Chapter 132
Although she knew that the bad guys were to blame for themselves, but someone's cruel methods made her think of her slender neck involuntarily.

"Very good." Ye Yiheng's thin lips parted slightly, "It's not early, let's see Gu's eye disease first tonight."

Li Yuyan nodded with difficulty: "Okay."

If he fails to say something constructive about his eye disease tonight, will he kill her on the spot?

The more she thought about it, the more nervous she became, Li Yuyan swallowed her saliva: "Can your Highness let the courtier go back and change into clothes, I feel a little uncomfortable in men's clothes."

The chest is a little tight.

She had to go back and change her clothes, and put a silver needle in her sleeve pocket just in case.

"En." Ye Yiheng responded lightly.
After changing clothes in Tingfengyuan and coming to someone's bedroom, Li Yuyan couldn't help feeling dizzy again.

But during this period of time, that kind of dream was less common.

The dizziness is bearable now.

Entering the house, I looked around and saw no one.

Song Guo came out from the back room and said softly: "Miss, please come inside."

Li Yuyan nodded, took a deep breath, and followed Song Guo's footsteps into the room.

Ye Yiheng had already changed into a light robe and was sitting at the table waiting for her.

Under the service of the maid, Li Yuyan cleaned her hands.

"Your Highness, during the examination, I accidentally hurt Your Highness, please forgive me!"

When speaking, she gently took off the white gauze in front of his eyes.

Ye Yiheng clenched his fists: "Yes."

Seeing that his eyes were still closed, Li Yuyan said slowly: "Your Highness, please open your eyes."

Hearing the sound, someone opened his eyes.

Rao had seen his eyes before, but at this moment, she was still amazed by his phoenix eyes.

His eyes were dark amber now, with long lashes.

Just looking at the appearance, he has a pair of extremely beautiful eyes.

Of course—

Although his eyes clearly reflected the surrounding scenery, even her figure, she could see clearly.

But she knew that he really couldn't see, because his eyes were dull, and he didn't have the feeling of the sea of ​​stars and the galaxy of nine heavens that he had seen before.

"Your Highness, this situation is the most uncomfortable situation in the world. People who are born blind usually don't feel the existence of the eyes, and they don't know the function of the eyes. People who are blind after the day after tomorrow, although occasionally remember the scene they saw before. , but after a long time, I will adapt to the state."

Speaking of this, Li Yuyan turned to Song Guo and said, "Grandpa Song Guo, please go out, please stay at the door."

Song Guo immediately said yes, and asked the maids to withdraw, Mo Chen guarded the door, and he guarded the door.

Li Yuyan then continued: "Whether they are blind from birth or acquired blindness, although their lives are inconvenient, their world is not as hopeless as we imagined. Because they spend more time and don't notice Eyes exist, eyes are useless to them."

"Because of this, blind people, their world is not dark, nor is it completely blank, it is a kind of nothingness."

"People who will never see can already adapt to this nothingness."

"And His Highness is in a special situation. This kind of emptiness is probably the most tormenting."

"Once a person has the light, and then sinks into the endless nothingness, this is extreme pain."

"Having said so much, Your Highness, are you right?"

Ye Yiheng frowned handsomely and clenched his fists.

Seeing that His Royal Highness was silent, Song Guo asked in a low voice: "Miss, I have a question, isn't what Your Highness sees darkness at this moment?"

Li Yuyan shook his head: "For those of us who can see normally, when our eyes are closed, we can sense light. Or you can feel darkness when you close your eyes, but that's not feeling, but what our eyes see at this time is exactly what we see. Darkness. His Highness is different, no matter how wide His Highness's eyes are at this moment, he can't see it, and he can't see the darkness."

There was silence in the hall.

Mochen outside the door and pine cones inside were all shocked.

They didn't expect that what people who couldn't see before saw was not darkness, but nothingness.

What kind of despair is there for someone like His Highness who can't see when the eye disease occurs?
Li Yuyan described his symptoms word by word, with a gentle voice, but it made him feel as if an electric shock had passed through his eyes, and the electric current flowed to his limbs and bones, making his whole body numb from the shock.

In an instant, my mind was shaken!

Everything she said was true!
He has seen countless famous doctors, but none of them have accurately described his symptoms.

She is No.1.

The silence in my heart seemed to resume beating at this moment.

He slowly raised his hand and pressed the place on his chest. The excitement inside was probably not as exciting as when he got Jiangshan.

Li Yuyan saw that he was still silent, and said again: "Eye disease attack, such a cycle, Your Highness's endurance is amazing! Your Highness, is the description correct?"

"Yes." Ye Yiheng said softly.

His voice was hoarse, and it seemed faint at this moment.

"The court lady is about to roll her eyes at this moment, please be patient, Your Highness!"


After getting permission, Li Yuyan touched his eyelids with her fingers and turned them lightly, but she couldn't see anything.

Look at the other eye, too.

Her fingers kept touching his skin.

The depression in Ye Yiheng's body rose rapidly, and because of the symptoms she mentioned just now, his heart was already agitated, and the depression this time came fiercely.

All of a sudden the cold disease is stimulated.

Ye Yiheng desperately suppressed it!
Li Yuyan observed his eyes carefully, and said in a slow voice: "Your Highness, if you look at your eyes like this, the courtiers can't see anything, I'm afraid you can only judge from the poison your Highness has suffered in the past."

Her breath sprayed on his face and lips.

The fragrance of her body penetrated into his nose continuously.

The warmth of her body spread from her fingertips to his.

Ye Yiheng suppressed and suppressed again, as if two wild beasts, hot and cold, were fighting in his body.

Coughing violently, he couldn't suppress it anymore, pushed her away from him, and stood up abruptly...

But he didn't want to, and fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this, Li Yuyan was shocked: "Your Highness?"

Mo Chen and Song Guo heard the sound and came over immediately.

Li Yuyan felt the pulse, frowned and said: "Not good, His Highness has a cold illness again, put it in the bath quickly, and I will give the needle."

The two nodded, and quickly lifted him up and walked to the bathroom at the back.

Taking off his coat and jacket, leaving a pair of trousers, Ye Yiheng was soaked in warm water by Mo Chen and pine cones.

Li Yuyan applied the needle, and Mo Chen used his inner strength.

Not long after, Ye Yiheng slowly woke up.

Song Guo said happily: "Miss has superb medical skills, Your Highness woke up so soon!"

Mo Chen also said: "Miss has excellent medical skills, and this time the treatment is also timely."

Looking at Ye Yiheng's flushed face and the cold sweat on his forehead, Li Yuyan shook his head: "No, His Highness is probably not awake yet."

He couldn't see at the moment, his eyes were open and closed, and he couldn't see anything.

Just when the three of them were suspicious, Ye Yiheng stretched out his long arms, grabbed the back of Li Yuyan's head, and pressed his thin lips against it.

Li Yuyan's eyes widened in shock, she reacted quickly, covered his mouth with one hand, and pushed his heart violently with the other.

With a "plop", Ye Yiheng fell face up into the water, splashing bursts of water.

Li Yuyan's face flushed red with anger, wiped the splashed water on his face, and cursed: "Deng Tuzi!"

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(End of this chapter)

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