Chapter 167
Knowing what grandma was thinking, Zhang Yumeng responded on the spot.

The next day, Zhang Yumeng took Li Yuyan to the teahouse.

In the teahouse, the storytellers on the stage were talking enthusiastically, and many people in the audience were also talking lively.

As soon as the sisters found a private room on the second floor to sit down, Li Yuyan was attracted by the discussions downstairs.

"We in Jiangzhou, now there are two big men."

"Which two?"

"One is the crown prince of our Tiancheng, and the other is the king of Qing County. These two jade trees are facing the wind, and they are extraordinary. They are not only handsome, but also have great wisdom. In just a few days, the waterlogging outside Jiangzhou City It was cured with sound and color."

The person at the other table said: "After you said that, I remembered something."

"What's the matter?"

"The crown prince's marriage contract was canceled by the emperor himself. The former princess-to-be wanted to save the marriage, so she chased Jiangzhou from the capital."

Someone praised: "It's a long way from the capital to Jiangzhou, but this little lady has a bit of perseverance. I think she really loves the prince."

Just now the man shook his finger: "That's wrong. Some people say that the little lady is greedy for vanity and wants to fly on a branch. After all, she was born of her mother's adultery. Life will be difficult in the future!"

Everyone sighed: "So that's how it is."

Suddenly someone said: "Do you know whose granddaughter that little lady is? Zhang's."

Suddenly someone laughed: "The granddaughter must be my own, but the granddaughter is not necessarily."

"Explain explain."

The man laughed even more exaggeratedly: "The granddaughter was born to her mother, so to her mother's natal family, she must have been born. As for the granddaughter, if it is a daughter-in-law who cuckolds her husband's family, then this granddaughter is a fake."

Someone suddenly realized: "Just like the daughter of the Li family, to the Zhang family, she is the biological granddaughter; but to the Li family in the capital, she is a fake granddaughter!"

Zhang Yumeng didn't expect them to arrange it like this. She turned her head to see what Li Yuyan seemed to be holding back, and quickly persuaded: "Cousin, these people are gossiping, don't take it to heart. Let's stop listening to books, how about going for a walk by the river?" "

Li Yuyan shook her head: "I want to hear what else they will say."

The people in the audience said again: "The Zhang family is so rich, if I am more handsome, I want to come to propose marriage."

Someone asked: "Why, have you taken a fancy to the granddaughter of Zhang's family?"

"It is said that the little lady is very beautiful. Since the crown prince doesn't like her, then all the young men in Jiangzhou have a chance, right?"

A woman sneered loudly: "Now you don't dislike that little lady's background? You said it so fiercely just now."

"This aunt doesn't know something, and we don't test for fame, why do we care about that illusory background?"

Several young men nodded.

Many young women shook their heads.

They had heard that the prince and the county king were exceptionally handsome, and they all became concerned.

The granddaughters of the Zhang family have no hope of becoming princesses, and their backgrounds are innocent, what if they are chosen?

At that time, becoming a crown princess or county princess, even if she is a side concubine, can be regarded as promising, and it is better than living in a small place like Jiangzhou.

At this time, the young servant of the Lin family hurried into the private room and said to Zhang Yumeng, "Eldest Young Mistress, the carriage of the Eldest Young Master and the Second Young Master passed a fork in the road and was knocked over."

"Don't call them indiscriminately!" Zhang Yumeng's face turned red, thinking about the situation of the Lin family brothers, she hurriedly asked, "Where are they now?"

The first young master Lin is Zhang Yumeng's future husband, and the second young master Lin is her brother-in-law.

Today, Zhang Yu dreamed of giving his future uncle a blind date with Li Yuyan, but unexpectedly something went wrong.

"Now that I'm in the medical center, I can't come to the tea house for the time being." The young servant of the Lin family panted, "The eldest young master asked the young one to come and talk to the eldest young mistress."

While speaking, the young servant of the Lin family looked at the girl beside Zhang Yumeng.

If such a beautiful girl really marries the second young master of his family, it will be the second young master's blessing.

Not in vain today, the young master stumbled on the carriage.

Everyone entered the hospital, Zhang Yumeng was very anxious, turned around and said to Li Yuyan: "Cousin, sit here for a while, I'll go and see."

Li Yuyan stood up: "Let me go together."

The eldest cousin has not yet entered the family, and has been called the young mistress by the man's servants, which shows that she has a deep relationship.If she goes with her, she can help with diagnosis and treatment.

Zhang Yumeng thought, although the Lin brothers are good-looking.But if the carriage is knocked over, if someone is injured somewhere, people will look embarrassed.At that time, the cousin will look down on each other, and the blind date will fail.

Furthermore, there is no such thing as a blind date in a medical clinic.

At that moment, Zhang Yumeng declined politely: "Don't go to the medical clinic, you are here to read books, I will go back when I go."

The speed of the vehicle at the fork has slowed down. If the car overturns like this, the injuries of the people inside must not be serious, and ordinary medical centers can handle it.Furthermore, Li Yuyan didn't insist on whether the Lin brothers were outsiders.

Zhang Yumeng went out of the teahouse with the young servant of the Lin family.

The storytelling on the stage was very boring, and the audience also chatted about other topics.

Li Yuyan pinched her slender fingers, and suddenly heard a muffled cry from Miaozhu behind her, and she hurriedly turned her head.

But he didn't want his wrist to be grabbed by a big cold hand, while Miao Zhu was covered by Mo Chen.

Li Yuyan raised her eyes and stared at Ye Yiheng who was holding her wrist.

She wouldn't believe this man if he didn't send someone to watch her.

"Go with Gu."

"I won't go." Li Yuyan looked back and said angrily, "If Your Highness doesn't let go, I'll call someone!"

Ye Yiheng approached her earlobe expressionlessly: "You don't want to be the focus of the teahouse, do you?"

The lunatic acts perversely, paranoid, and moody. He may not know what he will do in front of the people downstairs.

Li Yuyan bit her lip and asked, "What do you want?"

"Talk about it."

The man whispered three words with his thin lips, and walked downstairs while clasping her slender wrist.

For a moment, everyone in the teahouse turned their attention to them.

Seeing this tall and handsome man with white gauze in front of his eyes, people immediately thought that he was the current crown prince.

The storyteller was very discerning, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "Cao Min pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

All the listeners came back to their senses, knelt down one after another, and kowtowed in unison: "Meet His Royal Highness the Prince!"

Ye Yiheng didn't turn his head back, he directly pulled Li Yuyan out, and when his footsteps crossed the threshold, he said softly, "Get up."

That aura, that oppressive feeling, everyone sighed in amazement, they could be regarded as seeing a real person.

The young women all fell into nympho one by one, lying by the window, watching the prince's figure go away.

Li Yuyan was brought into the carriage by Ye Yiheng, and the carriage galloped towards the river.

The city of Jiangzhou is small, and it takes only a cup of tea to reach the riverside.

When getting out of the car, Li Yuyan took advantage of his unpreparedness and wanted to escape.

Unexpectedly, before he took two steps, his waist was grabbed by him.

The man's big palm pressed her against the tree trunk next to the carriage.

He held her easily with just one hand.

Li Yuyan struggled, and the more he struggled, the tighter he pinched.

Even his other hand squeezed her chin, forcing her to look at him.

Ye Yiheng squinted his eyes: "You promised Ji Qingyu to be with him?"

His voice was piercing, with a hint of danger in it.

(End of this chapter)

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