Divorce, don't delay my abuse of green tea

Chapter 59 Always Worry About Her

Chapter 59 Always Worry About Her
Hearing Mu Xiao say that he was in a good mood, Li Sijie also felt a lot happier.

Seeing that it was too late, Li Sijie sent Mu Xiao downstairs and said good night to her.

Mu Xiao was in a good mood, she almost forgot about the unpleasant things just now, and went upstairs with a relaxed pace.

He found that Li Tingxiao was still sitting on the bed with a bad face waiting for Mu Xiao, and when he saw Mu Xiao came back, he immediately asked questions.

"Why did you and Li Sijie leave early? Where did you go? Did he send you back?"

Mu Xiao's mood improved just now, but she was agitated by Li Tingxiao's blatant questioning.

Li Tingxiao is really, can't you be more reassuring about her, why do you always interrogate her like this?

Go forward and argue with Li Tingxiao.

"What do you mean, are you questioning me?"

Li Tingxiao felt that Mu Xiao was avoiding the question, and felt even more upset, calling for Mu Xiao to answer.

Mu Xiao was speechless, "Why do you care so much, leave me alone."

Li Tingxiao was furious, but he held back his temper and stood up, and came to Mu Xiao, wanting to explain clearly to her.

Unexpectedly, before she could speak, Mu Xiao opened her mouth and continued.

"Li Tingxiao, this marriage is not happy in the first place. If you like Mu An'an, at worst, divorce now. You can find someone else to replace me. I don't care."

After speaking, he pushed Li Tingxiao away and walked to the bathroom. Hearing what Mu Xiao said, Li Tingfeng was so angry that if he stayed here, he would have to argue with Mu Xiao for [-] rounds.

Li Tingxiao glanced at the bathroom, breathing heavily, opened the door and walked out, then closed it firmly.

Mu Xiao, who heard the loud noise, ignored it, and only thought that this was what Li Tingxiao was thinking in his heart, and he was out of breath.

The next day, Li Sijie started to shoot another magazine cover. Unlike usual, this time he was outdoors.

Li Sijie, who was sitting in the temporary shed, was sending a message to Mu Xiao, reporting on his work today.

The weather was too good and the sun was too strong, so the staff took a long break temporarily.

Li Sijie, who was notified, planned to take a nap and take a rest.He was woken up by a sudden male voice.

"Good morning sir."

Li Sijie slowly opened his eyes, and saw a familiar yet unfamiliar face, but after much deliberation, he still couldn't figure out who he was.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

"Hello, it's like this. I'm a scout for a company that cultivates actors. I noticed your previous works. I think your qualifications are very good. I just want to ask you if you are interested in being an actor and filming."

Li Sijie was taken aback, "Scout? Could it be that he is so handsome?"

Li Sijie was elated in his heart.

Seeing that Li Sijie didn't answer, he thought he was worried that he was a liar, so he took out a business card from his bag and handed it to Li Sijie.

"Look at this, this is my business card, you can think about it."

Li Sijie took the business card, looked at You and looked up at the assistant beside him, neither agreeing nor refusing on the spot.

"Okay, I'll think about it, thank you."

After the scout left, Li Sijie excitedly turned on his phone and dialed a video call to Mu Xiao.

Mu Xiao, who just picked up the video, is packing up her things and preparing to leave work. She has no tasks today and is planning to go home.

"What's wrong, Sijie."

Li Sijie pretended to be suspenseful, smiling and showing the business card in his hand to the camera.Due to the too much sunlight, Mu Xiao, who was on the opposite side of the phone, could not see clearly what was written on the business card.

"What suspense do you have, kid, just say it directly."

Li Sijie didn't play around anymore, and put away his business card so that his face reappeared on the screen.

"Just now a scout asked me if I wanted to go filming, saying that I have good qualifications, what do you think, Sister Mu Xiao?"

After talking about it, Li Sijie himself was too embarrassed to go up.

"You yourself, what do you think, the other party is not a liar, right?"

"I just checked, and there is indeed this company, and the company is quite famous, and the scout is also very good, and has brought out many big stars. If I agree, then I will be a big star, right? Give you a long face."

Listening to Li Sijie talking endlessly with a smile on his face, Mu Xiao knew that Li Sijie must also be interested in filming, otherwise he wouldn't know so much about it, and kept praising him, even thinking about his future appearance. All right.Isn't that just hoping to give an affirmative answer?

But Mu Xiao didn't like it, she wanted to tease him.

"I think it's better to forget it, just you? Don't waste time. It's better to take your picture."

Seeing that the joy on Liszt's face disappeared suddenly, replaced by a wronged expression, Mu Xiao couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you, I support you, if you want to go, you can go, filming is also very good, when you become a big star, just don't forget about us."

After the two discussed, Li Sijie decided to agree to the scout's request and become an actor.

On the other hand, Li Tingxiao knew that Mu Xiao would go home early today, so he turned off his evening work and thought about going home to have a good talk with Mu Xiao, so he would definitely not lose his temper.

But when he got home, he couldn't wait for Mu Xiao to come back. He called Mu Xiao's studio and found out that Mu Xiao had gone to find Li Sijie.

Feeling depressed for a moment, Li Tingxiao breathed harder, called Li Sijie's assistant, and asked her to help him insinuate where Li Sijie was going next.

After asking the assistant for an accurate answer, he set off for the restaurant.

Li Tingxiao came to the restaurant one step earlier than Li Sijie and Mu Xiao, and sat in an inconspicuous position waiting for the two of them to arrive.

After a while, Mu Xiao and Li Sijie arrived late, and they followed the waiter to the pre-ordered seat, which happened to be near where Li Tingxiao was sitting.

Li Tingxiao immediately picked up the magazine and covered it in front of his face, so as not to let Mu Xiao and Li Sijie find him.

When they had all the dishes served and Li Sijie was about to add Mu Xiao's dishes, Li Tingxiao couldn't sit still.

Came to their table, opened the chair and sat down cheekily.

The three of them looked at each other, and when Mu Xiao saw Li Tingxiao sitting down inexplicably, she rolled her eyes at him speechlessly.

Seeing Mu Xiao's expression, Li Sijie felt that she must not want to see Li Tingxiao, so he thought about it.

"Sister Mu Xiao, the night market yesterday was fun, why don't you go there again after we finish eating."

Li Sijie glanced at Li Tingxiao, raised his eyebrows, and looked provocative.

Mu Xiao only thought that both of them were naive, and she ate the food in her own bowl with her head down, not bothering to pay attention to them.

Hearing what Li Sijie said, Li Tingxiao thought that Mu Xiao went with Li Sijie yesterday, so he went to the night market to play, and remembered the spring breeze on Mu Xiao's face when he entered the door yesterday, and he felt awkward and jealous.

Looking into Li Sijie's eyes, he stretched out his hand and took a piece of paper to wrap around Mu Xiao's neck, and gently wiped off the sauce on the corner of Mu Xiao's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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