Chapter 1126 There is a suitor

Grandpa Zhao was playing chess at an old friend's house. When the father and son visited, Grandma Zhao was at home, and her little cousin Zhao Yunshan was also at home. The rest of the Zhao family were either at work or busy with work.

"little fish"

Xiao Yuer also knows Grandma Zhao, "Grandma"

Grandma Zhao picked up Xiao Yu'er and thought about it, "We Xiao Yu'er went back to your grandma's house for the New Year, and gained weight."

This immediately opened Xiao Yu'er's chatterbox.

"Grandma, it's fun at home"

Ye Qinghe looked at the two of them, and carried his things to the kitchen.

When I came out, I heard that one spoke very vigorously, and the other nodded in agreement.

Xiao Yu'er has been in his hometown for the past few days, and his speech has become clearer, and he can speak coherent sentences without hiccups.

"So much fun?"

Xiao Yu'er nodded her head, "Grandma, there are many children, let's play hide and seek together."

The movement downstairs disturbed Zhao Yunshan who was doing homework.

When I went downstairs, I saw my cousin and Xiao Yuer?

"Cousin, where is my cousin?"

Why didn't you see my cousin?

The two little ones from my cousin's house didn't come either, but it was not surprising that they didn't come because it was cold.

Ask his wife?

"Your cousin has gone to work."


"Then when did you come back?"

She knew that her cousin was working, but she was too busy.

"I came back yesterday. I dealt with some things, so I came back later. How did I hear that you have a partner? When will you bring it for us to see?"


what object?
The cousin who just came back yesterday and came to their house today, actually knows about this?
Who passed it on?
Who passed it on?

She has a date. As the person involved, why doesn't she know about it?
She met Su Xinnian that day, and was seen by others?

Her brothers and sisters were all busy with work. It was cold, so she hid at home and didn't go out much. She really didn't know that there were rumors outside that she had a partner.

This is not made out of nothing.


Ye Qinghe looked at his little cousin with a bad face, isn't it true?
"You're not young anymore, it's normal to have a partner."

My little cousin is now in college.

But she doesn't have a partner?

"I really don't have a partner, I just have a suitor." Zhao Yunshan said in a low voice, keeping this matter from her family.

Nor is it an object.

She hasn't told others so narcissistically that someone is pursuing me.

Very embarrassing.

"How is this gay man doing? Does he have a job?"

Although Zhao Yunshan is Ye Qinghe's cousin, since childhood, Ye Qinghe has always loved Zhao Yunshan as his own sister.

The relationship between cousins ​​is also good.

Why did my cousin ask about this?

"He grew up abroad. His looks are two times worse than yours. He has a job, runs his own company, and his family is very rich."

Why did Shanshan not agree with the other party's pursuit, because she thought the other party was not sincere?

"You think he's not sincere?"

"Still think he wants to rely on our Zhao family?"

Zhao Yunshan didn't know either.

Seeing that the little girl hadn't spoken for a long time, Ye Qinghe didn't continue to press her.

No one can say anything about this relationship.

When he married her daughter-in-law, it can be said that many aunts in the family courtyard were disgusted when they learned that his daughter-in-law was a rural girl. Ye family, but what about the truth?

His wife became the support for the family.

(End of this chapter)

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