Just as Li Yuyan was about to leave his embrace, there was another flash of lightning, followed by deafening thunder on the roof of the car again.

She had never been so close to thunder and lightning. The loud sound made her ears buzz, and she shrank unconsciously into his arms.

Seeing this, Ye Yiheng patted her back with his right hand, as if coaxing a baby.

He covered her ear with his left hand, and at the same time, pressed her other ear against his chest.

A caring gesture.

Li Yuyan couldn't grasp the strange feeling that flashed in her heart, she only knew that he was very tall, hugging her like this, made her feel his oppression everywhere from the top of her head to her toes.

Miraculously, the sense of oppression was enormous. Although his embrace was cold, hearing the strong and powerful heartbeat in his chest made her feel inexplicably at ease.

Unknowingly, her breathing became rapid, and her heart beat faster because she was scared, or because she was in his arms, she always felt that her heart was almost jumping out of her throat.

What's more, how could a madman be so gentle?

Not only his movements are gentle, but also his usual cold and clear voice.

Fangcai's voice was gentle and tender, even carrying the taste of seductiveness.

Make her unable to adapt.

I always felt that the next moment, his nature of poisonous tongue was exposed again, making fun and mocking that she was timid.

Perhaps, all this is just her illusion.

Outside the car, Mochen and Ruofeng worked together to lift the pine tree that fell on the car, and drove away immediately.

Song Guo shouted to Miao Zhu at the top of her voice, telling her to go to the eaves of the car to hide from the rain.

For a while, there was a noise outside the carriage.

Inside the carriage, Li Yuyan was held in his arms, but after a while, the sound of pine cones calling Miaozhu outside the carriage pulled her out of her thoughts.

Realizing that she was hugged by someone like this, she thanked her hoarsely: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Ye Yiheng seems to have just realized...

The two separated like an electric shock.

Li Yuyan bit her lip lightly, walked stiffly to the car door, and was about to push the door, when Ye Yiheng said: "It's raining outside, take shelter here."

While talking, he took out a box of candied fruit from the side drawer, opened the lid and put it on the small table.

Seeing all kinds of candied fruit, Li Yuyan frowned slightly.

Seeing her, Ye Yiheng seemed to be saying, why would he bring candied fruit to eat?
Then he explained: "I have been taking medicine for the past few days. Because the medicine is bitter, I prepared pine cones. However, Gu has not taken it yet."

Li Yuyan walked over, picked up a small piece of preserved plum and ate it, it was sweet and sour, and quite delicious, so she took another piece.

"Thank you!"

"If you like to eat, take it all away."

She was well aware of the bitterness of the medicine, so she quickly declined: "You can take a piece after taking the medicine, the bitter taste in your mouth will feel better."

Outside the carriage, Mochen Ruofeng drove the carriage to an open area, and the two horses led by Miaozhu were also tied to the carriage.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the wind was not strong at all. The four of them hid under the spacious eaves of the car and looked at the rain curtain, which was quite pleasant.

Seeing that they were all staring at the rain curtain in a daze, Song Guo wanted to find a topic, and asked: "Miao Zhu, do you know who helped you into the room when you were drunk that day?"

"Isn't it you?" Miao Zhu held a piece of dog's tail grass in his hand, stretched it into the rain screen on the eaves of the car, and watched the rainwater slide over the grass.

Song Guo shook his head: "I'm going to show His Highness the way, how can I help you?"

Hearing this, Miao Zhu suddenly turned her head and looked at Mo Chen and Ruo Feng.

She didn't know Ruofeng very well, so she frowned and looked at Mo Chen, this man was not so kind.

Who is it?

But they didn't want the two to point at each other.

"It's him."

"It's him."

Miaozhu was so angry that she picked up the water-soaked dogtail grass and greeted them: "It's just you two, I said that my two arms didn't look like my own a few days ago, you must be holding my arm , dragged away."

My mind quickly recalled that the two men each carried her by one arm and dragged her from downstairs to the upstairs guest room.

It hurts just thinking about it.

Mo Chen wiped off the rainwater with his hands: "You're walking, holding on! Your arm hurts. It's just that you eat too much and the weight is too heavy!"

No self-knowledge at all!
It's okay not to say this, but it's a big deal.

"Did I eat yours?" Miao Zhu snorted, "It was my young lady who invited you that day!"

Ruofeng patted Mochen on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, good men don't fight with women."

Miaozhu stretched the dog's tail grass into the rain curtain again, and then threw the water on Ruofeng's face: "You are not a good thing either!"

inside the car.

Taking someone's snacks to eat, and sheltering from the rain in the car, Li Yuyan couldn't say anything that he wanted to question someone.

There was lively chatting outside the car, but the inside was embarrassingly quiet.

To avoid embarrassment, Li Yuyan had to lift the curtain to watch the rain.

I couldn't enjoy watching while sitting sideways, so I simply knelt on the cushion and watched directly from the window sill.

Anyway, he can't see it, so it doesn't matter if she is in this posture.

Ye Yiheng frowned, she was sitting on her knees like this, looking at her from behind, her waist became more and more slender, and the slender curve was downward...

The curve is very obvious!

He hurriedly opened his eyes, lowered his eyes and straightened his robe.

It has been raining for a long time, and the sky is getting dark.

When the rain stopped and the group of six set off, it was already dark.

After driving for another half an hour, looking at the distant lights in the night, I am afraid that there is still a long way to go to the nearest market.

Miaozhu was riding on the horse, and Li Yuyan, who was also riding beside him, whispered: "Miss, we can only sleep in the wild tonight."

Going to the frontier, passing through many states and counties, but it is still unavoidable to pass through sparsely populated places on the way.

At this moment, Li Yuyan heard the howling of wolves coming from the mountains.

Sighing: "That's the only way, or let's walk around and see if there are any farmers who can stay overnight?"

Ye Yiheng's hearing in the car was astonishing, he heard everything the master and servant were talking about.

Just when the rain stopped, she hurriedly got out of the carriage, fearing that he would do something to her.

Hearing their discussion at this moment, he asked Song Guo to call them over, and at the same time asked Mo Chen and Ruo Feng to go ahead and inquire.

Li Yuyan didn't hesitate, she rode a horse and waited quietly beside the carriage.

Although there is still a long way to go to the frontier, the place where they are now is far away from the capital.

It can be said that the journey has already passed halfway.

I remembered that Brother Li said that his own sister had an accident because she wanted to send him off.

At this moment, looking at the dark mountains in the night, it would be a lie to say that I am not afraid.

Thinking of this, Li Yuyan's hand holding the rein tightened.

His skills are good, but he has not fully recovered.

If she meets a group of villains, she and Miaozhu are likely to be in deep danger.

At this moment, Mochen and Ruofeng left and returned.

Mo Chen cupped his hands: "Your Highness, there is a dilapidated house two miles ahead. Although the house is dilapidated, the floor of the house is dry anyway. Why don't we rest there tonight?"

Ye Yiheng in the car heard the sound, got out of the car, and said coldly: "That's fine. Li Yuyan, shall we come together?"

Realizing that he was asking for her own opinion, Li Yuyan froze.

If you are with him, then what is it to deliberately keep a distance from him for the past ten days?
What is it to question him in the afternoon?

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