Or drive directly inside.

"Such a big piece of land?" Grandpa Zhao was very surprised. It didn't look like it was rented, and the walls were all newly built.

"Planted so many vegetables?" Aunt Zhao was also a rural girl when she was young, and she also planted the land, but looking at it, she knew it was not small.

When you come to Kyoto, why don't you come to enjoy the blessings, but to farm the land?

"Xiaohe, did you rent this land?"

Is it a lot of money to rent?

"Auntie, I bought it."


Such a large piece of land was actually bought?
"We go first to the house"

They also saw this house, with a warehouse, a kitchen, and a place to live.

Ye Qinghe is not an expert in this field, but Mr. Qian, in cooperation with Mr. Qian, his wife's monthly salary is given to him.

"It's not idle. I also heard that some land has been allocated to members of the commune."

But the sister-in-law and his wife have to go to work, and now Youyou has given birth to a pair of twins, who need someone to take care of them.

Now to test it out.

They are planning to live in Kyoto for a long time.

"Corn, Cowpea, Kidney Beans, Eggplant, Pepper"

"I don't understand this aspect, and at most I can help with the work." I can only contribute, and I don't know how to plant.

Fang Youyou looked at the watermelon field, "It will take a longer time for raw and cooked watermelons."

"The old man is here." A middle-aged man came out of the room and was startled when he saw them.

Aunt Zhao on the side looked at those vegetables, and she was a little jealous. There were green onions and ginger, and she even planted some leeks, Shilin vegetables, and corn.

"I'm late in pregnancy, you won't let me come here, and those harvested corns are replanted with vegetables?"

"Let's take them to see"

They also planted such a large piece of land and needed people to take care of it, so they still hired people to guard it.

He still had some money left in his hand before, so it was no problem to build a one-acre greenhouse, but when it snowed in winter, he had to cover it with snow that could withstand the winter, and the kind that could be uncovered in summer.

Grandpa Fang took out some cattail fans and handed them to Grandpa Zhao and the others.

She has strength.

"After waiting for a while, I plan to grow strawberry seedlings, which I heard from Mr. Qian."

"I know this, I know." Wang Ping'an's family conditions are still good. Aunt Ye and his wife have jobs, and now they are working as cadres. A must buy every summer.

"Yes, once the summer vacation is over, the school cafeteria will need vegetables, and my mother plans to dry some vegetables and save them for winter."

"The sun is bright, take a break."

"Cousin, I'll go pick watermelons later."

"Watermelon field, watermelon field" Wang Pingan exclaimed, seeing the watermelon field, the watermelon on the table today is very sweet, but each person only has a small piece.

"Grandpa, you still plant such a big piece of land?"

Grandpa Zhao nodded, "There is such a thing, but it has not been implemented nationwide. It will take several years to complete this."

Even if she has three children now, it has no effect on her strength.

"By then you will be too busy with work."

The daughter-in-law didn't go to work because she was pregnant, but her monthly salary was paid by others.

"But if you don't have any money, you have to tell me right away." Fang Youyou also knew that she was not good at budgeting.

"Okay, let me tell you right away, my wife can make a lot of money."

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