Chapter 159 Self-Recommended Pillow Seat
"Your Highness, we're coming in." While speaking, Mo Chen pushed the door open, "Let's check it out, be careful!"

Li Yuyan was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, not daring to breathe.

On the side is someone's leg, within half a finger's distance...

She could even feel the coolness on his legs.

At this time, Song Guo also said: "Your Highness is going to the south of the Yangtze River this time, many princes are staring at him, and want to take advantage of the opportunity to do something wrong."

Seeing the lights in the room, the two looked at each other with some doubts.

His Highness has not been able to see them for a few days, so why do they light up the lamp?
Ye Yiheng guessed their doubts, and said lightly: "I heard that you are going to come in, so I just lit the lamp."

Mo Chen began to look around, including the window sill, the bottom of the table, the wardrobe, and even the bottom of the bed.

Li Yuyan didn't dare to move when lying on her stomach, but lying on her stomach like this made her feel a little stuffy inside the quilt.I was already a little seasick, so when I was so bored, I felt very uncomfortable.

Except for the prince's bed, Mochen didn't spare a single bit of space.

Ye Yiheng coughed lightly: "How?"

When the sound came out, he moved his legs in a timely manner.

A breath of fresh air poured into the bed, and Li Yuyan breathed quickly.

Mo Chen cupped his hands: "Your Highness, this place is safe, I will take my leave."

"Yeah." Ye Yiheng responded lightly, "You guys go to bed earlier."

Song Guo said: "Okay, Your Highness will also rest earlier."

While speaking, Song Guo stretched out his hand to help Ye Yiheng tuck the quilt: "It's cold at night in this season, especially on the river. Your Highness, you should cover yourself with a better quilt."

Suddenly, the quilt was flipped.

Li Yuyan had already seen the candlelight, and the corner of her pink skirt was almost exposed under the eyelids of the pinecone. Her heartbeat accelerated instantly, and she quickly stretched out her hand...

The hem of the skirt was pressed under someone's legs while sitting, and she couldn't move it.

Just when her heart was about to jump out of her throat, Ye Yiheng pulled the quilt over to cover the corner of her skirt that was almost exposed.

"Gu is not a child anymore, why not cover him with a quilt?" After a pause, Ye Yiheng said again, "Go and rest."

"Yes, Your Highness." Mo Chen and Song Guo said in unison.

The two left the room, closed the door, and walked to the front room.

"Your Highness is a little weird today." Song Guo rubbed his forehead.

Mo Chen frowned: "I also think it's a bit strange, but I can't tell what's wrong."

"Your Highness said it twice just now, let us rest. We have been with His Highness for so many years, this is unprecedented, but it is the first time!"

"After you said that, I also noticed that His Highness actually has such a gentle side."

Song Guo smiled: "I knew that His Highness is a gentle person. When I was seven years old, that plate of pine nuts..."

Mo Chen raised his hand: "Stop, stop, my ears are getting calloused."

The voices of the two gradually drifted away, Li Yuyan in the quilt could not hear their words clearly, but Ye Yiheng could hear them clearly.

The corridor outside the room regained its tranquility.

Through the quilt, Ye Yiheng patted her shoulder lightly: "Come out."

Li Yuyan just got out of the bed. Due to being stuffy for a long time, when she came out, she breathed fresh air, and her chest heaved a bit.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Li Yuyan quickly got out of bed and was blessed.

His behavior just now made her want to question what a self-recommended pillow is, but she couldn't say it.

She pursed her lips in thought, and could only say: "Minnv really didn't go to the wrong room on purpose, please don't worry about it, Your Highness!"

Unable to accept it, he opened his thin lips lightly: "Do you want to say that you are not a self-recommended pillow?"

Li Yuyan quickly waved her hands: "No, I really just went to the wrong room!"

Ye Yiheng said lightly: "In the middle of the night, Gu has already gone to bed, and you came to Gu's room rashly, this is a self-recommended pillow mat."

