Chapter 134
No, he never sleepwalks!

It's better not to think about this question anymore, my eyes hurt badly, and my brain hurts too.

Ye Yiheng pressed his eye sockets, and asked Song Guo to help him back to the bedroom with a sullen face.

After dinner, the Empress Dowager sent someone to invite her.

Ye Yiheng went to the Palace of Compassion.

Before he stepped into the main hall of the Compassionate Palace, he heard Princess Heng Yuan's laughter coming from inside.

"Mother, at the palace banquet that day, what my son said was not a joke."

The queen mother smiled and asked: "Oh, you also think that girl from the Zheng family is suitable for the prince?"

"That's right, Miss Zheng's family is gentle and virtuous, dignified and courteous, worthy of being a princess." Ye Yuan smiled and said, "As for that Yuyan from the Li family, please give it to Qing Yu. This child Qing Yu should also be Take it easy."

At this time, the voice of the emperor came out: "I have already married the prince and the daughter of the Li family, and the engagement date is about to be set. The prince is benevolent and filial, and does not want to hold the wedding on his mother's birthday month. Now that the queen's birthday month has passed, it is time to make an appointment." It's wedding time."

"Brother Huang, what do you mean..."

"Heng Yuan, I remember that Qing Yu fell in love with a girl named Li Yu, so you and Jiang Yanghou went to the palace to ask for an order, why did you suddenly change the candidate now?"

"This..." Ye Yuan choked suddenly.

The queen mother couldn't understand what the brothers and sisters said.

Seeing that the emperor still intends to give the daughter of the Li family to the crown prince, the queen mother said quietly: "The prince's marriage is not in a hurry. If Zheng Liqi is fixed, get married immediately. If the emperor still wants to marry the daughter of the Li family, then delay it for a while." drag."

Hearing this, Ye Yiheng fell to the ground with his forehead supported.

Women are troublesome creatures, if I had to choose one, it would be Li Yuyan.

Although this woman is troublesome, she knows how to heal.

The symptoms of the eye disease she described were completely in line with his situation.

It can be said that she understands him when it comes to eye diseases.

In this world, I am afraid that such a woman will never be found again!

The maid who opened the curtain in the hall cried out in surprise when she saw the prince fainted.

Immediately, the Empress Dowager, the Emperor and the Eldest Princess came out together and hurriedly announced the imperial physician.

Ye Yiheng was quickly helped to the bed in the side hall.

While waiting for the imperial doctor to come, he heard a lot of words.

The emperor said: "Mother, look at A-Heng's situation, do you really have the heart to marry the daughter of the Zheng family to A-Heng?"

Hearing this, the Queen Mother remained silent.

Ye Yuan's face was a bit ugly, and he thought in his heart, the emperor's brother is good at planning, he is reluctant to let the daughter of Zuo Prime Minister's mansion suffer and be a widow, but he has the nerve to give Li Yuyan to the crown prince.

Poor girl Yuyan, she can't decide her own marriage.

Poor Qingyu and Yuyan have known each other for a long time, and now they still treat it as if they are not very familiar with each other.

The more Ye Yuan thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable.

The queen mother was silent for a long time, and asked: "How many years does Ah Heng have to live?"

The emperor said sadly: "The national teacher and the imperial physician once asserted that it was three years ago, and they read it again some time ago, and they still hold the original opinion."

The Queen Mother sighed for a long time: "Ai's family is Ah-Heng's biological grandmother, so naturally she cherishes him! Ai's family thought that the daughter of Zheng's family would be considerate and take care of her. She married Ah-Heng, and Ah-Heng lived comfortably in the last few years some."

"I don't know if Ah-Heng's body is okay. If it is, the girl of the Zheng family will give birth to a son and a half for him. Ah-Heng will be fine in this life."

"If it doesn't work, for the sake of the Zheng family's girl accompanying Ah Heng for the last few years, it is also feasible to make the Zheng family girl a county lord and allow her to remarry."

The queen mother frowned and said a lot, seeing that the emperor and Ye Yuan were both sad, and said: "As for the daughter of the Li family, the Ai family thought she was ugly, but she was beautiful. Her appearance is too grand. Before she left, she had other thoughts. This kind of girl, don't mind! Heng Yuan, if you want her to be your daughter-in-law, just accept it."

