Li Ran nodded, wanted to say something, but didn't speak.

After explaining a few words to the servants, he turned and walked towards the front yard.

This child, after all, alienated him.

Li Ran sighed, she was able to call Yun's mother just now, but she never called him father.

Li Yuyan squeezed her hands together, squeezed them hard, finally turned around, and summoned up courage to shout at his back: "Father, Daddy!"

Hearing the clear yet sweet voice, a tear fell from the corner of Li Ran's eye.

He quickly erased it, and then turned around: "Yan'er, my father is sorry for you! For more than ten years, my father has no idea that you still exist in this world."

He is ashamed, he is ashamed!
If he had known earlier, she wouldn't have to suffer at such a young age.

No need to be criticized, no need to be underestimated!
Li Yuyan choked with sobs: "I'm finally no longer a child without a surname!"

Li Ran walked up to her quickly, and hugged her into his arms: "Our family is the orthodox Li family. Your surname is Li, and your surname is Li!"

He patted her on the back, and immediately let her go: "Son, your father has known about you since you were a child, about the capital. What grievances do you have? From now on, you don't have to keep it in your heart!"

Li Yuyan sniffed, and explained in a low voice: "I didn't dare to scream just now, because I haven't gotten used to it yet."

Miaozhu on the side was crying, and kept wiping away tears with his sleeve: "My lord, my lady has suffered from seasickness since she was a child, but in order to find her father, she endured the discomfort and took the boat for half a month, and went down to the south of the Yangtze River."

Li Ran was very excited: "This king understands, understands!"

"When I went to Jiangnan, I wanted to inquire about my mother's past from my grandfather's family, so as to find my biological father. I came to Beilan City because I had an agreement with Brother Li. Brother Li once said that I resemble his sister and let me come to the princess. .”

Suddenly, a few people jumped out of the forest beside them, and the leader was Li Yuye.

"Still called Brother Li?" Li Yuye smiled gently, "I'm Big Brother!"

Li Yujing: "I am my second brother."

Li Yuxing: "I am the third brother."

Li Yusheng: "I am my fourth brother."

Li Yu smiled through tears, and only called Li Yuye: "Brother."

"Good!" Li Yuye deserved to be happy.

Li Yuyan smiled, and turned to Li Ranfu and said, "My daughter is going back to the hospital first."

"Okay!" Li Ran nodded.

With the single word "good", the voice is full of joy and relief that cannot be concealed.

Li Yujing, Li Yuxing, Li Yusheng and the three of them opened their mouths for a long time, but they couldn't get her to call them half a word.

Li Yuye smiled: "Heh, why did you call her a liar? Is there anyone who calls her a sister like that?"

The three of them crowded in front of Li Ran: "Father, please comment."

Li Ran snorted and laughed: "Father, the king and daddy finally got it, when will we get you?"

He flicked his sleeves and took Li Yuye away first.

The three of them were left staring wide-eyed.

Li Ran, Li Yuye and his son went to the old prince's study.

The old prince was writing the three characters of Li Yuyan in the study, and when he saw their father and son coming in, he pointed to the words on the rice paper with a pen.

"This child really belongs to our family. Her pronunciation is almost the same as that of Ye'er and the others!"

Li Ran couldn't stop nodding his head: "Father, my son wants to write a memorial and ask the emperor to give Yan'er a title."

The old prince thought: "It should be so, our family owes Yan'er too much."

At this time, Li Yuye said: "Grandfather, father, if the emperor knows that Li Yuyan is my own sister, the emperor may not agree."

When the old prince Li Ran and his son heard this, they felt reasonable.

The emperor was trying to suppress them in Zhenbei Palace, rashly saying that Li Yuyan was the daughter of their orthodox Li family, fearing that it would arouse the emperor's suspicion.

Li Ran pondered for a long time before saying: "I originally wanted to use this to repay Yan'er's mother's innocence, and if I got the title, it would be a public announcement to the world, and Yan'er's mother's reputation would naturally be preserved."

"It's because I was narrow-minded." After a slight pause, Li Ran said again, "I only said in the memorial that I found my daughter who was living outside, and I came here to ask for a title."

It does not mean that the found daughter is Li Yuyan.

The old prince nodded: "It's so good! The emperor will not refuse."

Today's Tiancheng belongs to the Ye family's world, so, the necessary procedures still have to be followed.

Li Ran: "I'm going to write the memorial right now, and send it to Beijing in eight hundred miles."

Only the daughter of the King of Zhenbei with the title can have the title of princess.

He wanted to make up for what he owed her.

This child Yan'er has suffered a lot. She was a young lady of the Hou Mansion before, but now that she recognizes her biological father, her status can't be worse than before.

Dinner is served in the dining room.

Li Yuyan, who had changed back into women's clothes, appeared in the dining room, and everyone in the Li family forgot to blink.

Even if they knew that she was very similar to Yu'er, seeing her change back into a girlish attire now, they still couldn't take their eyes off it.

In front of her, she has snow-fleshed skin and a graceful figure, so stunning, she can be called the number one beauty in Tiancheng!

Yun's is the most happy: "I haven't seen you for three years, and my daughter is born like this. I am very happy for my mother!"

But Li Ran had a difficult question in his mind, if he had a daughter like this, what kind of son-in-law should he choose?
It seems that there is no man in Tiancheng who is worthy of his daughter!

Suddenly, he thought again that he had never raised her.Now that she came to him, he, as a father, naturally had to take good care of her.

Raise it for a few more years.

Let's talk about it until I find a man who is worthy of her!
On the same day, Li Ran's memorial was rushed to the capital.

The fast horses were changed every six hours, traveling day and night, and finally arrived in Beijing ten days later.

The emperor received a memorial from King Zhenbei in the early dynasty.

King Zhenbei came to give a memorial, which is a rare event.

In front of all civil and military officials, the emperor ordered Ye Gonggong to read the memorial of King Zhenbei.

"Li Ran asks the emperor's well-being. I have recently found my daughter who is living abroad, and I am asking for a title."

After the reading, Eunuch Ye will close the memorial.

When the emperor heard about it, he asked Ye Gonggong, "Is it gone?"

Eunuch Ye nodded respectfully: "Back to the emperor, King Zhenbei really only wrote this sentence in the memorial."

The emperor laughed loudly: "Li Ran lost a daughter three years ago, and now he has found one. In that case, I will make his newly found daughter Princess Beilan."

Immediately, a minister said: "Taking Beilan City as the title, this is a great kindness, the king of Zhenbei will definitely thank the emperor!"

The other ministers immediately agreed.

The emperor said: "Actually, before I bestowed the prince with a marriage at the beginning of this year, I regretted that King Zhenbei had lost a daughter. If King Zhenbei still had a daughter when I married the prince, the prince's fiancée would be his daughter. "

How to get other people's turn is a joke.

The thoughts in his mind resurfaced again, and the emperor said loudly, "Only the daughter of King Zhenbei can be the crown princess. What's your opinion?"

The prince is sick and weak, and his life will not be long.

The emperor's words were well known to the ministers below.

On the surface, it sounds nice, but in fact it is to suppress the Zhenbei Palace.

On the spot, all the ministers shouted in unison: "The emperor is holy!"

The emperor waved his palm: "Then I will decree that Princess Beilan be bestowed on the crown prince as the crown princess!"

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