Chapter 1104

Even though Fang Youyou had three children with her, she still walked fast, and these children did not become her burden.

Fang Youyou walked towards the main road and asked the third son to call Ye Qinghe, hoping that someone would come to pick her up.

Because she doesn't know how dangerous it is here, but today is the first day of the new year, and she doesn't want to get hurt and let her family know.

It was only when we stepped onto the national highway that we heard the sound of tractors and even familiar voices.

Is it Dad?

Let dad and brothers know about this?
"Daddy, daddy"

Second Brother Fang suddenly heard someone calling him. Although the tractor was making a loud noise, he still vaguely heard it.

Turning around, they saw a figure coming towards them.

"Father, stop, stop, it's my little sister, it's my little sister."

Although the second brother Fang did not read as much as the fourth brother Fang, his eyes were very good, and he could see which clothes Fang Youyou was wearing at a glance.

"It's my little sister"

Captain Fang stepped on the brakes immediately, and it took a long time to stop the car. Fang Youyou had already brought the three children over.

"Where's little fish?"

"It's still behind, you look at these children, I'll be right back."

After handing over the three children in his hands to his brothers, Fang Youyou quickly disappeared from their sight.

"What's the matter with these children?"

"Father, I'm afraid that the kidnapper will not only kidnap Xiao Yu'er, but also these children. Seeing that they haven't woken up, they should have been drugged." Fourth brother Fang came to a conclusion after checking.

"Can my little sister do it alone?" Brother Fang wanted to follow up to have a look, but the little girl ran away alone.

"We'll wait for them, second child, go and drive." Captain Fang got off the driver's seat and looked in the direction where his daughter was leaving.

Without waiting for 10 minutes, Fang Youyou brought back three children again, and this time there was Xiao Yuer among the three children.

"Grandpa, grandpa"

"Xiao Yu'er, Xiao Yu'er, let grandpa see, let grandpa see." After Captain Fang excitedly picked up Xiao Yu'er, he looked him up and down. Except for his little face and clothes being dirty, he was not injured.

"What about little sister?"

After caring about his nephew, fourth brother Fang didn't see his younger sister again.

"It seems that there should be children."

Brother Fang looked at these children, what kind of luck is this?

"The New Year's Eve, which was supposed to be a happy day, will suffer from this tragedy."

"Is Xiao Yu'er scared?" Fourth Brother Fang asked gently, and even reached out to wipe the little dirty face of the little nephew, who was almost turning into a floret.

Xiao Yu'er shook her head, "I fell asleep immediately after being covered, and when I woke up, I saw my mother."

These words are obvious, because Xiao Yu'er was stunned by drugs.

The big men wanted to beat up that kidnapper.

"Fourth, fourth, look."

They watched as the little girl dragged three people over.

These few people knew who they were without having to think with their toes.

"Second brother, hug Xiao Yu'er and coax him."

Captain Fang narrowed his eyes slightly, he was always angry, now that he saw this villain, how could he just let it go.

Brother Fang: Dad, I want to fight too. I haven't fought for many years.

"Fourth brother, you are a gentleman, you coax Xiao Yu'er." The second brother Fang threw Xiao Yuer into the arms of the fourth brother Fang, and jumped off the car.

Brother Fang: I also fought when I was young, and I want to beat them up to vent my anger!

Seeing Xiao Yu'er being pushed back and forth by them was dumbfounded, so he quickly changed the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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