Divorce, don't delay my abuse of green tea

Chapter 92 He's Unworthy

Chapter 92 He's Unworthy

Mu Xiao, who was sitting in front of the computer, looked at the computer that was not turned on with dark circles under her eyes, and couldn't help but be in a daze.

Last night, because of the matter between Li Sijie and Li Tingxiao, she had conflicts all night and hardly slept much.

Throughout the night, Mu Xiao tossed and turned on the bed, rarely even closing her eyes.Because as soon as she closed her eyes, she seemed to be able to see Li Tingxiao standing in front of her, asking herself with a cold face who she should choose.

Mu Xiao rubbed her sore eyes, and checked the time on her phone, it was exactly three o'clock in the afternoon.

She made up her mind and rushed to Li Sijie's shooting location.

After arriving at the place, she went directly to Li Sijie's rest area without saying a word, but didn't see Li Sijie, and stopped a passing assistant.

"Hello, where is Li Sijie?"

The assistant raised his eyes to look at the woman in front of him, and found that it was Mu Xiao, his eyelids trembled, and hesitantly called out to Li Sijie who was waiting to be filmed.

"Si Jie, someone is looking for you."

Li Sijie, who was playing with an actress, heard someone calling him, and looked back subconsciously.

The moment he saw Mu Xiao, his face was filled with uncontrollable joy.

After yesterday, he was still a little worried that Mu Xiao would be angry with him, and he didn't want to meet him, and planned to find a time to apologize.At this time, Mu Xiao took the initiative to find him, not to mention how excited he was.

"I'm coming."

He trotted to Mu Xiao's side in two steps and one step at a time, and the assistant also winked and pulled the passing actors away, leaving only Mu Xiao and Li Sijie.

"Sister Mu Xiao, I was sorry yesterday."

Standing in front of Mu Xiao, Li Sijie could see her expression clearly.

At this time, Mu Xiao was not like the one who came to visit the class before, but had no expression on his face and even had some sense of distance.

Li Sijie thought that Mu Xiao was angry with him, so he touched his head and apologized quickly.

Mu Xiao didn't take Li Sijie's words, but slowly moved back a step, so that she and Li Sijie were not so close.

While the two looked at each other, Mu Xiao broke the silence.

"Stop thinking about me."

"I told you before, to work hard is not to think about something, spend time investigating me and pay attention to me."

"If you cross the line again, I'll leave and let someone else take over."

Li Sijie was obviously at a loss, and became nervous. He didn't expect Mu Xiao to come to him to talk about these things, and he panicked.

"It's even possible that we can't even be friends."

Mu Xiao looked firmly at Li Sijie's distracted eyes, and resolutely said the last word.

Li Sijie grabbed the corner of his clothes in a panic and kept rubbing it.

"I'm sorry, Miss Mu Xiao, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this."

"I won't in the future, can you not leave me?"

Mu Xiao didn't want to listen any longer, she didn't want to stay any longer, she took one last look at Li Sijie and left mercilessly.

Only Li Sijie was left in a daze, looking down at the place where Mu Xiao was standing just now.

His thoughts were completely taken away by Mu Xiao, and he was like an emotionless marionette at this moment.

Yu Qi waited until Mu Xiao left, and walked over from the side until he could no longer see anyone.

He just saw a part of it. From the moment Li Sijie became flustered, he just came to discuss the plot with Li Sijie, but encountered a scene that he shouldn't have encountered.

Looking at the distraught Li Sijie, Yu Qi felt it was funny.

Standing beside Li Sijie, he couldn't help laughing as he looked at the corners of his clothes that were crumpled by Li Sijie.

"What's the matter, I'm so nervous seeing your goddess, my clothes are going to be torn."

Li Sijie, who didn't make any movement at all, was told by Yu Qi that all grievances and anger rushed up.

Li Sijie looked up at Yu Qi, and seeing the uncontrollable smile on his face, he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart.

He gathered all the Qi together and scattered it all over his body.

Li Sijie pushed him away, and he staggered back a few steps.

"What are you laughing at, is it funny?"

"If you come to see my jokes, are you satisfied?!"

Li Sijie blushed with excitement, and clenched his fists tightly.

Yu Qi looked at Li Sijie with red eyes, his face slowly regained his composure, stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder and shook his head.

Yu Qi didn't say anything more, and he didn't mean to laugh at Li Sijie, but no matter how he explained it, it would seem pale and powerless at this time.

Next, Li Sijie participated in the filming even more indifferently.

"Li Sijie, what the hell are you doing?"

The actress who played against Li Sijie got angry again and again, because Li Sijie was not in the mood at all, either he remembered his movements wrong or he forgot to follow his lines, and he was like a wilted cucumber.

Li Sijie's current negative emotions have seriously delayed the filming process and angered several actors.

Yu Qi watched anxiously and helplessly off the court.Now it is very difficult for Li Sijie to adjust his emotions, let alone get him back to the state to film well.

"Li Sijie, come here."

Yu Qi waved his hand to signal Li Sijie to leave.

"The director is calling you, hurry up and go."

The actress patted Li Sijie who was in a daze impatiently to wake him up. After regaining his senses, Li Sijie glanced at Yu Qi with his hips akimbo, and then came to him with his head down.

Yu Qi patted the chair next to him and told Li Sijie to sit down. He had something to say.

"Li Sijie, I know you are feeling uncomfortable and unwilling, but what can you do?"

"The only thing you can do is to film well and show your sister Mu Xiao that you can make achievements."

Li Sijie couldn't hear what Yu Qi was saying at all, and continued to be in a state of emptiness, waiting until Yu Qi stopped making a sound before speaking.

"Drink with me."

Yu Qi's closed lips trembled, why did Li Sijie look like he had lost his love, what kind of wine did he drink to relieve his sorrow?Do you still have to drag yourself to drink and find someone to vent your emotions?

It didn't mean that he refused, Li Sijie got up and dragged him away from the set.

Yu Qi wanted to use the filming as an excuse to rush the schedule, but thinking that Li Sijie was not in good condition and couldn't shoot, he didn't say anything and let Li Sijie drag him into the car and drive to the bar.

Holding a wine glass in one hand and propping his chin in the other, Li Sijie seemed to be a different person. He was no longer as taciturn as he was on the set just now, and now he was eloquent.

Li Sijie dragged Yu Qi to drink a lot of wine, drinking one cup after another, and kept calling Mu Xiao's name.

After several rounds, Yu Qi had already started to get a little drunk.

Li Sijie was already drunk, lying on the bar counter with a flushed face, muttering.

"Why... why does Li Tingxiao have Mu Xiao?"

"He is not worthy... He is not good to Mu Xiao at all... He is not worthy..."

The voice became smaller and smaller until Li Sijie had no strength to say another word, and finally lay down on the bar counter and passed out with Yu Qi's head next to his head.

(End of this chapter)

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