Chapter 34 I Adore You

Wu Ran looked at Li Sijie appreciatively, rubbing her fingers, among other things, this Li Sijie is really dedicated to his work, if Mu Xiao is really with this Li Sijie, it's not impossible.

Ideas popped up in my mind one after another.

"You really did dig a treasure this time. Look at him, he is really dedicated." Wu Ran nodded slightly.

Mu Xiao was also very happy to hear Wu Ran praise her.

Soon Li Sijie's presentation was over.

"You are really good. It is really right to invite you to be a model."

Wu Ran was not stingy, and praised Li Sijie.

Li Sijie blushed slightly, he knew Wu Ran's identity, and he was a little embarrassed to hear the other party praise him like this.

"Thank you for your compliment, the main thing is that Mu Xiao's design is good."

He didn't dare to take the credit, so he quickly put the credit on Mu Xiao.

This operation of his made Wu Ran appreciate him even more. He is not impetuous. In their circle, impetuous people can't go very far.

He has always liked humble juniors.

"You are really great." Mu Xiao nodded, agreeing with what Wu Ran said very much.

"Thank you, Senior Wu and Mu Xiao, for your praise. In fact, I admire Senior Wu very much."

Li Sijie has actually been in this circle for a long time, and he has been struggling. I don't know how many days it took to get to this position and get acquainted with Mu Xiao and the others.

My heart is also very emotional.

"I don't need to say anything about my predecessors. On the road of design, I have taken a step or two more than you. To reach the level of truly admirable, I guess there is still a lot of way to go."

Probably because he met a humble person, Wu Ran also had a rare moment of humility.

When Mu Xiao heard this, she felt a little funny. If someone like Wu Ran could only be regarded as taking a step or two more on the road of design, then what are they juniors?
"Okay, don't be humble."

After Mu Xiao finished speaking, she asked Li Sijie to sit down, "You two sit down and talk first, and I'll get you a cup of coffee."

She felt that Li Sijie had just finished the show, and it was a bit hard, and the master was also chatting with her, so she should be a little thirsty.

And she did this for another purpose, that is, to get along with Wu Ran and Li Sijie.

For Li Sijie, it should be very difficult to have the opportunity to meet Wu Ran. If he can get some advice from Wu Ran, it will be very helpful to him in the future.

In the tea room, she picked up the coffee beans and started making coffee.

While making coffee, he wondered if the design of some places was inappropriate when Li Sijie showed it just now.

Soon, the coffee is ready.

She came out with two cups of coffee, and saw that Wu Ran and Li Sijie got along very well.

The phrase "meet and hate late" was probably created for the two of them. Mu Xiao smiled and walked over, "What are you talking about? It feels like the two of you are having a good chat."

Wu Ran picked up the coffee and took a sip, "Your coffee making skills have improved."

"During this period of time, I have spent a lot of thought on this design."

Li Sijie looked at the relationship between the two of them, and was very envious in his heart. He also hoped that a big boss like Wu Ran would lead him.

"Master, show me the blueprint next."

Mu Xiao thought for a while, and then said it was time to get down to business.

When I was making coffee just now, I thought that there might be some problems with her design draft.

Hearing Mu Xiao talk about the design drawings, Li Sijie didn't dare to be careless.

"You take me there, let's take a look together."

Although Wu Ran's personality is a bit weird, she always upholds a very rigorous attitude towards design.

Mu Xiao unfolded the design drawing and flattened it out. Although it is said that there is an electronic design draft, she is used to drawing it by hand first.

And hand-painted ones are often more inspiring than electronic manuscripts.

Wu Ran looked at her design drawing carefully, "Look here, and here, do these two places not get along so well with other places? There is a feeling of incompatibility."

There is indeed something wrong in two places, mainly because of Mu Xiao's color matching.

But it seemed that Mu Xiao didn't notice it.

So Wu Ran pointed it out to her.

Mu Xiao followed Wu Ran's fingertips to those two places.

These two places are indeed a bit incompatible, but it seems to be okay.

"Master, what's wrong with these two places?"

"There is no problem with your overall design idea, but the color matching of these two places is a bit too eye-catching, and the color should be lighter."

Wu Ran was not stingy, and told her her thoughts.

When Wu Ran said this, Mu Xiao finally got the clouds to open to see the sunrise.

It turned out that there was a problem with the color matching, no wonder she couldn't detect it.

Then she modified the color scheme according to Wu Ran's intention, so it really felt more harmonious.

"Master, after hearing what you said, I feel like I understand." Mu Xiao nodded repeatedly.

"The main reason is that your experience is too little. The problem of color matching is actually very simple, but your experience is not enough, so you will make mistakes on these small problems."

It's really a question that shouldn't be committed, so Wu Ran has a bit of a venomous tongue.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to this issue next time."

Although Wu Ran sometimes has some poisonous snakes, but Mu Xiao will not be glassy because of these.

Li Sijie was still sitting by the side watching their discussion.

To be honest, he felt that Wu Ran's words were a bit hurtful, but he also admired Mu Xiao, who could be so flexible under the pressure of her seniors, and would not be sad because of the reprimands from her seniors.

"Okay, in this case, you look at the revision, and don't make this mistake next time."

After Wu Ran finished speaking, she picked up the coat that was on the chair, and was about to go out.

"Master, where are you going?"

Mu Xiao was a little curious.

"I don't think there's anything else going on here. I went to drink with Fu Yanhan."

"That's fine, master, pay attention to safety on the road."

Mu Xiao didn't want to stay, since the master has something to do, let's take care of his business first, even though she just wanted to treat him to a meal.

Wu Ran drove to Fu Yanhan's bar.

"It's here, it's pretty fast." Fu Yanhan was mixing wine at this time.

Looking up, he saw Wu Ran coming in from the door.

"Come and try the wine I just mixed today."

Speaking of which, Fu Yanhan pushed the wine glass towards Wu Ran.

Wu Ran picked it up slightly every day, "Is there a new wine today?"

Picking up the wine glass, he took a sip, "This wine is better than yesterday's, not as strong as yesterday, and has a bit of fruity aroma."

"I met Li Sijie today, this young man is quite humble."

Wu Ran found a seat and sat down, and Fu Yanhan came over with a few bottles of wine.

"You are lucky to come here today."

Shaking the wine in his hand, he smiled slightly, "It seems that you have a good impression of him."

"It's okay, you should know him too, so what do you think of him?"

(End of this chapter)

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