Fang Youyou came towards them on his bicycle, and Meng Duo also saw Fang Youyou coming towards them. After being stunned, he shook his head, trying to tell Fang Youyou not to come over. They are weak women and will suffer.

"Little girl, why are you shaking your head?"

"Who makes you ignorant of people, if you give money, if you don't give money, then we will make you look good today."

After these words fell, Meng Duo looked at the getting closer and closer, and his heart was in his throat.

I can't even speak.

What exactly does Fang Youyou want to do?
What can she do as a lesbian?
She is married and has children.

Don't meddle in these business matters.

Seeing that Meng Duo didn't speak, these people planned to teach him a lesson, but the next moment they felt kicked out by a force.

None of them knew who kicked them out.

Meng Duo was dumbfounded, she never expected that Fang Youyou rode towards her on a bicycle, and kicked these few away with a few kicks, yes, kicked them away.

Only then did those people come to their senses, and raised their heads to see who was kicking them. When they saw that it was a lesbian, or a very beautiful lesbian, they were also startled, and struggled to get up from the ground, staring With Fang Youyou.

This lesbian who came out of nowhere, what exactly does she want to do?

"What are you doing?" Squeeze out these words from between the teeth.

Fang Youyou directly pulled Meng Duo behind her, and looked at them, "I still want to ask you guys what you want to do? In broad daylight, the world is bright, you actually bully a weak woman, are you embarrassed?"

The big men were dumbfounded by Fang Youyou's words.

"We just asked her to pay back the money. Paying back the debt is a matter of course." Several big men stood up against the wall. Do they still feel wronged?
Being beaten up for no reason, I felt like my whole body was going to fall apart.

Fang Youyou looked at Meng Duo, and looked her up and down, "I heard your voice, and I felt familiar, so I came here to have a look. They blackmailed me or something?"

Usually Fang Youyou seldom meddles in other people's business.

"How did you come?"

After hearing these words, Meng Duo's face was not good-looking, "I have said that I have nothing to do with him. If you want money, you can ask him for it. Yes, he was a partner before and we dated, but after that , we broke up, it doesn’t matter anymore, they ask you to borrow money, you don’t ask him for it, you ask his family for it, but you ask me for an ex-wife.”

Why do you feel that these words should not appear here, but should appear in costume dramas.

"I still feel aggrieved. I didn't see the man's true face clearly, and deceived my mother's feelings."

Fang Youyou also guessed a thing or two after hearing their conversation.

"That's right, you don't ask that gay man for money, but you ask this lesbian for money. Even if they can't get the money, they can go back to work, buy some things from his house and pay back the money. Bullying a lesbian It's your fault."

When they said this, several gay men felt aggrieved, "That kid ran away and went to his family. His family said that she has money, and they lent us the money to use it on her."

Meng Duo didn't like to hear these words.

"What is it for me? When I was talking to him, he did spend a little money on me and took me to see a movie a few times, but I also invited him to dinner. The meal and the movie are more expensive. Since he ran away, but his family did not, but you have to go early, otherwise his family will also run away, and the money owed to you will be in vain."

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