Grandma Qian has also seen many Chinese medicine practitioners, but the effect is not very great.

In fact, Grandma Qian had heart problems. She was in poor health when she was young. Otherwise, she would have only given birth to one child and lost her son in middle age. Because her grandson was young, she didn't follow her. She just lived on until her grandson grew up. , Mr. Qian stepped back and took good care of her, otherwise Grandma Qian would not be alive.

"Then I'll get you some medicine."

If it was a different person, Fang Youyou might just prescribe the medicine directly.

Grandma Qian is not in good health, and Mr. Qian is not at home now.

Although she is a pregnant woman, her body is much better than Grandma Qian.

"Let Yoyo go, she's young and fast, just wait here with me." Mrs. Fang is older than Grandma Qian, but her body is much tougher than Grandma Qian, especially in recent years. Yoyo helps to adjust.

Fang Youyou moved quickly, took the medicine for three days and asked Grandma Qian to drink it first.

"You are in trouble."

Here in the suburbs.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

Ye Qinghe held on, "I'm fine, I can still do it."

Although Captain Fang hasn't been working in the field for several months, he hasn't been idle since he came to the capital, and he doesn't feel tired working in the field now.

After all, they have devoted their entire lives to the land that raised him, married a wife and had children, and had a full house of children and grandchildren.

Otherwise, with such a large piece of land, even if they called in some more people, they would not be able to handle it.

Not only the fence needs to be built, but also several bungalows, a place for storing tools, a kitchen for cooking, and a room for sleeping.

It is Fang Yuncheng and Fang Yunhao. Although they are studying, they have to work in the fields during summer and winter vacations. They are considered young men.

Some workers were building the fence, and Ye Qinghe paid for them. The food was not easy to buy, but every day Ye Qinghe came over, he would bring them some stewed pork.

Fang Youyou originally wanted to come to help, but Ye Qinghe directly rejected it. The daughter-in-law is pregnant with two children, and it is even more difficult, so she is not willing to let her suffer, with a big belly.

Fang Yunhang and Fang Yuncheng were called, only to find out that their aunt and uncle had bought land and planned to grow some vegetables and fruits.

Fang Yunhang, Fang Yuncheng, Ye Qinghe, Captain Fang, Mr. Fang, Mr. Qian, Professor Ye, and all the gay men are busy here.

"Then pack it up!"

Fang Yuncheng was not as busy as his senior because of his first year, so he could come to his aunt every week.

Ye Qinghe looked at this huge piece of land, "After clearing the surrounding area, your aunt is planning to go to the agricultural machinery station to borrow a tractor to hoe the land."

"This snow has melted a lot."

Except for Professor Ye and Ye Qinghe who rarely worked, the others didn't feel tired at all, even Mr. Fang felt that the land was kind.

I also bought two dogs in a nearby village to keep them.

At noon, they ate something simple. Ye Qinghe went to buy some steamed stuffed buns in the neighborhood, and let everyone make a cushion.

He is in better health, but his father has basically never done farm work, can he still handle it?

Professor Ye shook his head, "It seems that I need to practice more."

It can be said that Professor Ye grew up in Kyoto, and his brothers and sisters have never worked in the fields. Professor Ye has lived for decades, but he really doesn't know how to grow crops.

"In-law, you are doing great things, which is different from our whole life dealing with the land."

The land nurtured them, and they cannot live without the land.

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