, his body and face were covered with injuries.

The bastards didn't leave until the siren sounded.

"Why did the siren sound come from the room instead of outside?" Although Li Sijie was the most seriously injured, he was also the most rational.

Bo Wenyang claimed credit: "I just went to put a siren sound in the room, and they scared away."

"You're a little smart."

"If the police really come over, there will be endless follow-up. Our studio can't open yet. I'm also thinking about my own future." Bo Wenyang smiled helplessly.

When Mu Xiao came back, she happened to see Bo Wenyang helping Li Sijie with medicine.

She stepped forward to check Li Sijie's face with a worried face. An actor's face is the most important thing. If it is disfigured, then Li Sijie's stardom will be ruined.

"How can you fight with the bastard? The studio smashes it if they want to. As long as they use the mobile phone to take pictures and leave evidence, I don't believe that the police will not come to handle the matter." Mu Xiao looked at Li Sijie's face while road.

Li Sijie didn't think the matter was so simple: "These people dare to smash the store in broad daylight. They must have backgrounds. Our studio just started. I don't want you to spend all your energy on dealing with these bastards."

"Then what should we do?" Bo Wenyang asked back.

Mu Xiao was stunned for a moment, she really hadn't thought about this issue, she didn't know anyone at the police station, so it would be very troublesome to investigate secretly.

The only thing that is certain is that there will be some more troublesome things in the future.

Bo Wenyang saw that Mu Xiao had no countermeasures, so he couldn't help feeling a little emotional. After cursing those bastards, he complained to Mu Xiao: "If we are messed up by these bastards every now and then, the customers won't dare to come here."

"I will find a way." Mu Xiao fell silent after finishing speaking.

Bo Wenyang originally wanted to continue to ask Mu Xiao what to do, but Li Sijie gave him a vicious look, so he didn't dare to continue to ask.

Mu Xiao has figured out a way, that is to add cameras.

But it's useless.

The street overlord, a real-name gangster every now and then, comes up to harass him every few days.In the next few times, they also behaved peacefully. They didn't smash the store, but deliberately threatened the people in the studio and customers.

Anyway, I just don't want Mu Xiao to have the possibility of running the studio.

Seeing that the matter could not continue, Li Sijie found an opportunity to ask: "We must take countermeasures. If this continues, the employees in the studio may all leave their jobs."

"I also thought about going to the police, but the police just talked about those bastards, and the bastards will continue to come. It seems that violence can only be controlled with violence." Mu Xiao said calmly.

In the past few days, she has also been observing the behavior of those bastards.

It can be seen that it should be instigated by others, and now it is purely for the purpose of causing trouble, except for the first time after smashing the store, the intensity is not very strong.

To be precise, those bastards came here later to disgust Mu Xiao.

"This method is good. Have you found someone? If you don't have connections in this area, I have a solution." Li Sijie said lightly.

After a few days of tossing, now they are calm.

"I've already found someone. I hired a few bodyguards in front of the studio, and I also found some people. Once those bastards approach, they will be driven away by our people." Mu Xiao said calmly.

Li Sijie gave him an approving look, but he didn't expect Mu Xiao to think so carefully.

I thought that Mu Xiao was frightened by not chewing, but she had already done so many things in a quiet manner.

The next day, when those bastards came, the people hired by Mu Xiao easily cleaned them up, and those bastards didn't dare to continue to make trouble.

Even if they wanted to come later, they were all scolded and left.

The studio finally faded away.

Li Tingxiao knew exactly what happened at Mu Xiao's side. He had been secretly watching every move of Mu Xiao's studio.

When she knew about Mu Xiao's dealing with the bastard, she was very appreciative.

"She has been out to open a studio for a while, and she must have suffered. You go and find out. If she is willing to come back, I welcome her." Li Tingxiao instructed his assistant.

The assistant hesitated to speak.

He looked at Li Tingxiao, but he still didn't finish the words that were on his lips. He only said one sentence: "Yes, I'll go right away."

The assistant felt that since Mu Xiao could handle troublesome things by herself, Li Tingxiao's olive branch might not be effective at this time. After leaving Li Tingxiao's office, the assistant murmured: If a bastard appears, a hero will come to save the beauty, and then go to persuade Mrs. Come back, the odds are better.

The assistant only dared to say this behind Li Tingxiao's back.

He obediently followed Li Tingxiao's instructions to find Mu Xiao.

When Mu Xiao saw the assistant, she had a cold expression on her face: "Boss Li asked you to come?"

"Returning to Madam, Li always cares about you. Knowing that the outside world is not peaceful recently, I thought it would be safer for you to go back to the company, so let me pick you up personally."

The assistant is worthy of being an assistant, and what he said is very comfortable to listen to.

Mu Xiao didn't believe him: "Did Li Tingxiao really say these words?"

"Boss Li did ask me to invite you back." The assistant said tactfully.

He edited the nice words, but the assistant didn't dare to misunderstand what Li Tingxiao meant, seeing that Mu Xiao didn't gnaw, the assistant explained: "I'm just an assistant, and I always follow the president's orders, please trust me. "

Mu Xiao breathed out: "No need, I won't go back, so you don't need to believe it or not. Go back if you have nothing to do, I'm still busy here."

Immediately issued an expulsion order.

The assistant had no choice but to go back in despair, and told Li Tingxiao about Mu Xiao's reluctance to come back. Li Tingxiao sneered: "I see how long she can stay outside, and then she will know how dangerous the world is."

When Bo Wenyang saw his assistant coming, he felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and secretly persuaded him: "There is no overnight feud between husband and wife. Since Mr. Li has given you a step, you should go down. It is really hard for a woman to work hard outside." It's not easy."

Li Sijie couldn't listen anymore: "Bo Wenyang shut up your stinky mouth, what are you talking about, now that men and women are equal, men can work hard outside, but women can't?"

Mu Xiao nodded slowly, agreeing: "Yes, I will not give up."

Bo Wenyang had no choice but to leave.

Although he left Mu Xiao's office, he didn't go far, but eavesdropped at the door. He felt that Li Sijie would definitely say something to Mu Xiao when he was away.

(End of this chapter)

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