Ye Qinghe is not very familiar with Grandma Lin, and has met several times.

"Grandma's situation is a little special. There are uncles and uncles."

Fang Youyou sighed, and talked about Grandma Lin's affairs, "I went to my aunt's house with my mother today, and when I entered the house, there was a smell, and grandma is skinny, feel her pulse, if you don't Take good care of it, I'm afraid it won't be alive for two years."

As we get older, some body functions are declining. If you are angry, you may shorten your life span even more.

Is it that serious?
Ye Qinghe also knows life and death.

"My mother said she didn't care, but she was still worried. After all, grandma was my mother's mother and gave birth to her."

Fang Youyou values ​​family affection more.

"Both uncle and uncle earn work points at home, and have no money to pay for medical expenses. Mother planned to give this sum of money, but I am worried that my aunt and uncle will miss it."

He said this because he wanted Ye Qinghe to make up his mind for her.

"How is the relationship between uncle and grandma?"

"After my mother comes back, we will discuss it." Ye Qinghe could only comfort in this way.

The grandma's children are not only the mother, but can be divided among several children.

"Uncle Construction"

"Yes, send Xiao Yu'er home to see my sister."

But she might not want to let her little aunt take care of her.

"Dad" Xiao Guoqing also yelled when he saw Fang Jianshe.

There are not a few people who have deep conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

One person took care of her for several months.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Jianshe's eyes fell on his son and Xiao Yu'er. Compared with this, Fang Jianshe wanted to hit someone.

Xiaoyu'er is so young, so he knows that he likes to be clean, but his son is several years old, and his whole body is dirty.

Unless money is taken care of.

Xiao Yu'er immediately called out, "Hello, Uncle Six."

Being scolded for cutting off the account, cutting off the family or something.

Xiao Yuer looked at Fang Jianshe, not knowing what to shout?
Looking at Xiao Sanzi, "What am I calling?"

But it can't make people think that the mother's money is easy to get.

Let the aunt continue to take care of it, and I don't feel at ease.

"Why is it so dirty?"

"I'm afraid my aunt won't want to take care of her."

"I fell down, Uncle Jianshe, you are at home, so I sent Xiao National Day back, and we took Xiao Yuer home."

Fang Youyou was silent for a while and said, "It seems that the relationship is not very good, maybe it's because my aunt only gave birth to a cousin, a daughter, if it wasn't for the cousin who recruited her husband, I'm afraid people would make irresponsible remarks, my cousin went to school. "

"I'm your uncle. According to age, I should be your sixth uncle."

Ye Qinghe has stayed in the countryside for a few years, and he knows what he will face if he only has one daughter in this patriarchal village.

Fang Jianshe looked at Xiao Yu'er, he really looked like a brother-in-law, but this smart one looked like a younger sister.

Xiaosanzi took Xiao Yuer to send Xiao Guoqing home, because Xiao Guoqing fell and his pants were torn.

Madam is good.

Ask if you don't understand.

I also saw my own brother, who couldn't walk yet.

Little Sun also followed, but he knew that his name was Little Sun, and his sister's name was Little Moon, and the sun and the moon were the closest.

"I'll follow along to have a look."

Don't tell me, he hasn't seen Little Moon yet?
I don't know what this pair of dragon and phoenix twins, my little sister, look like?
Don't look at him as a father now, he is mature and stable, but he still has some curiosity.

A group of people went to Fang's house again.

The little moon and the little dolphin have already woken up, lying in the little cradle and trying to get up, they are already half a year old, and when they come back, they should wear thinner clothes.

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