The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1120 Don't Force You Anymore

Chapter 1120 Don't Force You Anymore

Zhao Yunheng sighed, "Mom, it's been many years, I've already forgotten, now I go on a blind date and I don't find a match, I want to find a girl who is destined."

It's still true.

But how did Shanshan know?
Zhao Yunhuan looked at his sister suspiciously.

It was the girl my elder brother liked in high school. At that time, Shanshan was only in elementary school.

I saw it by accident?
"Mom won't force you anymore."

Aunt Zhao let out a long sigh, not knowing how to persuade her son.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yunheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom, I will get married."

Not really single.

He is the eldest son of Zhao's eldest brother.

The conversation is over.

"Mother, my aunt didn't make things difficult for you today, did she?"

Mother Fang put down her things, drank the water poured by her daughter, put down the enamel cup, and said, "Your father and I went directly to your uncle's house, and your aunt didn't even come over."

How could Fang's mother not know what the elder sister-in-law's plan was, and it was not what she wanted.

In the past, their sisters went back to their natal family every year on the second day of junior high school, and went directly to the elder brother's house. Isn't it because their mother lives with them? Otherwise, the things they carried were really for the elder brother's house?

Then he really thinks beautifully.

"Where's uncle?"

"I haven't come here either. Your grandma has been at your uncle's house for the past few days and hasn't made any trouble. I told her that if there is trouble and you really live with the elder brother's family, then we won't close it. Your uncle and the others will make a special fuss." Let your grandma live in a room, she has been able to walk a few steps after drinking medicine these days."

Although this complexion is better than what I saw a few years ago, after all, I am getting old and hurt my body. It is not that simple to restore the physical condition of the previous years.

"I promised to let your brother-in-law He Miao go to work in the capital, so it depends on whether your grandma will do it?"

They are all children's debts.

Ye Qinghe said from the side, "Mother, why don't you let brother-in-law go to Kyoto with us this time? There is still a need for farming in the suburbs, and brother-in-law will be paid wages, so that grandfather and father can relax."

A few acres of land can be done by a diligent villager alone, but father and grandfather are getting old, so it is enough to direct from the sidelines.

Niang was also tired in the stewed meat shop alone.

Provide food and lodging for the brother-in-law, and it can be opened to [-] to [-], so the brother-in-law should be willing to do it.

"Not now. If your brother-in-law follows us to the capital, your aunt will definitely think about it, and there will be trouble at that time. Let's wait and see."

To balance, Fang's mother really took great pains for that old lady.

"After the land of our brigade is divided, it will soon be passed on to these brigades under the commune. I told your little uncles that no matter how many chickens are raised now, I don't know if your little aunts can understand what I said? "

It is also possible to raise more chickens to lay eggs and buy chickens.

A few years ago, many villagers saved their eggs to sell in the commune, and bought some soy sauce, vinegar and salt with the money they sold.

"Fang girl, Fang girl, Fang girl"

Fang Youyou was still chatting with her parents, when she suddenly heard the shouts outside, which startled the whole family.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

A middle-aged man with few ordinary words hurriedly looked for him.

"Something happened to my wife."

Fang Youyou did not delay the matter of human life.

"Uncle, let's talk as we walk."

I didn't care about the rest of the family, so I hurried to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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