223 Escort

It was a familiar restaurant, because Li Tingxiao liked the food here, so when they had a good relationship, they would come here every now and then.

At that time, the nanny at home had already figured out the rules. As long as Mu Xiao said that she didn't need to cook at night, the nanny would know where they were going to eat. Even the nanny asked a little jealously: Which restaurant has such a good cook? I really want to learn it.

"Are you still used to the chicken soup? I haven't eaten here for a while, and I feel that the menu has changed a bit. I don't know if it's my taste or my state of mind." Li Tingxiao took a sip of the chicken soup gracefully with a white porcelain spoon in his right hand, and instantly Mouth full of chicken soup.

It seems that the taste of the soup is the same as before, but there seems to be something missing.

Mu Xiao lowered her head, took a sip, and replied lightly: "I think the taste is the same, not to mention whether I'm used to it or not, but I really like it."

Hearing that she liked it at first, Li Tingxiao frowned inaudibly: "If you like it, eat more."

Immediately after, Li Tingxiao brought her her favorite stir-fried yam slices: "I remember you used to like this, try it."

Even if Mu Xiao wanted to refuse, it was too late, she just opened her mouth and saw the yam in her bowl and chopsticks, but she really didn't like Li Tingxiao's feeling that everything seemed to be normal.

"I'll do it myself."

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

When the proprietress came to deliver the side dishes, she happened to hear this scene, and smiled enviously: "Young people are good, I feel happy watching you eat here, come more in the future, I will give you a discount. "

The proprietress is quite familiar with them and knows that they are partners.

Mu Xiao was about to open her mouth to explain something, mainly because she wanted to draw a clear line between her and Li Tingxiao, but after thinking about it carefully, they are indeed husband and wife legally.

"It's just, why haven't you come here recently?" The proprietress asked with concern.

"I've been too busy with work recently, thank you for the Laba beans prepared by the lady boss." Li Tingxiao naturally served Mu Xiao some food, and at the same time talked to the lady boss perfunctorily.

The proprietress immediately heard the implication in Li Tingxiao's words, "You're welcome, as long as you like to eat, then eat slowly, and just call me if you need anything."

"Thank you." Mu Xiao nodded politely.

The proprietress is so enthusiastic that she is too embarrassed to be cold-faced.

Seeing Mu Xiao's bright smile, even if the smile stopped abruptly when the proprietress left, Li Tingxiao felt happy, "It seems that you really like this place, I should eat with you more, especially when I come to you Favorite hotel."

Mu Xiao lowered her head and said nothing.

She just wanted to finish eating quickly and leave quickly: "Didn't I come here to find design inspiration, I don't think I provided any inspiration."

The muttering was very small, but Li Tingxiao heard it with sharp ears. The corners of his mouth curled slightly and his brows were raised. He continued to drink the soup, pretending that he didn't hear her little complaint.

As long as he is with her, as long as he can see her eating well and occasionally smiling, he thinks it's worth it. As for what method he used to get her to come, he doesn't care at all.

Even if he bears the reputation of "bad guy".

After the meal, the two left the restaurant. As soon as the driver saw the two coming out, he drove over. Li Tingxiao opened the door and invited her to get in the car.

"The reverse is the opposite when we go home. It's not very far from where I live. I'll just walk back." She ate a bit too much and wanted to walk to digest it.

Furthermore, he didn't want to ride in Li Tingxiao's car again.

Li Tingxiao put his hand stiffly on the car door, and watched Mu Xiao wave his hand to leave.The moment she turned to leave him, the smile on Mu Xiao's face stopped abruptly, and she let out an inaudible breath.

She patted her face lightly with both hands, and said in her heart: Finally, the meal is over.

She worked very hard to show that she was just a collaborator. No matter how intimate Li Tingxiao showed, she politely avoided it. Now that she thinks about it, Mu Xiao can't wait to reward herself with a huge little red flower.

"Ah!" Suddenly Mu Xiao accidentally twisted her foot.

She sat down on the flower bed by the roadside, looked down at her shoes, and found that her heels were worn out. Looking at the wounds, Mu Xiao couldn't help but frown: "It's not necessarily a bad thing if the shoes are broken, otherwise the heels might be damaged." It's gotten worse."

After finishing speaking, he sighed heavily.

On this day, after eating a delicious meal, I felt bad.

There were still three stops to go, and she might not be able to walk back. Just as Mu Xiao was about to hit the taxi, a pair of familiar black leather shoes appeared in front of her eyes. She looked up and saw Li Tingxiao's familiar face.

"Don't act like you've never seen me in shock. You've been let in the car a long time ago. You're going to suffer now." Li Tingxiao's face was expressionless, and his voice was calm. For a moment, Mu Xiao didn't know if he was just mocking or caring. .

"I can go back by myself, you don't need to care."

A look of displeasure appeared on Li Tingxiao's originally expressionless face. Before she could figure out what was going on, she was already in the air.

"Why are you carrying me on your back?"

"Otherwise, can you go back?"

"I can take a taxi."

"To shut up."

She had been betrayed by others, so she had no choice but to obey, otherwise, if Li Tingxiao got offended, what would he do if he threw him out? For the safety of life, she should shut up.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie.

The door opened, Li Sijie and Fu Yanhan were in the room, Li Tingxiao and the two men in the room were all stunned.It seems that each other is shocked why they saw each other here.

"Let me in first. Please, everyone." Mu Xiao stroked her forehead, the three of them blocked the door with three huge pillars, and she neither entered nor exited.

"What's wrong with your feet?" Fu Yanhan noticed that Mu Xiao was limping when he walked in.

Mu Xiao shrugged, and said indifferently: "The shoe is broken, and the foot is hurt a little, it's okay."

While talking about her looking for the medicine box on her own, Fu Yanhan found the medicine box first, and wanted to give Mu Xiao some medicine, but Mu Xiao quickly stopped her: "I just need a Band-Aid, thank you."

She didn't feel that she was so delicate.

When Mu Xiao was putting on the band-aid, she suddenly heard Li Sijie order to evict the guest: "Mr. Li, it's all right here, you can go back first."

Li Tingxiao glanced at Mu Xiao who was about to speak when the assistant turned on the phone and said that the company had something urgent to do. The assistant on the other end of the phone was waiting for Li Tingxiao to reply, but he didn't say a word.

At the same time, Li Sijie and Fu Yanhan looked at Mu Xiao together, and said in unison with serious faces: "Are you reconciled?"

"What nonsense, he is our partner, just to discuss the design, so I came back late, you two should go back quickly." Mu Xiao only felt that the situation was too complicated now, and only hoped that They all go, so that they can be alone.

(End of this chapter)

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