The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1067 Earning money to support a family of 1 people

Chapter 1067 Earning money to support a family of seven
Aunt Zhao looked at her niece, "Your Xiaohe got married and had a baby."

For this aunt, Dr. Zhao is not timid at all. This is not her own aunt, but her mother's cousin. She is not married as well as Grandma Zhao. She used to say behind her back that Grandma Zhao didn't give birth to a son for his man. There is no one to support her in the old age.

Dr. Zhao still heard about this matter.

Dr. Zhao's voice came, "My Xiaohe and Youyou have known each other since they were in the countryside. Where did they meet? If they never get married, they will let the team gossip."

Find a wife by yourself and arrange a blind date with them.

Aunt Zhao also wanted them to find a partner by themselves.

But now few of them plan to find a partner.

"Your daughter-in-law gave birth to three children in one breath. Now they don't have a job. The two of you go to work to earn money to support a family of seven."

Raising seven people?

"Yuyou is a hero of our old Ye family, married to our family for three years, and gave birth to three children for our old Ye family."

There is no positive answer.

"It is indeed your family's hero. Although Youyou is a rural girl, she has also been admitted to Tsinghua University. She is pregnant and has children while studying." Aunt Zhao is also satisfied with this niece and daughter-in-law. Good for a few small ones.

It was Fang Youyou's parents, although they were old, they were still nice to people.

When they take something, people will return the gift.

This time my father-in-law celebrated his birthday and brought a lot of fresh dishes. Today, many people in the compound are inquiring about it.

To eat fresh vegetables in this winter, you can only buy them if you have some skills.

The days passed quickly, and it was winter vacation in a flash.

Because this year we are going back to the brigade for the Chinese New Year, the whole family is dispatched and there are many people.

After Fang Yuncheng's winter vacation, he went to live with his parents for a few days.

"Grandma, when are we going back to the brigade?"

It's good to arrange some time.

My aunt has been busy and hasn't even come back for several days.

Grandma is busy with the stewed meat shop, and grandpa is busy with the greenhouse in the suburbs.

"A batch of strawberries are ripe, and we can't finish them. Do you want to sell some?"

Captain Fang mentioned this to his son-in-law.

"Father, we sell a batch, and we also sell a batch of that watermelon, which is sold at the entrance of the stewed meat shop, and it is said to give back to old customers that the purchase is limited to one catty per person, first come, first served." Ye Qinghe was good at math, this point In business, I understand.

In the beginning, everyone in the family liked to eat red strawberries, but when it was cold, eating too much made my teeth feel unbearable.

When people who came to the stewed meat shop heard that there were strawberries to buy, although the price was more expensive, they were still willing to buy them. One person could only buy one catty, and there were not many strawberries.

Those who know the goods, immediately find their family members to buy, even braised pork, which can be stored for a long time in cold weather.

It only sold for one day and it was gone.

Later, someone came to ask and wanted to buy it, but it was no longer available.

Fang Youyou came back on New Year's Eve.

The family members immediately prepared to pack their things and prepare to go home for the New Year.

I made a lot of stewed pork, stewed fat sausage, watermelon and strawberries, put peppers on them, and temporarily handed over the piece of land in the suburbs to Mr. Qian and Dashi. When I left, I gave him a red envelope for the New Year. Several catties of stewed pork.

It would cost a lot of money to buy all the sleeper tickets, so Mother Fang bought it with a wave of her hand.

After Professor Ye sent them to the train station, he saw the train leaving, so he reluctantly left and went to the post office to send a telegram to Brother Fang.

(End of this chapter)

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