Chapter 129 The Wild Wolf Is Hungry
Li Yuyan: "..."

Seeing that his eyes were covered with a white veil, she knew that he would not be able to see him in the near future. If not, she almost thought that there was contempt in this man's eyes.

Li Jiajia ran excitedly, crossed the road, bypassed the carriage in the East Palace, and saw Ye Yiheng standing...

She hurriedly stopped and hurriedly saluted: "Your Highness, Your Highness, my servant has seen Your Highness."

Ye Yiheng nodded lightly: "Get up."

"Sister, sorry, I can't go back to Li's house tonight." Li Yuyan glanced at someone.

Li Jiajia didn't see Li Yuyan's signal eyes, but said: "After making an appointment with my sister this morning, I have already asked Qin Xiang to bring the message back. My mother must have cooked delicious dishes for us to finish school."

Li Jiajia climbed onto Li Yuyan's arm, and said to Ye Yiheng: "Your Highness, your lord has a large number, can you allow my sister to go home with the minister?"

Li Yuyan knew very well that if someone came to pick her up in person, she definitely didn't want her to go back to Li's house casually.

Just when they thought he would not agree, he said, "Yes."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Just when the two sisters were jumping for joy, Ye Yiheng said again: "Go alone."

His voice was cold, with an undeniable tone.

The sisters petrified on the spot.

Just when Li Yuyan was in a daze, Ye Yiheng raised his hand: "Princess Fugu."

Helpless, someone was blind and weak, Li Yuyan gritted her molars, and helped someone into the carriage.

Li Yuye, who stayed in the teaching dormitory for a while, walked out of the gate of the Imperial College while chatting with his classmates, and saw this scene as soon as he turned his head.

Is the prince still a man, and asked her to help him get into the carriage?
If Li Yuyan was his own sister, he would definitely rush forward at this moment and punch the prince in the face.So that the prince understands how to hurt people!

But things backfired, her sister was long gone.

The girl in front of her is the sister of the Ningyuan Hou Mansion.

If possible, he hopes to make up for one or two things in her, so that the guilt towards his sister in his heart may be reduced.

The classmate called Li Yuye: "Brother Li, what are you looking at?"

Li Yuye withdrew his gaze: "It's nothing."

Not long after, the Donggong carriage and Li's carriage left one after the other.

Li Yuye turned his eyes to the direction where the carriage was leaving again. The Tianjia is the darkest place in the world where intrigues, intrigues, and bloody storms prevail.

Everyone in the Tian family has several faces, one for you today and another for you tomorrow.

The people of the Tian family are ruthless and cruel. If they want to torture people, they have plenty of ways.

She shouldn't have married the prince! ——
Early in the morning, Feng's maid in the second room came to report to Feng and Li Manting, saying that Li Yuyan was coming back tonight.

After the palace banquet, Li Manting returned to Li's house from Prince Liang's mansion.

Therefore, when returning home from school, Mrs. Li brought Feng Shi and Li Manting to wait in the front yard, intending to trip Li Yuyan.

When the carriage arrived at Li's house, Li Yuyan was about to help him, but was pushed away by him.

Ye Yiheng straightened his robe: "I'm going to have something to do here, so you go back first."

The second master of Li, Li Zonghui, treated Li Yuyan pretty well, so it was hard for him to go empty-handed.

"Okay." Li Yuyan nodded, thinking that he had changed his mind temporarily and didn't want to go.

It's fine not to go.

Li Yuyan and Li Jiajia entered the mansion happily.

The footsteps just stepped in, and after a few steps, I heard an angry shout: "You still have the face to come back?"

Mrs. Li and Mrs. Feng came out from behind the screen wall, and Mrs. Feng was followed by Li Manting. The three women stared at Li Yuyan together.

Mrs. Li was stunned for a while, thinking about the swearing words for the whole day, but now seeing Li Yuyan's flawless face, she choked.

The fifth granddaughter in front of her has shiny white skin and a slender waist, which is very similar to her dead mother.

After all, it has the blood of Jiangnan women, with soft skin and slender waist, which is enough to make many women in Kyoto envious.

As for the face, only two points resemble her mother, and the remaining eight points are the source of her stunning appearance!
How did she detoxify and remove the plaque?
But, I have to admit, how many people are there in Tiancheng with such a special face?

The other young girls in Dingyuan Hou's Mansion are far behind her!
Mrs. Li sighed, her expression changed, and she repeated: "Is there still a chance to come back?"

Li Yuyan smiled: "Why can't my granddaughter understand what my grandmother said?"

Mrs. Li opened her mouth, seeing her smiling face, especially at the moment when she was wearing men's clothes, she looked very much like a person.

She was so startled that Mrs. Li's hands were leaning on crutches, her palms were sweating wildly, and the soles of her feet were icy cold.

Feng quickly said: "Yuyan, at the palace banquet, my third sister and I sincerely defended you. How can you indiscriminately show signs of plaque on your third sister's face?"

"My mother and my third sister's protection, Yuyan will always remember it in my heart." Li Yuyan smiled slightly, "If I have a chance in the future, Yuyan will definitely thank you!"

These words were beautiful, but to Li Manting's ears, they were extremely terrifying.

Her back was dripping with cold sweat, and she managed to calm down before she said: "Fifth sister, at the palace banquet, what my sister told the truth is that I have indeed seen the spots on your face with my own eyes. Now it's a good thing. Come out, everyone thinks I'm a vicious older sister, jealous of my younger sister's beauty."

While speaking, Li Manting covered her face with a handkerchief and wept.

Delicate and tender.

But Li Yuyan frowned: "The way the third sister scratches her head and poses is useless to my younger sister. My younger sister is not Liang Wang."

Hearing this, Li Jiajia laughed out loud: "Third Sister, don't you think that Fifth Sister looks handsome and handsome dressed as a man, reminding you of King Liang?"

Li Manting stomped her feet angrily, the veins in her hand holding the handkerchief showed, "Fifth Younger Sister has to explain to the world that what my sister said is the truth, and she didn't deliberately arrange it for you."

Li Jiajia snorted: "It turns out that what the third sister wants is fame. If I had known this, I shouldn't be aggressive at the palace banquet."

"Jiajia, do you have a place to speak here?" Mrs. Li stomped her cane and looked at Li Yuyan coldly, "You can make a notice or think of another way, just say your third sister said There was a plaque at first. Then you moved to the East Palace, and the third sister misunderstood. Our family is the Marquis Mansion, and your father is a courtier of the emperor, so naturally, as the daughter of a courtier, you have to speak impartially..."

Mrs. Li talked eloquently, Li Yuyan rubbed her ears, and was about to retort when a clear and pleasant voice came from behind.

"What happened on the day of the palace banquet, Miss Li San knows all too well."

Several people looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Ye Yiheng walking slowly.

Without waiting for them to salute, he said again: "Madam Li and Madam Li, five years ago, the two of you knew why the lonely crown prince had spots."

As soon as these words came out, the three women were shocked.

What made them break out in a cold sweat was the expressionless two sentences from Ye Yiheng later——

"The wild wolves raised in the prison haven't eaten for several days."

"Miss Li San has a good heart, but she begged King Liang to go in and feed her."

(End of this chapter)

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