The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1038 Wang Ping'an's Enrollment Banquet

Fang Youyou prepared to be a medium-priced pen.

Ye Qinghe prepared several books for Wang Ping'an.

And Professor Ye prepared a set of clothes for his nephew, which was actually chosen by Dr. Zhao, who wanted to ask for leave, but there was an operation at zero o'clock, and she was temporarily unable to attend.



Xiao Yuer saw Wang Ping'an, "Cousin."

Wang Ping'an picked up Xiao Yu'er, gently touched his chubby little face, "Go, I'll take you to find my aunt."

Aunt Ye is very happy today, her son is admitted to university.

Uncle Wang, who usually doesn't talk much, always has a smile on his face and warmly receives relatives and friends.

"Brother and sister-in-law sit in the room."

"Haifeng's job has become regular, and he doesn't have much time to study. I'm not surprised he didn't pass the exam."

"I'm afraid my uncle will give up too. Haifeng is the same age as me, and I have three children."

"Uncle won't let Sisi do it?"

Wearing festive clothes, a smile is always on a wrinkled face.

Have a job, is it too early to get married?
"It costs a lot of money to prepare a bride price for the children, and there is also a wedding room. We have three children in our family."

three children?

On the way back, Professor Ye told his daughter-in-law about it.

Before Haiyang got married, eldest brother and the others spent a lot of money. They were afraid that Haifeng would also get married next year. It would cost at least a lot of money to do this one.

After eating lunch and chatting for a while, the family left.

"Haifeng didn't pass the exam this time, I'm afraid he won't take the college entrance exam again."

Even Grandma Wang and her sons and daughters did not dare to touch bad luck, and they all smiled.

Didn't pass the exam?

Aunt Ye took Xiao Yu'er, smiling all over her face, "Why is our little Yu'er so smart?"

"Calling Auntie"

Xiao Yu'er immediately shouted, "Hello, Auntie, hello, Auntie."

Fang Youyou remembered that she and her cousin were admitted to university, although they did it together, they invited the members of the brigade to have a meal together.

Ye Qinghe, who was riding a bicycle, laughed softly, "They are still young, let alone our family has a house."

"Second brother sit inside."

Even Uncle Ye, he never stretched his face when facing Xiao Yu'er, and Xiao Yu'er called him "Grandpa", which was very nice.

Professor Ye has no objection, but his eldest brother is not allowed to hold a school entrance banquet, he is not surprised at all.

Today Ye Haiyang brought his pregnant wife along.


At that time, Xiao Yu'er became the most popular person at the school entrance banquet, because he was small, because he was chubby, cute, and could shout at people.

Children are innocent and cute, can they not be popular?

"Second brother, your niece is also admitted to college, so we don't plan to make a big deal, let's get together as a brother and sister."

Fang Youyou held Xiao Yu'er in her arms with one hand, "I might have a wedding next year."

Grandma Wang is also very happy today. Can you be unhappy that her eldest grandson is admitted to university?

Uncle Ye thought of his daughter, who was also admitted to university, and since she was a girl, he planned to simply set up a table.

"Mom, little fish, little fish"

When his wife gave him such a large sum of money, he bought many houses, and now rents out some.

When the children grow up, they will push these old houses and rebuild new ones, and they will build the ones they like.

Two sons and one daughter, when they get married, they will separate and move out.

It's good to be like the mother-in-law and the others. There are fewer conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

When the children grow up, they will not be old yet, and then they will take their daughter-in-law to travel around the country.

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