Chapter 1130 Not the answer he thought
Ye Qinghe remembered one thing, "Your cousin has a patent in her hand, and I don't know if it has been sold. If it has not been sold, you can submit an application to cooperate with them."


Wang Ping'an was stunned in place.

When my cousin was in college, she got married and had children. She still had three children. She was still busy with work, but her grades did not drop. Now she still has a patent in her hand?

Why are you so good?

"Can I do it?"

Ye Qinghe looked at him, "Don't ask me, ask yourself, can you suffer?"

This question was thrown back to Wang Ping'an again.

"Brother, I have no money."

"Cooperation with others."

Seeing that his cousin didn't reject him, Wang Pingan showed him the way.

"I do."

Just then Zhao Yunshan came over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

What cooperation?
"Business, do you want to join?"

Do business?
Zhao Yunshan didn't dare to think about it before.

"I don't know how to do business."

"You can learn. You are a girl. You can try to recruit counters in department stores?"

In the past, two people discussed business, but now with one person, there are three families.

Others came to see them to talk about things, so they didn't bother.

Simple lunch here in the suburbs.

"Cousin, that Su Xinian is rich, you can ask him to cooperate."

Ye Qinghe knew that the money in his hand sounded like a lot, but it was not enough to really accomplish great things.

There is a real need to work with other people for the time being.

"Then tomorrow, you ask him out, and we sit down and discuss it together."

Zhao Yunshan agreed to this.

She also wants to do business, and also wants to make money. She went to college before, majored in majors, and her mother and grandma hoped that she would be a teacher. They think this job is easy, and there are holidays, and even respected.

Su Nian here was very happy when he received a call from Zhao Yunshan. At first, the phone number was given to her by force, but she had never called him. Now she finally called him and agreed to meet tomorrow.

Is this to agree to his pursuit?
Su Xinian changed several sets of clothes before reluctantly driving out to the agreed place.

When he was led into the private room by the waiter, he met two people except Zhao Yunshan.

Who are these two people?

Wouldn't it be to bring a blind date with him to make him give up?
Su Xinnian suddenly lost his mind.

Glancing in front of the two men, he finally stopped at the other man who had a better temperament and appearance.


What are you doing standing there?
Significantly he is tall?

My cousin is not too tall.

Su Nian was still very nervous, his eyes fell on Zhao Yunshan, and he had some expectations, as if anticipation was not the answer he thought, and he didn't want to admit that he might be about to break up in love.

The person who doesn't want to admit that she has been pursuing will hold her partner's arm and introduce him with a smile.

"What are you looking at me for?" Zhao Yunshan directly interrupted Su Xinian's thoughts.

Zhao Yunshan introduced Su Nian, "This is my cousin, this is my cousin."

Cousin cousin?

Su Xinnian felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood in an instant, his eyes lit up with embarrassment, and he even subconsciously shouted, "Cousin, cousin"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Qinghe and Wang Ping'an were stunned for a moment.

It also made Zhao Yunshan cough lightly, since this person came in, something was wrong.

There are still some silly ones these days.

"This is my cousin and cousin." What are you shouting about?

Ye Qinghe coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Su, I'm Ye Qinghe, and I'm currently in my senior year at Tsinghua University."

(End of this chapter)

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