Because I came in a hurry, I didn't buy many things.

Fang Youyou went nearby to buy some needed things, towels, washbasins, water bottles, enamel cups, soap, and saw someone selling steamed buns, one sold ten steamed buns, and went back to the hospital with the things.

"Mom, I bought some things."

As soon as Fang's mother turned around, she saw that her daughter had bought everything she could use.

"I'm going to get some hot water. I still need a ticket for the malted milk here. I'll check with my aunt later."

She bought it near the hospital.

"I'm hungry for the buns I bought. Let's eat something first."

Fang's mother can't eat some food.

But Grandma Lin wants to eat.

Every meal at home is drinking sweet potato porridge, clear soup with little water.

Many salespeople are envious of it.

"Yuyou, does this cost a lot of money?"


Fang Youyou bought a lot of things that don't require a ticket, canned fruit, two packs of malted milk, chicken cakes, and some sugar.

Uncle Lin wanted to refuse, but was glanced at by Fang's mother, and obediently took the buns and ate them.

Fang Youyou came back with big and small bags, which made Uncle Lin even more cautious. It must cost a lot of money.

"You're still in college and you're working?"

After making arrangements here, Fang Youyou took the bus to Aunt Fang's supply and marketing agency to buy some things.

But now I saw my niece in the city, don't you think it's strange?

Now eating steamed stuffed buns, my eyes are red all of a sudden.

Excellent people have not yet graduated from college, and someone's work unit will come to recruit them.

"Auntie, I'll go there first, you and Uncle and the others go back to the brigade early to play."

But before this idea came out, he resumed the college entrance examination, and found a partner by himself, and the in-laws came to propose marriage by themselves by train.

Aunt Fang had just eaten, and was taken aback when she saw her niece appearing, "Yuyou, why are you in the city, are you alone?"

"Didn't my family Xiaowu go to Kyoto this summer vacation, and stayed there for more than a month before coming back. I see him, if it wasn't for the start of school, he would be reluctant to come back."

The other salespeople looked at the young girl who was talking to Aunt Fang.

What about the niece and three children?
Especially the pair of dragon and phoenix twins are still young, and they can't live without people around them.

"Okay, walk slowly."

Aunt Fang praised her niece, but she had a lot to say.

"My grandma is sick, and my mother brought my grandma to the city to see a doctor. Auntie, I want to buy malted milk, but I don't have a ticket."

At the beginning, I thought this little girl was handsome, and I planned to introduce her to someone after graduating from high school.

Aunt Fang smiled and said, "My niece, although she is in college, is already working. I heard from my Xiaowu that before the school assigns work, some school will find her to go to work. I am busy. It’s a bit busy, but the salary is not low.”

As soon as Fang Youyou left, someone came over and asked Aunt Fang, "Your niece spent a lot of money?"

How come several children have been born, but nothing seems to have changed?
"There are two kinds of malted milk, one needs a ticket, the other does not need a ticket, and the price is more expensive."

I don't know how much his mother spent in the hospital this time, but my niece bought a lot of things at once.

"Don't worry, uncle, I'm already working, and my monthly salary is not low."

Already working?
"Isn't Yoyo still in college?"

How did it work?

"For those who are specially recruited, the benefits of the unit are good."

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