The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1109 Really Scared the Fang Family

Chapter 1109 Really Scared the Fang Family

As soon as Uncle Fang opened his mouth, all the nephews stood up, and all the boys in a row lowered their heads.

There are so many of them, they can't look down on a child, and they were kidnapped by someone.

Each of them is responsible.

"Grandpa, it's my fault for not being vigilant." Fang Yuncheng took the lead in apologizing. He is the oldest grandchildren, older than Fang Yunhang.

"Grandpa, I am also responsible. I thought that abductions would not happen in our small place. I was careless." Fang Yunhang bowed his head and apologized.

This is their responsibility and they will not shirk it.

Their fault, they will admit it.

Fang Yunhao and Xiaosanzi only heard that there was a kidnapper, but they had never seen one.

"We were wrong."

The elders of Fang's parents just watched, and didn't come up to help speak.

It was the commune members who were watching the excitement, standing outside the door, and did not come in to disturb.

What happened today really scared the Fang family.

Basically, Fang Yatou's brothers and uncles and uncles were dispatched.

"Grandpa, it was my fault." Xiao Yu'er, regardless of how young he is, knows that being abducted this time is not the fault of his brothers, but also related to him, and he cannot be ignored because he is young.

Xiao Guoqing pulled his younger brother, heard Xiao Yuer's words, looked at Xiao Yuer, maybe thinking in his little head, what's wrong with Xiao Yuer?

Seeing that Xiao Yu'er also admitted his mistake, the elders softened their hearts a little.

"Where did you go wrong?" Fang Youyou asked.

I told them about being abducted before, but there has never been a case, and it hasn't really happened around me.

But today this scene really happened, so I will tell them how to prevent it.

"Mom." Xiao Yu'er tilted her head and called Fang Youyou.

He is small and smart, but he was stunned directly, and he really doesn't know what's wrong?

Fang Youyou looked at her nephews, "You can't eat food and toys given by strangers. This is one of them. Like today, if strangers ask you for help, will you still be eager to help?"

"Not anymore."

"It depends."

Fang Youyou looked at them and began to summarize today's case.

She won't beat around the bush, and just get right to the point.

Even the lively club members listened carefully to what Fang Youyou said.

"Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. We will not beat you, but there are still punishments. According to today's events, write a self-criticism. Those who are over ten years old should write 15 words, those over [-] years old should write [-] words, and those under ten years old Write [-] words and hand it in before dinner."

When Uncle Fang said this, the nephews all showed a bitter expression, this was Ye Qinghe's suggestion.

It is really not good to beat a child on the first day of the new year.

Then let them deeply remember this matter.

Rural children are not afraid of being beaten.

"Grandpa, I want to write too?"

But he doesn't know how to read.

Uncle Fang looked at Xiao Yu'er who was not affected by the abduction at all, "You don't need to write, you haven't gone to school yet."

"go to play!"

During the meal, the team leader suddenly had an idea, "Yuyou and Ye Zhiqing, go to the drying yard and tell the children about this kidnapping."

This time it was Xiao Yu'er who had an accident. What if the children in the brigade are kidnapped next time and can't be found?
Whether it's a girl or a boy.


After eating, Uncle Fang used the method of beating gongs to ask the members to take small benches to the drying yard to attend classes.

(End of this chapter)

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