Grandma Lin moved into Uncle Lin's house and gave her a room alone. Originally, this room was shared by Lin Hemiao and her children. Now that Grandma Lin came, she vacated this room.

"After a while, the two of you will dry out more bricks and build a house." Uncle Lin was thinking about his two grandsons and one granddaughter.

"Mother, good."

This brother-in-law Lin has already learned from his daughter-in-law that his aunt wants to find a job for him.

He also wants to let his three children go to college, but this requires money.

But they earn work points, and they don't get much money throughout the year.

Grandma Lin has never lived in Uncle Lin's house, and now she will make malted milk and a bowl of medicine for her every meal, and basically no one talks to her.

But she dared not make a fuss.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Mr. Fang took the younger generation out to pay New Year's greetings, and Xiao Yu'er obediently said Happy New Year.

Now the most famous and promising girl in the brigade is Fang Youyou.

The older generation of the brigade smiled when they saw them coming to pay New Year's greetings.

I will also give Xiao Yuer melon seeds and dried sweet potatoes.

Xiao Yu'er wanted to go to the commune, but because he was small, he was taken away by Fang Yunhang and Fang Yuncheng.

Nephews and nieces have red envelopes and want to spend them.

"We're also going to join in the fun."

Fang Youyou looked at Ye Qinghe, without hesitation, "Go and see the excitement, I rarely go to the commune on the first day of the new year."

Usually Fang Youyou doesn't go to the market.

The couple stood out. On the first day of the new year, this is the south. They were wearing cashmere coats and sweaters, so it wasn't very cold.

"Fang girl, are you going to the commune too?"

"Yes, I also go to the commune to join in the fun."

There are many young and unmarried girls who do not envy Fang Youyou.

Because of Fang Youyou, many girls in the brigade were able to go to school.

I also want to have a good girl like Fang Youyou in my family, marry to the capital, and take my parents to the capital to enjoy the blessings.

"Aunt Fang, happy new year."

Fang Youyou looked at the little girls in the cardamom years, "Hello."

The little girls all smiled and nodded.

Although Fang Youyou is not very old, she is really senior.

Who made her an old woman.

"Aunt Fang, let's go first."

"it is good."

Fang Youyou and Ye Qinghe stopped and walked, occasionally stopping to look at the surrounding scenery.

"Today's New Year's Day, the commune should be very lively."

They met many young people on the road, everyone with a smile on their faces, and went to the commune.

"should be."

"Fang Youyou, Fang Youyou"

A young man, seeing Fang Youyou, immediately yelled.

Turning around, Fang Youyou saw someone coming, this was her junior high school classmate, one year older than her.

"haven't seen you for a long time.":
what relationship?
"I heard that you were admitted to university. When you were in junior high school, you got good grades. Unlike me, you didn't get into high school."

Fang Youyou also introduced Ye Qinghe to her classmates, "This is my lover."

After the introduction, Fang Youyou replied to the junior high school classmate, "I'm a senior this year, and I'm going to university in Kyoto."

The two chatted for a few words, and the junior high school classmate left.

"Xiaoyou really knows a lot of people."

Is this jealous?
"This is the place where I was born, and I'm not a person who doesn't leave the door. I'm afraid I'll meet a lot of acquaintances when I go to the commune today. Brother, today you can soak in the vinegar jar."

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