After the queen mother spoke, the emperor and Ye Yuan were silent for a while.

At this time, the imperial physician arrived.

Ye Yiheng woke up coughing in good time.

The imperial physicians took the pulse as usual.

"Father, my son is weak and can't think too much. Father gave Li Yuyan to my son as a crown prince, and my son is grateful. Now, the emperor's grandmother and aunt are thinking of changing the candidate for the crown prince, my son... "

Before Ye Yiheng finished speaking, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

This scene frightened the Queen Mother and Princess Hengyuan.

The emperor was also shocked, and hurriedly asked the imperial physician to check the pulse again.

The imperial doctor bowed and said: "Go back to the emperor, His Royal Highness is in a hurry, this is not good for His Highness's health!"

The emperor pondered for a moment, the world had previously said that the girl from the Li family was ugly and useless, so he married her to the crown prince.

Immediately he said to the Empress Dowager: "The daughters of the Li family are actually extremely talented. If it wasn't for Ah Heng's weakness, the two of them would be a match made in heaven. Besides, the imperial decree has been issued, how can it be changed?"

"Looking at A-Heng's appearance, although I can't see her, she has already identified the daughter of the Li family, so let him go." The emperor frowned, "As for Zheng Liqi, you can think about it later, the queen mother. The candidate for the crown princess is still Li Yu. Yan, no change!"

Hearing this, the queen mother was silent.

"Thank you, Father!"

Ye Yiheng struggled to get up from the bed, but the emperor held his shoulders.

"The prince has a good time to rest and recuperate. When he is in better health, he will marry a girl from the Li family."

The emperor frowned, the crown prince vomited so much blood, I am afraid that there is not much time left.

It is better to marry the prince a daughter-in-law as soon as possible, so that the prince will not be alone when he goes on the road.

As for the daughter of the Zheng family, the daughter of Prime Minister Zuo, naturally she cannot take on this matter.

As the emperor, he still needs Prime Minister Zuo to assist him in some matters.But he can't tell the Queen Mother, nor can he tell the imperial sister.

Let the crown prince be buried for the crown prince, and it should be regarded as his compensation to the crown prince and queen mother as the father and emperor!
A group of imperial physicians came out of the Ci Nian Palace and went straight to the Imperial Hospital to return to their orders. After that, a figure walked towards Chenglan Palace.

Concubine Xian heard that the prince vomited blood tonight, she sneered: "How many days does he have?"

The imperial physician hidden in the dark replied: "It was said to be three years ago, but now I think it may only be half a year."

Concubine Xian sneered coldly, in this way, her son could easily get the crown prince without a single soldier.
Ye Yiheng was carried back to the East Palace.

Ye Yiheng sat up from the bed when the people from the Compassionate Palace left.

Wiping the blood from his lips, he slowly took off his eye veil.

It was probably God who was helping him, just now when he pretended to faint in the Compassion Palace, he suddenly became able to see.

Wearing veils, he could clearly observe the expressions of the emperor's grandmother and father.

After forcing him to vomit blood with internal force, he saw the expressions of everyone in the room at that time.

The worries of the emperor's grandmother and father were far less than that of the emperor's aunt, which made him very sad.

Yes, the emperor's grandmother has no shortage of grandsons, and the emperor's father has no shortage of sons.

He is just a sick and weak prince who is about to be deposed. Perhaps in the eyes of his father and grandmother, half of his body has already been buried in the soil.

Li Yuyan who was in Tingfengyuan heard that Ye Yiheng vomited blood in the Palace of Compassion and Mind and was carried back, so she came to see him worriedly.

As soon as he stepped into the palace bedroom, he saw his phoenix eyes staring at her sharply.

Li Yuyan was startled, and covered half of her face with her hands unnaturally: "Can your Highness see it now?"

 Thank you Moonfall Rebirth, llxxD* for the monthly pass!
  Thanks for the recommended votes, little cuties!

  Little cuties smashed all the tickets~~~
  Let me have the motivation to save a manuscript, and I will add more at that time~~~
(End of this chapter)

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