The roommate pulled Yu Jianming and asked him not to stare at the senior. He misunderstood that the target of Senior Fang was the school professor, but now he finally met the target of the senior. He was so young, and he looked more stable than them. few.

Ye Qinghe also noticed their little tricks, and he was even more sure that the other party was the junior who was after his wife.

"Are you here to go shopping too?" Ye Qinghe asked in the tone of a caring big brother.

Yu Jianming answered this time, "We have only come to Kyoto not long ago, and we are not very familiar with Kyoto, so we want to get acquainted with it."

What can the roommates do? They can only cooperate and smile, "Kyoto is very big, we just came here again, and we are not very familiar with Kyoto, but thinking that we will stay in this beautiful city for four years in university, we should have time to get familiar with it little by little. it."

The capital, of course beautiful, has left traces of history.

"Many scenic spots in Kyoto are opening one after another. You can take advantage of the weekend to visit. The winter in Kyoto is very cold. I hope you will get used to it."

winter is very cold?

How cold is it?
Also, if he doesn't say anything, can he just ignore a man as big as him?

Really very upset!

"Then you must go and visit it."

Today is the date time they managed to squeeze out, so they can't be delayed.

Give up?

"Brother, let's continue shopping."

"Yu Jianming" Wang Menghan didn't expect that she came here for a stroll, and she didn't plan to meet by chance, but luckily, they actually met.

Wang Menghan was followed by her former high school classmates, and her high school classmates after being divided into classes, who also knew Yu Jianming.

"Sister, senior, we still have to go shopping, so let's go first." The roommate pulled Yu Jianming to say goodbye to them and left.

So what if you don't give up?
It can be seen that the senior really likes her partner, and the two seem to be a good match.

The appearance of outsiders should not disrupt their dating pace.

They have known each other for a long time.

Suddenly the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Is this just fate?

He's just late.

"Wang Menghan, you also came to Kyoto for the exam?" If you didn't come to Kyoto to go to university, you wouldn't meet in Kyoto.

Yu Jianming didn't want to leave, so he looked at Fang Youyou, as if he had a lot to say, but was dragged away by his roommate.

Do old classmates meet to catch up?

The roommate who dragged Yu Jianming away here, saw Yu Jianming's appearance of wanting to cry, and sighed, "Now you can also see that Senior Sister Fang is really married, and her partner is not bad, you Just give up!"

Ye Qinghe also looked away, "Okay, let's continue shopping."

I don't know when the next time will be.

When Yu Jianming heard someone calling him, he looked up, and it turned out to be his former classmate. Why did he say it was his former classmate? They were in the same class before they were separated into Chinese and Science classes in high school. After they were separated into classes, they were no longer in the same class.

"Well, I'm studying at a normal university. I heard that you have been admitted to Tsinghua University. Congratulations."

They are old and young.

Because Yu Jianming's grades in school are very good, otherwise he would not be admitted to Tsinghua University.

"Congratulations too." Yu Jianming was not in a good mood, and he replied in a calm tone.

The roommate looked at Wang Menghan and the two, and immediately said, "Are you here to go shopping?"

"Yes, Kyoto is too big, and some people don't know where to go."

The roommate and Wang Menghan's high school classmates still have something to talk about.

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