Chapter 1096
Fang Youyou still felt that the transportation was inconvenient, and she was afraid that after a few years, she would become even more indifferent.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work, you are already married, and you still come back to my mother's house for the New Year with me."

This has never happened in my previous life.

Ye Qinghe stretched out his hand to touch Fang Youyou, "I'm not working hard anymore, it's you who worked hard."

After marrying him, she gave birth to three children in three years.

Still going to class, still working, and earning money, which may not be earned in his life, is all left to him to arrange.

"Brother, after graduating from university, you should also go to graduate school. Then you will be like Dad, teaching in school. This job is easy, and there are winter and summer vacations."

After she graduates, she must be very busy. The family may not be able to take care of her, so she can only wrong her brother.

I don't know if he is willing or not?
"It's okay to study in graduate school. I don't know what job to assign to my major?"

If you really go to work, the family will not be able to take care of you.

"That's fine, let's take our time, don't rush."

The young couple walked towards Uncle Fang's house while talking.

"Yuyou, Xiaoye" Uncle Fang saw the young couple approaching, and shouted with a smile.



I haven't seen my niece for more than a year, and nothing seems to have changed.

It didn't affect her because of having a baby.


Seeing her niece coming, Aunt Fang smiled and looked at the niece who came over, "I've lost weight, let your mother make up for you."

While busy, Mrs. Fang Ertang heard the conversation outside and continued to work.

She hadn't seen this sister-in-law for quite some time.

I also saw the pair of dragon and phoenix twins.

Not to mention, Fang Ertang's sister-in-law, who only gave birth to a son, is the one who likes Little Moon.

In this room of theirs, there is no one who has a daughter, why is it not rare.

"Auntie, I have always had a good appetite."

Several people talked about other things.

There are many people in the family, and tables and chairs are placed in the yard.

Little Moon and Little Dolphin are especially popular.

"Little sister, your little fish can speak long sentences and walk very steadily. My little one can only walk two steps. If you teach him to call, he will call."

"Still young."

Fang Jianshe also talked about his elder brother not being able to come back to celebrate the New Year with them.

"Let's take a family portrait later."


The elders have one table, the peers have one table, and Xiaobei can sit at two tables.

Mr. Fang took out the special wine he bought and drank it together.

"The land should be distributed as soon as possible, and spring plowing will begin after the next year. Let the commune members go to work on their own."

Mr. Fang was talking on it, and the sons listened to him quietly. Mr. Zhao has been called to have a group year together in recent years, and it is the same this year.

When the old man says dinner is ready, everyone will eat together.

Little Moon and Little Dolphin have already been fed milk powder, and Little Yuer is still eating while looking at his younger siblings.

"Eat, they ate, I'll take you for a stroll later."

Xiao Yu'er nodded her head, "Thank you brother, let me play with you."

"We can play with you too."

Hearing Xiao Yu'er's soft voice, Little Sun and the others also said they would follow along.

Fang Yunjing's brothers and sisters still meet Xiao Yuer every week. It can be said that Fang Yunjing's brothers and sisters often tell stories to Xiao Yuer.

"You can play, but you can't run far."

Fang Youyou responded to them, the wildness of children did not imprison them.

"By the way, after dinner, you can come to me with the notice to collect the money."

After saying this, the children became a little excited in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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