Chapter 1016
Fang Youyou didn't forget that the sister-in-law of the uncle's family also participated in this year's college entrance examination, "I wonder how Sisi's review is going?"

This question made Ye Qinghe heave a long sigh, "The big brother is married, and he doesn't plan to take the college entrance examination this year. Haifeng will take the college entrance examination this time, but it will be the last time to take the college entrance examination. Failed."

The uncle and the uncle's mother saw that their young couple were both in Qing University, so they put some pressure on their children.

"That's really a bit of a loss."

Ye Qinghe shook his head, "Now that the eldest brother is married, they are not good either, so maybe they should look away at once."

Another thing is that I am afraid of re-examinations year after year, and I am afraid that the exams will get worse.

"One more thing, my cousin was making a movie, and my aunt found out about it, and called my parents over to ask them to persuade my cousin."

"Isn't my cousin good at filming?"

Although it cannot be compared with blockbuster films in Hong Kong, mainland films are also developing.

"The eldest aunt thinks this is not good, and plans to transfer a job to my cousin."

Fang's mother hurried over, followed by Captain Fang and several others, carrying a lot of things in their hands.

Fang Youyou can tell that the eldest aunt respects Grandma Zhao very much. Although the grandmother is not the mother-in-law of the eldest aunt, she respects the eldest aunt as a mother-in-law, because she will listen to her.

Professor Ye and Ye Qinghe also learned the news immediately, and hurried to the hospital on their bicycles.

Mrs. Fang didn't come, she watched Xiao Yu'er at home.

Because this second child was born very quickly.

That's why I insisted not to let my cousin make movies or TV series.

"Grandma didn't persuade?"

"It's born, it's born." Standing outside the operating room, Dr. Zhao smiled when he heard the sound of a baby crying from inside.

"Actually, my aunt just can't understand how my cousin is too close to a strange gay man in the movie, and thinks it will be difficult for my cousin to find a partner in the future."

"No, I also feel a little strange."

A pair of twins were born in less than an hour.

All scared the invigilator professor.

"Be careful when you go out." Fang's mother was worried, and her daughter had a big belly, as if she didn't care, and she had a headache.

"My uncle didn't deny my cousin. This is a good thing, since my cousin got divorced."

The hospital received that Fang Youyou was sent by so many people, and immediately sent her to the operating room.

"Xiaohe, hurry up and see your mother."

Dr. Zhao knew that the baby was born inside, but it hadn't come out so soon, and the mother-in-law hadn't come yet.

When she found out about this, Zhao Yunshan came to him to find a way, but he really couldn't convince her aunt.

The eldest aunt is very persistent in certain things, and it is difficult to listen to persuasion.

Ye Qinghe really felt strange.

"If you have an attack, you must say it. Don't hold it back. When you gave birth to Xiao Yuer last time, your in-laws told me that you have been holding it back."

Wait, wait, the premature birth didn't happen, Fang Youyou insisted on finishing the last subject before being rushed to the hospital by her classmates.

"I'm coming"

"Mother-in-law, did you give birth?" Fang's mother was in a hurry. This friend has told her several times, and she said it when she had a seizure.

"Born, born."

"Have you come out yet?"

Captain Fang looked at the operating room, and wanted to push the operating room and go in to see his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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