Chapter 14 The Plans of the Parties

In front of the long case of Nonghua in the palace, Luanfeng Hall.

Su Manzi leisurely pruned a cluster of dewy roses.

The little eunuch Mo Sheng stepped forward quickly, "Empress, something happened outside the palace. King Duan and the fourth prince were assassinated last night. King Duan was fine but the fourth prince injured his leg. Your majesty is getting angry in the Hall of Supreme Harmony right now." !"

"Assassinate the prince in Luojing City?"

As she said that, she put down the branch scissors in her hand, wondering who would do it?But the next moment she woke up with a start, and hurriedly got up and said: "Hurry up and send a letter to the second prince, asking him to step up his precautions, I'm afraid he will be the next one. Go quickly."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Mo Sheng also came back to his senses and left quickly.

Qing Mo stopped the round fan in his hand, frowned and said, "Madam Empress, can you guess who it is?"

Su Man rounded his eyes, let go of the scissors, and said in thought: "There is nothing wrong in the world right now, and the world is peaceful. No external troubles are internal troubles... Either it is the exiled Zhao Li and the remaining party, or it is these two The prince has been tampered with. If he can do something in Luojing City, there must be other calculations in the future, just see what happened in a few days."

"Empress, do you want to send the second prince back to Beijing as soon as possible?"

"Why don't I think about it, but that King Duan... has gone smoothly since the Shangyuan Festival in Guanzhou last year, and got rid of King Nan, the prince... Yun Ni's marriage has won the Queen Mother's heart, and the household affairs Got the Sacred Heart. If Tuo'er doesn't do anything else, the emperor just wants to push him to the top, and I'm afraid those people in court won't agree."

The master and servant were talking, and the little eunuch in the imperial dining room outside knocked on the door.

Qing Mo took the peach crisp rolls, and hurriedly walked to Su Manzi, opened them one by one, took out a note and presented it.

Su Man received the words and only glanced at them before his face became sullen.

"I just said why the congratulatory gift I sent yesterday was declined by Qin Lang..."

As she said that, she rolled the note in her hand into a ball: "I thought he still had a self-important temper, so he had to handle it carefully. I didn't expect that he had already taken refuge in King Duan in less than three days."

Standing up while talking, he was puzzled and said, "But what happened to Fu Fu? Why did you go to the Qin residence with King Duan?"


Duan Wangfu.

Zhao Yuge just had a bath and had breakfast when his uncle rushed over.

"I heard that the fourth prince was seriously injured, and I don't know who did it right now. These days, you have to be careful when you leave the house."

Zhao Yuge didn't take it seriously, and said with a relaxed face: "Yes, nephew must be careful. There is another good thing to tell uncle, Qin Lang from the household department has been used by me."

Lin Lixing was slightly taken aback.

"That day at court, everyone congratulated him on his promotion. I saw you talking with him, and wondered when you two got so close?"

"It's all thanks to the girl from the Su family..."

He told everything about the night market and the banquet, Lin Lixing nodded and said: "This girl from the Su family seems to be your noble person. But Yu Ge, don't be complacent just because the current smooth wind is going smoothly. When things go smoothly, you should be more careful.”

"Yes, uncle."

The uncle and nephew were chatting, and were about to get up to go to duty, when the young eunuch outside the door sent a message that the reward for the settlement of the case from the household department came.

Zhao Yuge went out to receive the reward, and it was none other than Zhang Churan's uncle Zhang Deshuo who presented the reward.

"I have seen His Royal Highness Duan Wang, this is the reward book, you have a look at it. Also, the emperor ordered you to be frightened last night, let you rest for three days."

"Okay, I have Lao Zhang Dianjian, let's have some tea inside."

"Ah - I brought something to Chu Ran."

Zhao Yuge had also ordered Tanshui to call Zhang Churan.Hearing this, he ordered Tanshui to take people to carry things to Lihua Hall, while he led Zhang Deshuo to Xingyun Hall first.

In the hall, Zhao Yuge brewed tea lightly.

Lin Lixing asked from the side: "I don't know these days, Mr. Zhang has heard the emperor mentioning the selection of the prince?"

Zhang Deshuo shook his head.

"The emperor didn't mention it. However, the number of times the emperor has mentioned King Duan recently is much more than before. It seems that the emperor has more thoughts on His Highness King Duan."


Zhang Churan stepped forward with a clear and happy expression.

Although Zhang Deshuo and Zhang Churan only saw each other twice a year, but he loved him like a daughter since he was a child.

"Come on, uncle, look, but you are getting fatter?"

When Zhang Churan arrived at the tea table, he saluted Lin Lixing and Zhao Yuge before sitting down firmly.

"But it's still the same."

Zhang Deshuo looked at her, and looked at Zhao Yuge with a smile on his face, "His Royal Highness Duan Wang is so distressed. This child is not only unique in appearance, but also has a very good heart, sensible, and understanding."

"Natural nature."

"Besides, it's been a while since you entered the palace, so you have to give birth to a son and a daughter for the prince quickly. Besides, your still look a little thin, you'd better eat a little fatter."

Zhang Churan smiled shyly, and then withdrew after talking to his uncle for a while.

The three people in the hall didn't talk for too long, and after a cup of tea, Zhang Deshuo also got up and went back to his business.

Respectfully sending the guests away, Zhao Yuge turned his eyes to the front of Su Guogong's mansion.

The gentle and elegant Xu Miao just got out of the carriage, greeted Mu He, and brought his little attendant Qi Cheng into the mansion.

Really... a day never falls.

Zhao Yu's repertoire sternly said to Tan Shui: "Reward book."

Tanshui hurriedly fumbled it out and handed it over.

He stared at the booklet, looked back and forth twice, and said, "This set of gold cups, silver box, gold ruyi, gold and jade bowls and dishes... Take them with me to Su Guogong's mansion."

"To find Miss Su?"

Tanshui's eyes were clear for a moment, and his expression was even more joyful.

Zhao Yuge had never seen him like this.

When he was puzzled, he suddenly remembered that when Tanshui saw Su Fufu for the first time, he looked straight at her and said that she looked like an old friend...

He frowned, "Tanshui, don't you have any thoughts about Miss Su?"

Tan Shui waved his hands anxiously, and said with a bright face: "My lord misunderstood, I just think Miss Su is a benefactor."


"It's not the spring wind, it's not the autumn wind, the new bamboos are released at the beginning, in the summer moon. This is the summer bamboo..."

In the Zhoushan hall, Xu Miao is teaching patiently.

After Su Fufu nodded, she turned around and looked at Chen Zhenzhen who came with pastries again, and said with her lips, "Why are you here again?"

Chen Zhenzhen glanced at her, and continued to look at her sweetheart.

Su Fufu made a secret cut, and when she turned around, she saw Ash, a little hoof, slipping in.

"Miss, Prince Duan has come to the residence."

Su Fufu, who was waving his pen, paused, wondering, "What is he doing here?"

"The little one just glanced at it, as if he was here to give a gift."


Su Fufu frowned, and said to Xu Miao and Chen Zhenzhen, "Let's go and watch the excitement."

Facing the high sun, several people went to Yun Kuo Hall.

When he was about to arrive, he saw a few young eunuchs standing outside the hall holding brown wooden and vermilion lacquer ceremony trays.

Su Fufu looked left and right at the objects inside.

Glittering, exquisite workmanship, all valuable.

(End of this chapter)

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