Chapter 163 Letter to him
Afraid that she would not want to go with him, Ji Qingyu ordered someone to invite Zhang Ruohai, who had just met halfway, out.

"Child!" Zhang Ruohai waved to Li Yuyan on Ji Qingyu's boat.

Seeing him, Li Yuyan called happily, "Uncle, why are you here?"

Zhang Ruohai said with a smile: "I just met Prince Qing, he said he was coming to pick you up, so I came with him."

"Wait for me for a while, I'll take care of things." Li Yuyan lifted the hem of her skirt and walked back to the room quickly.

Thinking of telling someone that he would pay the ship's fare, Li Yuyan asked Miao Zhu to take out two silver bills, plus the box of pearls, and put them all into the box together with the one that was put in the purse before.

At the same time, he picked up a pen and wrote a few lines on the paper, and put them together on the table in the room.

Immediately, she took Mother Zhao and Miao Zhu out of the room.

Seeing the pine cone at the door, Li Yuyan nodded slightly, and then left without stopping.

It rained again on the river.

The rain wet the deck.

A wooden plank was built between the two boats, and only one person could pass through, and two people could not walk side by side.

Seeing this, Miao Zhu said worriedly: "Prince Qing, my lady has been very seasick these few days, is there a wider board, the servant girl is afraid that the lady will fall into the river."

Hearing this, Ji Qingyu glanced at Li Yuyan's pale face, bent down and hugged her without saying a word.

The sudden move made Li Yuyan panic.

"Qingyu, let me down."

"Don't move!" Ji Qingyu exerted strength with his hands, "Otherwise, the two of us will fall into the water together, and I will die if you don't marry me at that time!"

Zhang Ruohai also persuaded: "Follow the matter urgently, son, don't move around. The board is slippery, and it didn't rain just now. Uncle almost slipped into the water when he got on the boat."

The rain splashed on the boards, and the smooth boards were prone to slipping, and what they said was true at this moment.

Li Yuyan had no choice but to stay still, her body stiffened, and let him carry her from one boat to another.

Her body is very soft and light, and there is a faint fragrance on her body, Ji Qingyu really wants the wooden board to be longer.

In just a moment, he carried her from this boat to his own.

At this moment, Ye Yiheng's eyes were blurred by coincidence, and he looked out through the window of the room, just in time to see Ji Qingyu passing by the wooden board with her in his arms.

Although he couldn't see them clearly, he could tell they were Ji Qingyu and Li Yuyan by their figures.

Heh, she just broke away from him, and she couldn't wait to throw herself into the arms of other men.

He was so angry that his eyes went dark, and he immediately fell to the ground.

Throughout the day and night, Ji Qingyu's boat has been chasing Ye Yiheng's boat, so the speed of the boat is very fast.

Li Yuyan's feeling of seasickness intensified, Ji Qingyu realized it, and quickly ordered the boat to slow down, and accompanied her, chatting nonchalantly.

Zhang Ruohai was very pleased to see his niece whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and saw that she was looking good now, so he talked more.

Several people chattered around, which actually minimized Li Yuyan's discomfort from seasickness.

When Ye Yiheng woke up, Ji Qingyu's ship had already sailed to another channel.

It's not that Mo Chen and the others can't defeat Ji Qingyu's men, but because His Highness didn't give an order, and what's more, His Highness told her to get out.

As subordinates, how can they make up their minds for their master?
At this moment, the person has been picked up by Prince Qing, and everyone is silent.

Even the little father-in-law who talked the most on weekdays seemed to be choked by someone, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Song Guo carefully took the wooden box that Li Yuyan put on the table.

"Your Highness, this is what she left in the room. There is a whole box of pearls. I just counted them, and there are a hundred pearls, one not too many and one not too few."

"Along with the box, there are two banknotes of one hundred taels of silver."

"Oh, by the way, there is also a letter from her to His Highness."

Song Guo said, unfolding the letter paper nervously: "Your Highness, do you want me to read it to you?"

Ye Yiheng pinched the center of his eyebrows. At this moment, he could only see the outline of the characters, like handwriting, but he still couldn't see clearly, so he nodded.

Song Guo took a deep breath and read aloud: "Your Highness, Wanan, return the pearl to you, and the silver ticket is the fare. The two boxes of ointment that His Highness gave you before are still in the East Palace, and the Minnv did not bring them with you. So far, Your Highness and Minv There is no relationship between the two Qings. When the girl returns to Beijing, all the things in Tingfengyuan will be moved out. Good luck!"

"Signed is Yanyan." Song Guo put away the letter paper and looked at the prince's expression quite disturbedly.

Ye Yiheng was very calm, with no ripples on his face.

He sat quietly.

Everyone knows that this is the sign before the storm for their Highness.

Sure enough, Ye Yiheng pinched the wooden box with his slender fingers, and threw the box along with the pearls to the ground.

The box and lid split apart.

Crackling and crackling, the pearls inside were scattered and rolled.

Everyone hastily bent down to pick up the pearls.

There are a whole hundred pearls, and they were picked up quite quickly at first.

But many rolled into the cracks in the floor, and some rolled into the cabin under the room.

Therefore, when all one hundred pearls are found, it is already Shenshi.

Everyone put away the pearls, and the wooden box was nailed together again.

Several people discussed what to do next.

Mo Chen and the others all looked at Jiang Lecheng, Jiang Lecheng sighed, and knocked on his forehead with a folding fan: "If we don't go back to Beijing, let's go directly to Jiangzhou!"

Two days later, two ships arrived in Jiangzhou successively.

The urban area of ​​Jiangzhou has a relatively high terrain. Although the surrounding area is flooded, the urban area is still intact.

The prince and his party arrived first, and then went to the post house in Jiangzhou.

Three hours later, Ji Qingyu and his party also arrived at Jiangzhou Wharf.

Ji Qingyu went back to the posthouse due to business, and Li Yuyan followed Zhang Ruohai back to Zhang's house.

Arriving at Mrs. Zhang's yard, Zhang Ruohai called, "Mother, Yuyan is here."

Hearing the sound, Mrs. Zhang got up from the couch and went out of the house to greet her.

"Ninny, my good granddaughter!"

The old lady Zhang looked at the slim girl in front of her with tears in her eyes. It had been five years since the last time her grandparents met.

In my impression, she was still a little girl, but when we meet again now, she has already turned into a beauty.He didn't look like he had plaques on his face and his body was too fat as mentioned in the previous letter.

"Grandmother!" Li Yuyan stepped forward quickly.

The old lady in front of her was full of silver hair and had a kind face. She was very kind when she first met her.

In an instant, due to the instinct of the body, water mist filled Li Yu's eyes.

Mrs. Zhang held her back and took a closer look.

"It's good to be home. Grandma knows about the affairs in Beijing. In this case, let's find someone in Jiangzhou. Grandma and your uncle can see you from time to time."

Li Yuyan was about to speak when she heard a servant girl shouting from outside the yard.

"Old lady, it's not good. There are rumors outside that our cousin is not willing to be divorced by the Tian family, and she has the cheek to chase the prince down to the south of the Yangtze River in an attempt to restore the marriage."

The servant girl ran in panting, and when she saw Li Yuyan, her eyes were filled with astonishment...

A fairy-like person!

She was so shocked that she stared straight at her eyes, and even forgot to say a word, and even forgot to perform the ceremony.

Mrs. Zhang frowned: "How did you pass it on?"

 Thanks to the little cuties who gave rewards, voted for monthly tickets, and voted for recommendations a few days ago, for you, I added more!
  If you do what you say, do you praise me?

  Continue to ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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