The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1111 It is good to give them 1 point

Chapter 1111 It's good to share a little with them
Mother Fang was not afraid of any gossip from them, and said directly, "My elder brother and younger brother take turns taking care of my mother."

Take turns taking care of?

"One family takes turns for a month, which can make it easier for the two families."

The old aunt thought of the brick house built by Fang's mother.

"Da Ya, I heard that your house is built with bricks and tiles?"

Mother Fang smiled and said, "My son-in-law is filial."

But in the ears of the old aunt, it was that the son-in-law of Da Ya paid for the house.

Brick house?

Who is not envious?

Why didn't they find such a good son-in-law?

But Da Ya's girl looks like a girl in the city, so she should find a good man.

"Why hasn't your aunt arrived yet?" Aunt Lin waited and waited, but she didn't wait for her aunt.

My sister-in-law must have brought a lot of things when she came back from Kyoto.

The last time she came back from her sister-in-law, she brought meat, vegetables and candy.

"Grandma, aunt went to grandpa's side."

Went to the siblings?

Uncle Lin glanced at his daughter-in-law, "Mother is over there, it's normal for elder sister to go to younger brother's."

The last time the eldest sister made a direct decision on this matter, they didn't dare to say anything more.

I am afraid that the eldest sister will not give the money at that time, but they still have to adopt a mother.

Now the eldest sister's son-in-law spent money to build a brick house for the eldest sister, which would cost a lot of money.

I don't want to make trouble with my niece, and I want to share some of the benefits with them when the time comes.

"Don't make trouble."

Aunt Lin wanted to say something, but was stared at by Uncle Lin, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

Every year, the things that the eldest sister-in-law brings back to her mother's house are all good things, especially in the past two years, when Youyou married and went to Kyoto, the things are even better.

There are even things like malted milk and white rabbit toffee.

Thinking of these things, Aunt Lin felt uncomfortable when her sister-in-law referred her to her younger siblings.

It would be nice to leave these things for the grandson to eat!

Mother Fang deliberately didn't go to the eldest brother's house, and went directly to the younger brother's house.

Things for my mother and things for my younger brother's family are separate.

The things for Grandma Lin are a pack of brown sugar and a bag of malted milk, and there are more things for the little brother.

"Auntie." Lin Hemiao and brother-in-law Lin shouted in unison.

"Big Uncle"



The youngest child in Lin Hemiao's family is older than Xiao Yu'er, able to run and jump.

"Sister, why did you bring so many things here?"

Fang's mother smiled and said, "When we came back for the New Year, my in-laws gave some food, and the family shared some, but some dried shrimps should not be kept for a long time."

Mother Fang did bring a lot of things.

There is a bag of big white rabbit toffee, a bag of the kind that weighs one catty, and a bag of shrimp crisp candy, two catties of sandwich biscuits, kelp, dried shrimp, a bag of one catty white sugar, and a handful of two catties of dry noodles.

Aunt Lin saw that her sister-in-law brought so many things, and thought that she would wait for her to go back to see what good things were in the house and put them on for her.

After Fang's mother gave the things to Aunt Lin, she went into the house to see Grandma Lin.

Aunt Lin and her daughter Lin Hemiao packed up these things, stuffed two white rabbit toffees for each of the little ones, put them away, and went to the kitchen to cook.

Here, Aunt Lin was carrying her things to her elder brother's house, but she didn't see her mother, so she was carrying her things to her second brother's house.

"Sister-in-law, I have all the meals here."

Aunt Lin glanced at Aunt Lin, "Sister-in-law, I will go wherever mother is."

(End of this chapter)

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