The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1128 Take the young people at home to pick strawberries

Chapter 1128 Take the young people at home to pick strawberries

Originally, he planned to let the grandson's daughter-in-law accompany him to play a few games and practice calligraphy, but she was too busy, so she could only have some regrets.

"It's okay, wait a minute, you can play chess with me when you are free."

Talk about being kidnapped again.

"As for Xiao Yu'er, the person on that line has been caught, and two people behind him have escaped."

It will be quiet there for a few years.

But the person behind it ran away, which was also a headache.

"I still have to thank grandpa."

Grandpa Zhao knew that his grandson was like a son-in-law, and it seemed that nothing could cause him to have great mood swings.

But if you meet Ni Lin, he is not so easy to mess with.

Originally, he wanted to train this grandson, but was rejected by his son-in-law and daughter.

He also thought that the son-in-law and the young couple had only one child, so he suppressed it.

"We are all a family, and you are still being polite to me. How did you go back to your hometown?"

The nanny was busy in the kitchen and came out to serve meals on a large table.

"When you are free, go to your in-laws' hometown to see."

Zhao Yunshan thought of another thing, "Cousin, are the strawberries you planted still fruiting?"

"Yes, as long as you are not afraid of the cold, you can take a tractor to the countryside to pick strawberries."

"No problem. It's cold. I haven't seen strawberries for sale. A few days ago, Sister Xiangyun asked someone to buy a box of strawberries. The price is not cheap, and the strawberries are not fresh."

When Ye Qinghe left the compound, he brought Zhao Yunshan with him.

"Call Pingan and Qinqin together."

This is about to start school, and I didn't go to my sister-in-law's house to pay New Year's greetings.

Early in the morning, it was Ye Qinghe who drove a tractor and took a group of young people to the suburbs. Of course, there was also Xiao Yuer. The two young ones couldn't go out because it was too cold.

Captain Fang went to help Fang's mother open a shop.

As soon as they opened the store, the business was very good, and they were too busy.

Their taste is good, and the price has basically not increased since the opening of the store. Now it is the time of the Chinese New Year, and when you buy ready-made dishes, you can also add another dish to your family.

Pork head meat is very suitable for drinking.

"Here we are, get out of the car carefully." After Ye Qinghe stopped the tractor, he called them to get out of the car. There were still a few small ones.

"Father, pick strawberries for mom, pick strawberries for mom." Xiao Yu'er was still thinking about Fang Youyou, and wanted to pick strawberries for Fang Youyou to eat.

"With your mother."

As soon as they entered the greenhouse, they saw a lot of red strawberries, and couldn't help picking one, rubbing it with their hands, and tasting it directly.

"Sweet and sour, delicious."

Even though Ping An was a boy, he couldn't help but taste a few.

"Comrade Ye, is it time to raise seedlings?"

When the spring is warm, we can plant vegetables.

Hu Dashi is also worried, there is nothing to do now, so find something to do.

"What did my father say?"

Farming, he is not an expert in this field.

"The old man asked me to grow some vegetable seedlings, saying that school will start soon, and I want to send some fresh vegetables to the cafeteria, but I can't make it in time."

These two greenhouses contained some strawberries, even watermelons, and of course vegetables.

"Grow some seedlings, plant some cabbage, this grows fast, and the time is short."

After making arrangements, see if I can help.

It's a nice day here.

But Su Xue's side is not so harmonious.

This time during the Chinese New Year, she also took Zhao Yiming and her daughter Qiqi back to her natal home.

She has been married for several years, Qiqi is over a year old, and has never met her grandpa.

The stepmother is not the real mother, but the father is the real father!

(End of this chapter)

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