Chapter 84 Are You Stupid?

Mu Xiao shook her head, she seemed to be able to see the smug face of Li Sijie on the opposite side through the screen, and smiled.

"Li Sijie, are you stupid?"

"Are you not afraid that you will be discovered if you do this?"

Li Sijie probably guessed Mu Xiao's mood from the text sent by Mu Xiao, and his own mood also improved with her.

"I'm very careful, she can't find it."

After reading the message, Mu Xiao felt almost in a good mood, and her energy was back, and she was about to turn off her phone and start working.But the phone beeped again.

But at this time, Li Sijie was playing with a lot of fun, and his plan to coax Mu Xiao had just begun.

In addition to thinking of ways to avenge Mu Xiao last night, he racked his brains to think of a way to make Mu Xiao happy all night.

Li Sijie, who had done his homework, tapped on the keyboard confidently.

"I heard that watching martial arts movies can help you lose weight, do you know why?"

Mu Xiao turned on the phone screen that was about to go out, looked at the dialog box and thought for a few seconds.


Li Sijie got a satisfactory answer, and began to shake his head.

"Because people inside often say, you should lose weight."

"You can't be skinny."

Mu Xiao was taken aback for a moment before realizing it, and suddenly laughed.

All the people around looked at her, which made her feel a little embarrassed, and kept lowering her head to bury herself.

"What, your cold joke is cold enough."

Li Sijie will not let it go.

"Then let me tell you a story."

"Xiao Ming's teacher has a bald head. Once in class, he said: If my left hand is the positive pole and my right hand is the negative pole, what will happen if I hold my hands together? Xiao Ming's deskmate replied: Your brain will light up."

It was obviously a very cold and cold joke, but Mu Xiao still laughed out loud when she saw this.

Not only did she find the joke funny, but she also found Li Sijie's childish appearance making her happy like this funny.

"You are so boring."

"Really, Sister Mu Xiao, I'm so happy to see you smiling."

Mu Xiao was taken aback, ah, that's not right, how did Li Sijie know that he was smiling.

Suddenly she was patted on the shoulder from behind, and she turned her head.

What appeared in front of her was an ugly frog doll that had always been very ugly.

Mu Xiao hugged the doll, and it was Li Sijie who appeared behind the frog.

While being amused by the ugly frog, she was also a little shocked by Li Sijie's sudden appearance.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be on the crew now?"

Li Sijie pulled a chair and sat opposite Mu Xiao.

"Didn't you say my story was boring? You laughed so hard just now."

Mu Xiao smiled at the frog in her hand, and raised it to block Li Sijie's view of herself.

"You didn't come to see me because of what happened yesterday, did you?"

After finishing speaking, he put down the doll and looked into Li Sijie's eyes.

Li Sijie, who was poked in the center of his mind, hesitated a little, scratched his head and turned his face to the other side, not looking at Mu Xiao.

Mu Xiao smiled, turned around and put the frog on the table, and started to turn on the computer.

"I'm really fine. You're being tricky and telling jokes. I laughed all morning and didn't even start working."

Seeing Mu Xiao who was at ease and didn't seem to be lying, Li Sijie felt relieved and got up and pushed the chair back.

"It's fine if you're happy, then I'll go first, Sister Mu Xiao, goodbye and see you by fate."

Back at the company, Li Tingxiao was sitting at his desk, but he hadn't turned on the computer either.

It seemed that Mu Xiao could still be seen in front of his eyes, and he could hear her crying and how she was being bullied.

The more he thought about it, the lower the air pressure around Li Tingxiao, and he looked like he was not close to strangers.

The door was knocked.


The assistant came in with some documents, stood beside Li Tingxiao respectfully, and handed the documents to his desk.

"Boss Li, are you looking for me?"

Li Tingxiao didn't open the folder or speak, but leaned on the armchair and stared at the blacked-out computer.

The assistant was so frightened by the silence that he didn't know what to do, and he didn't dare to speak, let alone leave directly.

Li Tingxiao was wearing a black suit as usual, but now he looked more indifferent and frightening than before.

The assistant swallowed at the side, and after waiting for a long time, Li Tingxiao did not speak, so he could only ask tentatively.

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll go first?"

"Is there some cooperation with the Mu family recently?"

Li Tingxiao picked up the file on the desktop, casually opened it and began to read it.

"Yes, the Mu family..."

Before the assistant explained the situation clearly, Li Tingxiao put the file back on the desktop and interrupted.

"Cut off all cooperation."


The assistant was a little surprised, but it was not good to interfere with Li Tingxiao's thoughts.

"Cut off all recent cooperation. And stop investment and expatriate personnel."

"If people from their company come, you will understand."


"Go out first."

The assistant didn't want to ask too much, just nodded in surprise and puzzled, and went out with the documents about the Mu family's cooperation.

The matter of cutting off the cooperation was carried out very quickly, and the news was notified to Father Mu as soon as possible.

Father Mu, who was sitting in the office, coughed angrily after hearing the news.

He had been relying on cooperating with Li Tingxiao to run the company, and now it was a good thing. He managed to get in touch with him, but because his wife troubled Li Tingxiao's wife, the cooperation was terminated.

Without Li Tingxiao's investment support, the Mu family's company would not last long.

Father Mu patted his chest, calmed down, and drove to the downstairs of Li Tingxiao's company. He adjusted the expression on his face and looked flattering.

After entering the lobby, after greeting the front desk with a smile, he went straight to Li Tingxiao's office.

But Li Tingxiao's assistant stopped him at the elevator exit in time.

"I'm sorry, our President Li is having an important meeting right now, so it's inconvenient to meet with you."

Father Mu stopped in his tracks, wanted to be angry but could only hold back.

"I can wait for him to finish the meeting."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mu, Mr. Li really doesn't have time today, please cooperate with my work."

Seeing that the assistant was about to call the security guards, Father Mu had no choice but to take a step back.

He returned to Mu's house in a rage, and lost his temper at Mu's mother as soon as he entered the door.

"You, you, you are so impulsive!"

Mu's mother kowtowed melon seeds and watched TV, but after being told by Mu's father, she lost all good mood.

"What do you mean, you."

"If you hadn't gone to Mu Xiao's company to make trouble, would Li Tingxiao have withdrawn the capital, and cut off most of the cooperation, what will you do now!"

The more Father Mu talked, the more excited he became, he fell on the sofa and gasped for breath.

Although Mu's mother was confused, she understood that the cooperation was cut off because of herself.Seeing Father Mu who was so angry, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

"Then I... I didn't know such a thing would happen."

Father Mu glanced at the nervous Mother Mu, and shook his head in distaste and helplessness.

"It happened, so let's think about what to do next."

(End of this chapter)

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