Ye Yiheng frowned slightly, and unconsciously took a step back.

Li Yuyan took a step forward.

She didn't know what was going on in Ye Yiheng's mind at all, and she always felt that he was a little strange at the moment.

When the blind man was madly criticizing, he was sullen and cold, but now he seemed afraid of what she would do.

She just wanted to sew up the tear at the hem of his robe.Song Guo and Ruofeng hurt their hands, and Mo Chen also had a wound on his arm, so she can take care of undressing the blind prince.

"Your Highness, I've offended you." She reached out to pull the leather belt around his waist.

Seeing Bai Nennen's hand stretched out to his waist, Ye Yiheng's ears turned red, his whole body tensed up, his back became extremely stiff, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he asked in a hoarse voice: "What are you doing?"

Li Yuyan's hands stopped, and suddenly realized that he couldn't see that the robe was torn, so she explained: "Your Highness's clothes are torn, I want to help His Highness sew it up. It's just a trivial matter, and it can't compare to Your Highness's kindness in protecting me last night." .”

He protected her, and she helped him to sew up the wound. Although the two were not equal, she didn't want to owe him too much.

Hearing this, Ye Yiheng's fingers behind his back moved slightly.

So that's the case, where did he want to go?

The corners of her lips curled up mockingly, and she said coldly: "It's okay, if the clothes are torn, they will be torn."

"Your Highness must have brought a lot of clothes with you when you go out, but they are limited. It's better to wear the clothes with a seam, than to throw them away."

Ye Yiheng: "Can you sew clothes?"

Li Yuyan was stunned. In his impression, did he look like someone who couldn't sew clothes?
Considering that her hand holding the scalpel is extremely steady, sewing clothes is naturally a no-brainer.

"Your Highness may have forgotten that my silver needles are pretty good, and this embroidery needle makes sense."

"That's right." He chuckled, and immediately took off his robe.

Li Yuyan took it and went to the back of the woodpile where she and Miao Zhu rested last night.

Ye Yiheng sighed softly, walked slowly to sit down on a rock not far from Li Yuyan.

Seeing him sit down, Li Yuyan, who had already put on her needlework, said softly, "In the sewing bag I carry with me, there are only two balls of thread in blue and white. I'll embroider bamboo leaves on the corner of His Highness's robe, okay?"

If she had the same moon-white thread as his robe, the opening would have been sewn so hard that no trace could be seen, and now she can only embroider a few bamboo leaves in blue to block it.

"Listen to you."

Looking at the way the girl across from him was flying needles and threading, he had a feeling of tranquility.

For ordinary people, if the husband's clothes are torn, are they all sewn by the wife?

Thinking of this, the stern lines on Ye Yiheng's face softened a lot.

His clothes were torn since he was a child, and he just threw them away.

It's never been like this. The clothes are torn and sewed up.

This is the first time in my life!
And what he was wearing were all made by the Shangyi Bureau, other than that, no one else made new clothes for him.Not to mention that the clothes were torn, and someone offered to sew them up.

In an instant, there was warmth in my heart.Even with his own cold heart, it seemed to be warming up.

After originally planning to send her to Li Yuye's side safely, his idea of ​​leaving also began to waver.

Such a woman, he really wanted to tie her by his side at any time!
At some point, four people stood behind Ye Yiheng in unison.

The four people lined up, all quietly looking at the bamboo leaves embroidered by Li Yuyan.

Her hands were extremely fast, and in a trance, several delicate and vivid bamboo leaves were embroidered.

Li Yuyan picked up the robe and looked at it, nodded with satisfaction, and when she handed the robe to Ye Yiheng, she realized that the four people standing were all staring at her.

"What are you looking at me like that for?"

Song Guo said sadly: "Miss Yuyan has suffered since she was a child, that's why her needlework is so good."

Many ladies from rich families can be female celebrities, but they are not as skilled as the one in front of them.

He even heard that many women would do embroidery work to subsidize their families, and Miss Yuyan in front of him must have practiced like this.

Li Yuyan smiled and shook her head, her outstanding embroidery work was not practiced in this era.As for how to practice, it is hard to explain to them.

Compared with Song Guo's sweet words, the words spoken by the other two men are different.

Mo Chen cheekily said: "Miss Yuyan, my sleeve is also torn, you can sew it up, you don't need so many bamboo leaves, just a few less."

Ruofeng quickly tugged on his clothes: "I have a lot of holes in my clothes, and each hole is made of a bamboo leaf."

Ye Yiheng's complexion suddenly turned cold.

Seeing this, Mo Chen and Ruofeng took a few steps back to avoid being hurt by the cold around their Highness.

Miao Zhu snorted: "I can sew too, you two take off your clothes, I will sew."

The two obediently took off their robes.

Miaozhu took it, sat down where Li Yuyan was sitting just now, and began to sew carefully.

After Miaozhu finished sewing, their luggage was almost packed, and they could leave at any time.

Mochen and Ruofeng came excitedly to get their respective robes, thinking that Miss Yuyan embroidered beautifully, so her maid must be good.

When receiving the clothes, the expressions on the faces of the two changed wonderfully.

Miaozhu's embroidery skills are actually not bad, the problem is that she embroiders them with dogtail grass.

There was a pile of dog's tail grass on Mo Chen's sleeves, and all the holes in Ruofeng's robe were covered with dog's tail grass.

Mo Chen frowned, and looked at his clothes with disgust: "Miaozhu, you did it on purpose!"

Ruofeng looked at Mo Chen's, then at his own, and sighed: "You're fine, I'm covered in grass."

Miao Zhu pursed her smile: "The dog's tail grass is hard to embroider, aren't you satisfied?"

What can the two of them say, at least all the holes have been sewn up.

Li Yuyan covered her lips and smiled: "It's quite skillful to embroider that layer of fluffy hair."

"I think Miaozhu's embroidery is very wonderful!" Pine Cone laughed, "This texture is very suitable for them, very suitable!"

Even Ye Yiheng couldn't help but chuckle.

Not long after, a group of people set off.

After passing a hill, a mass of objects suddenly rolled down the road.

Li Yuyan quickly reined in the horse, the horse's hoof was raised high, the "thing" seemed to be alive, it rolled on the ground under the horse's hoof, and staggered up from the ground.

Only then did she realize that it was a person who rolled down.

Mo Chen hurriedly said, "Hey, don't you have eyes?"

The man gestured with his hands and said after a while: "Help, me!"

The two words were stuttering.

Hearing the voice is not very old, like a teenager in the period of voice change.

Li Yuyan got off the horse and asked the other party, "Someone hurt you?"

The man glanced at the grass in panic and nodded.

They met bandits last night, and now seeing the bruised young man, Li Yuyan thought for a moment and said, "You can leave this place with us."

The young man was very grateful, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

Li Yuyan took out a piece of dry food from the bag and gave it to him, while looking at the grass just now with sharp eyes.

The grass moved slightly, showing that there were indeed people.

Ye Yiheng suddenly said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

A group of people left without stopping.

Not long after, the grass shook violently, and the people behind them fled to the mountains as if fleeing for their lives.


"The big master, the little one has seen a ghost!"

Sitting on a tiger leather chair in the cottage was a man with cold eyes and a scar on his face.

He shouted coldly: "What nonsense are you talking about in broad daylight?"

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