Chapter 157 Unexpected Encounter
It's a pity that the sky is too dark to see the face of the waving woman on the pier.

It can't be such a coincidence, can it?
Song Guo dared not easily connect the woman waving in the distance with Miao Zhu.

But what if it is?

At this moment, Mo Chen came out of the cabin.

Song Guo hurriedly called him: "Mochen, you practice martial arts, you have good eyesight, let's see if that woman is Miaozhu?"

"Boatman, we are all women, not heavy." Miao Zhu who was standing on the pier shouted.

His hands were shaking, but there was no sign of the big ship approaching the pier.

If you don't want to carry their words, you can say it clearly, or just leave. Why does it seem to stop?
The two women also started shouting, "The boatman is carrying us."

Li Yuyan was very dizzy, even though she could make seasickness pills herself.It is used to inhibit the nerve center, reduce the sensitivity of the vestibular nerve and the inner ear, thereby reducing the feeling of seasickness.

But her body knew that she was born with the characteristics of seasickness, even if she used this kind of medicine, the effect would not be great.

Furthermore, the mandala used to make seasickness pills is poisonous, which is the main ingredient of Mongolian sweat medicine.

In ancient times, the production conditions were limited, even if such seasickness pills were made, they should not be taken.

Hearing Miaozhu's call at this moment, Li Yuyan knew that another boat was passing by.

She wanted to go to Jiangzhou by boat as soon as possible, but she was afraid of seasickness, so she instinctively refused to take the boat.I had no choice but to close my eyes and lean against Zhao's mother's arms, silent in contradiction.

Mo Chen on the boat squinted his eyes and lowered his voice: "It's really a wonderful bamboo."

Since Miaozhu is here, so is she.

"Should we report to His Highness?" Mo Chen asked.

Song Guo has a delicate mind, and after turning a corner, she sorted things out.

"Don't! Since she escaped from His Highness's side, she definitely doesn't want to see His Highness. If His Highness knew at this moment, she might come out. She probably wouldn't dare to board the boat when she saw His Highness."

Mo Chen nodded: "You are right!"

Song Guo said again: "Now, let's hide first, don't let the young man come out and wander around, and His Highness will also watch over there."

After discussing, the two decided to let Liuyun and Yinshuang come to guard the deck.

Liuyun and Yinshuang are women, who can lower Li Yuyan's vigilance.The most important thing is that they never showed up in front of Li Yuyan.

Watching the big boat approaching the shore slowly, Miaozhu let out a breath, and turned to help Li Yuyan.

When the master and servant were about to board the boat, the two women squeezed over, bumped Miaozhu with their shoulders, and boarded the boat first.

Miao Zhu was furious: "Hey, we are at the front, why are you like this?"

One of the women snorted and said, "It's at this juncture, so naturally those who are capable will board the ship first!"

Another echoed: "Such a big ship is probably an official ship. If it is so, it is not owned by your family. Why can't we take it?"

Li Yuyan raised her eyelids, the boat in front of her was two or three stories high, with a high bow and tail, and a square bow and tail, which was good for breaking waves.

The bottom is also pointed, and it can navigate in narrow channels and reef channels.Good draft and good stability.

A ship of this size must be an official ship.

And he is a high-ranking official.

The two women boarded the boat with a smile on their face, not forgetting to snort at Li Yuyan and the others.

"If you look so delicate, don't go out."

"That's right, you can take good care of it at home, so you don't have to squeeze with us."

Supported by Mother Zhao and Miao Zhu, Li Yuyan walked up slowly, the fingers in her sleeves curled up, a pearl popped out and hit one of the women's knees.

The woman's knees were sore and she immediately knelt down.

The other person was tied down by her, and the two fell to their knees on the deck one after another.

Suddenly, eyes rolled over a glowing pearl, and the two scrambled to crawl over it, scrambling for it.

Not giving in to each other for a while, the two wrestled together, their hair was torn in a fight, but Pearl was rolling around under their movements.

Miao Zhu walked over quickly, and picked up the pearl easily in front of them: "What are you grabbing, it's my lady who dropped it!"

The two who had been fighting just now stood up immediately.

"What evidence is there that your lady dropped it?"

"That's right, whoever sees it has a share!"

At this time, Liuyun and Yinshuang looked at each other.

Liu Yun said: "It was indeed this young lady who lost it, the two of us can testify."

"Auntie, if you want to take a boat..." Yinshuang said with a smile, "please shut up!"

Then the two women shut their mouths in embarrassment.

Miao Zhu wrinkled her nose at them, wiped the pearls carefully with a handkerchief, and put them in her young lady's purse.

If His Royal Highness finds out that her young lady uses pearls as hidden weapons, will she be so angry that she will not even be blind?
Seeing two young women in the same attire in front of her talking to her lady, Zhao's mother smiled and asked, "Girls, can you spare a room for my lady? My lady is seasick and wants to take a rest."

Liu Yun nodded: "Please follow me!"

The master and servant followed her footsteps and walked to the cabin.

Li Yuyan said softly, "Thank you!"

The voice was ethereal, although it contained the exhaustion of the Silk Road, it still moved the ears of those present.

Such a pleasant voice!

Liu Yun smiled and nodded, thinking, this former princess-to-be is really beautiful, and her voice is extremely nice, no wonder His Highness wants to kiss Jiangnan.

Just now the two wives hurriedly followed, yelling, "We want a room too."

Yinshuang stretched her arms to stop her: "No way! I don't want to be thrown overboard, so I just stay here."

The two women looked at me and I looked at you, and simply sat down on the deck.

The boat sailed away from the pier, and the lanterns on the boat began to be lit.

Liu Yun brought Li Yuyan into a room.

Looking at the rather spacious room, Mother Zhao kept thanking her.

Liu Yun waved his hand: "You are welcome, there is only one bed in this room, you two come with me."

Then he led Mother Zhao and Miao Zhu to the room where the servants lived in front.

They were given two rooms for the three of them at once, Miao Zhu and Zhao's mother were very grateful, and insisted on giving Liu Yun some money.

Liu Yun declined with a smile.

If she accepts it, she might not be able to work in the Dark Guard Department.

Big boats are smaller than smaller boats, but the shaking is not small.

Li Yuyan was groggy. After sitting in the room for a while, the dizziness increased rapidly, so she had to lay down on the bed.

After a cup of tea, Miao Zhu came in with food.

"Miss, it's time for dinner."

Li Yuyan waved his hand: "I can't eat it."

Mother Zhao came in to persuade: "Eat a little, I haven't eaten much these days."

Li Yuyan sat up from the bed and barely moved her chopsticks.

But as soon as he ate it, all the internal organs resisted, and the whole person became more and more uncomfortable.

the other side.

Ye Yiheng finished his dinner and was about to go out for a walk, but was stopped by Song Guo's words.

"Your Highness, our ship was docked at the pier just now, and a few guests came up, and one of them was her."


"It's the Crown Princess. She was at the pier with Miao Zhu Zhao's mother. After discussing with Mo Chen, Xiao Nu let them board the boat. His Highness was not informed at the time."

Ye Yiheng rubbed his forehead, although he wanted to find her.

But I didn't expect to run into it so soon.

Some were caught off guard...

At this time, Song Guo said again: "Your Highness, are you going to see her? Liu Yun arranged her room opposite to His Highness's room."

(End of this chapter)

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