Chapter 86: Yang Bianbian was caught

Under the dim moonlight, Zhao Yuge saw the leader, Su Fufu covered in mud at a glance.

As soon as his shoulders sank, Zhao Chengyan's eyes were staring at the case from the corner of the eye, and before he could chase him away, he unexpectedly came to Su Fufu two steps earlier without avoiding suspicion.

When Su Fufu saw him, his little muddy face suddenly became pitiful.

"Are you fighting again?"

She shook her head, "I caught a little kid from the White Candle Cult. In order not to hurt him, I persuaded him for a long time, but I didn't expect him to lie to me, saying to come back to me obediently, and trying to run away , I tripped and fell into the mud, and he even dragged me down." After she finished speaking, she turned her head and said in a much more serious tone: "Hurry up and send him to King Duan."

The pawns behind her grabbed an eleven or twelve-year-old boy with a tiger head who was also wearing a red shirt and soft armor, and went to Zhao Yuge.

He glanced at the person who came, then turned his eyes to Su Fu and said in a solemn voice: "Xiao Jiu, come in and ask questions."

Su Fufu wanted to get bored with Zhao Chengyan for a while, but when she failed, she could only snort.

After returning to the tent, Su Fufu looked at the same muddy tiger-headed boy in front of everyone and said, "It's just him, wandering around beside the waterwheel... I can see that there is nothing wrong with his dress, but he ghost His sneaky appearance really made people suspicious. I quietly hid behind the willow tree, and then I saw what he put in the water tanker, and he didn’t say anything when I asked him, so I had to ask Fangshi Hu to fetch water for testing.”

After finishing speaking, she tweeted fiercely at the boy again.

Taking off his soft armor, Zhao Yuge, who was dressed in a black military uniform, walked up to him, his eyes were flat, and his voice could not feel the warmth, he said, "How many of you are here? Where are you hiding?"

The fat-headed boy was not afraid of Zhao Yuge, so he stared at him with small eyes and said, "Wicked man, our brothers and sisters are everywhere."

As soon as Su Fufu heard that he still had this ghostly accent, she stepped forward and slapped him on the back of his round head, hating iron for being weak and said: "You are so young, you don't study hard, and you don't work hard to make money. You are going to poison people here. Evil person? Open your eyes and take a good look, you are the evil person, brat."

"I didn't poison it, it was just a laxative for the stomachache."

The tiger-headed boy was arguing loudly when Hu Bingzhong came outside the door.

"Reporting to the lord, the substance in the water is white aconite. This amount can cure abdominal pain, and after the intestines are rotten, the stomach slowly decays and dies."

"Nonsense, we are not like you guys, our White Candle Cult people will not harm people."

Zhao Yuge looked indifferent as usual, just turned his eyes to him and continued to ask: "If you answer me truthfully, this king will save your life. If you don't tell me, let you taste the so-called laxative, how does it feel? "

His words were neither salty nor bland, but every word was like a knife, and every sentence sealed his throat.

It was as if a pair of thick hands pinched the boy's neck, and with a little effort, there would be a "click" and send him back to the west.

It's just that this kid is still young, so he asked him stupidly: "Can you let me go after tasting it?"

Everyone was shocked by his words.

In order to prove to him that the medicine is harmful to people, Zhao Yuge ordered someone to catch several wild rabbits. Finally, the boy looked at the rabbits that died after convulsing for a while, and he was dumbfounded, knowing that he was deceived.

After some entanglement, he began to confide the truth: "The family of God sent out a total of a hundred people, but there are 20 people who came with me to deal with you, and they were distributed in the places you must pass along the way. I was the first... "

Later, I found out that this sturdy boy with a tiger head was Yang Bianbian, a native of Yucheng.Because his family passed away, he worked in the farm by himself, but the son of the owner of the farm had a violent temper and always bullied their new children when there was no one else.Just one month ago, their old wounds had not healed and new wounds were added, and they couldn't stand it anymore and fled.On the way, I met the Shen family of the White Candle Cult. He took the initiative to welcome a few people, took them to fill their stomachs, and promised that as long as they joined the religion, they would never be hungry.

And when they joined the religion, they did not have to be beaten or starved again. They only needed to go to the street every day to find children who were in a similar situation to them. This was called "blessing" by the gods. More than a dozen people returned, and they were among the hundred people who set out this time.

The Shen family told them that the imperial court did not allow them to do good deeds, and only wanted to make the people of the world suffer.

So they have to fight against these extremely selfish villains.

He also revealed the location of the god's house in Yucheng, and the painter in the army drew a map and his appearance according to his dictation.

After he finished speaking, just as he was about to be taken down, he suddenly took off his clothes and said, "And this..." Su Fufu stared, wondering what he was trying to show them?As for hiding in clothes?
But as soon as he took off the soft armor over his shirt, Zhao Yuge turned her around, not allowing her to look at it.

But Su Fufu's ears were straight, and he heard Yang Bianbian say: "This is the body tattoo of the White Candle Sect, and it will be tattooed here on the first day of joining the Sect."

It wasn't until Yang Bianbian was taken away that Su Fufu turned around.

Watching Zhao Chengyan, Chen Zhi and others go out afterwards, Su Fufu eagerly wanted to go forward, but she was caught behind Zhao Yuge after taking a step, she could only frown slightly, looking at Zhao Chengyan His face was a little sad as he walked into the night.

Zhao Yuge asked her from behind: "How is the injury on the foot?"

Su Fufu said perfunctorily, "It's okay."

Seeing that her eyes were still staring at the outside of the tent, he simply went around to her and said in a tight-fitting manner: "Look at you mud monkey, take a bath first and then have dinner!"

She had no choice but to agree, but she was still concerned about the tattoo that Yang Bianbian had mentioned, so Zhao Yuge had to paint it on the table for her with water on it, which looked like a lotus pattern surrounding a candle.He also told her that the White Candle Cult also had teaching patterns in the past, but it was a lotus pattern painted by many candles, and it was never heard that it would be tattooed on the body...

After dinner, when Zhao Yuge bathed and returned to the tent, Su Fufu was already busy with the two water goose pears on the bed.The bright candlelight shone on her delicate cheeks. Her concentration and clear mind made Zhao Yuge think that he was married to a leisurely and chaste girl.

He swept across the spit-fluttering bed with unfamiliar tenderness, sat beside her in a purple shirt and said, "You have made a meritorious deed today."

Su Fufu couldn't care less about talking, and just said "Oh" as usual.

Seeing that she had no time to answer, Zhao Yuge turned to look at the embroidery in her hand.

It is said that the embroidery will be different from person to person, but the two water goose pears under her hand, no matter whether it is a random embroidery or the thick thread that is not split, they are all the same. The one on his handkerchief is exactly the same.

Zhao Yuge was secretly amazed, when she heard her happily say: "Embroidery is finished."

Su Fufu cut off the last thread, and as soon as the scissors were thrown away, she took off the bag and presented the water-blue silk handkerchief to Zhao Yuge, asking him, "How is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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