Li Yuyan's little face turned red immediately.

From what he said, when outsiders hear it, they will definitely judge her to be a self-recommended pillow.

She bit her lip for a while, saying that she had gone to the wrong room, and she didn't know how to explain it because he refused to listen.

Hearing her slightly rapid and disordered breathing, Ye Yiheng raised his eyebrows.

"What's more, you lifted Gu's quilt and lay down with Gu, and your hand..."

He didn't go on.

Li Yuyan was so ashamed and annoyed that she wanted to explain, but at this moment, the feeling of seasickness became more and more serious.

I had no choice but to clasp my hands together, pinch my palms with my fingers, take a deep breath, and slowly said: "The girl really just went to the wrong room, and she thought that the one lying on the bed was Miaozhu, so she stretched out her hand, please don't take it, Your Highness." Bring it up again."

It's Miaozhu, so she stretched out her hand?

Ye Yiheng said expressionlessly, "How could it be such a coincidence that you got on the lonely boat?"

After a pause, he added: "It's not enough to go on the boat, but also to go to the lonely bed."

These two words made Li Yuyan's reddened face suddenly turn pale with anger.

"Your Highness thinks that the Minnv is chasing His Highness. Since the marriage contract was cancelled, His Highness thinks that the Minnen wants to redeem the engagement?"

"Tell Your Highness honestly, I went to Jiangzhou this time because I wanted to visit my grandmother, and it has nothing to do with Your Highness!"

"Besides, getting on this boat was indeed a coincidence. Minnv waited at the pier for a long time, and almost all the passing ships came from Jiangzhou, and very few went to Jiangzhou. If Your Highness doesn't believe it, Minnv can't help it."

Hearing this, Ye Yiheng sneered: "Who knows if what you said is true or not?"

Li Yuyan was angry and annoyed: "Do you believe it or not!"

He is not the only man in the world anymore, she wants to climb into his bed.

As soon as he got angry, his chest became more and more stuffy.I was already seasick, and my chest was uncomfortable and tight, now I am fighting with him, the more annoyed I am.

With a shake of his figure, he quickly leaned on the table.

Hearing the movement, Ye Yiheng frowned: "What's wrong with you?"

"Minister's resignation, your Highness can think whatever you want."

Without answering his question, Li Yuyan staggered and turned to go out.

She really didn't have the energy to talk to him.

Li Yuyan returned to her room.

The discomfort he had been suffocating just now eased, and after his nerves relaxed, he vomited out all the food he ate at night with a "wow".

Immediately afterwards, the person fell to one side.

Hearing the sound of "bang", Ye Yiheng immediately got up.

But he couldn't see it at the moment, so he could only call people.

Not long after, Miaozhu Zhao's mother and Songguo Mochen came one after another.

"Miss, miss!" Miao Zhu hurriedly hugged Li Yuyan into her arms.

Mother Zhao reached out and touched her forehead: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yuyan shook her head weakly: "It's okay, it's much better to spit it out."

"Miss, she didn't eat anything during the trip, and now she vomited up all the food she ate at night..." Mother Zhao wiped her tears with her hand, squatted down to wipe the floor, "Miss has lost weight these days, and her face has become smaller." In a circle, if Madam knows, I don't know what kind of distress I should feel."

Ye Yiheng, who was at the opposite door, stood behind the door and pinched it with his slender fingers.

Song Guo walked to the door and asked, "Is Your Highness alright?"

"It's nothing." Ye Yiheng said softly, "Bring some soothing incense and ask Mama Zhao to light it for her."

"Yes, Your Highness." Pine Cone turned back.

Mo Chen glanced at Li Yuyan with a pale face and sighed. She had never been like this before in the East Palace, and she really lost weight.

If His Highness could see with his own eyes, would he feel distressed if he saw it with his own eyes?

(End of this chapter)

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