Chapter 1133 The daughter came back and left again

The roommate thought of another person: "Is that Wang Menghan chasing you?"

Yu Jianming and Shangshu stood up, "I don't know, I just want to study hard and catch up with Senior Sister Fang."

But senior sister Fang is the first in her professional grades. This is not an easy matter.

Now that Xiao Yu'er is getting older, Professor Ye often takes Xiao Yu'er to live with him, knowing that his son is also very busy recently, it seems that he and his nephew are busy with something?
It's the beginning of school, and Yoyo hasn't come to the school to report yet.

One month after school started, Fang Youyou finally came back.

"Yuyou?" Mrs. Fang and Grandma Qian watched and chatted with the children at home, while Sister Wang was drying the clothes.

"Grandma, Grandma Qian." Fang Youyou was a little tired. She came back to pick up her things, and she also went to report to school by the way.

"Why are you losing weight again?" Mrs. Fang really felt that her granddaughter had lost weight. After returning to the capital during the Chinese New Year, she went to work the next day and only came back now.

"I didn't lose weight, and I ate pretty well at work."

Fang Youyou's eyes fell on the two younger ones. After not seeing each other for more than a month, the two siblings seem to have grown up a bit.

"Where's little fish?"

Mrs. Fang thought for a while and said, "It seems that Uncle Xiaoye's family has a happy event, and Grandma Xiaoyuer took Xiaoyuer to visit relatives."

As Mrs. Fang got older, she tended to forget things easily.

"The wife in the hall gave birth? Is it a son or a daughter?"

The old lady Fang didn't know.

"Are you hungry, let me warm you up with some food?"

Fang Youyou directly stopped the other party, "I ate it back, I'll go to the bathhouse to take a shower, and I have to report to school later, baby, you don't have to work hard for me."

"Yuyou, shall I do it for you?" Although Big Sister Wang helps to take care of the two children, the job is still very easy and the salary is not low.

"Sister Wang, no need, I really ate it, I really ate it, I just need to trouble you to wash my clothes later."

Seeing that Fang Youyou refused to cook for her, but asked her to help with the laundry, "Okay."

There is a washing machine at home, and the clothes only need to be washed separately.

Fang Youyou stared at the little moon who wanted to reach out for her to hug, turned around and went into the house to find clothes, and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After returning, I rode my bicycle to report to school.

"Professor, I may not be able to return to school for a while this time, this is my proof."

This professor can also be regarded as the head teacher of their class. He knows something about Fang Youyou, but he doesn't know the specific situation. Now he is surprised when he sees this certificate, "I am a senior this year, and some professors plan to let you directly read Bo?"

There is no need to take the postgraduate entrance examination, just let her directly blog.

"Trouble a few professors' attention, I am willing."

After coming to the school to play around, Fang Youyou did not find Ye Qinghe, only left a letter for Ye Qinghe, and left again.

When Fang's mother came back, she heard that her daughter was back, but she left again, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Are you so busy?"

It's been more than a month, and I don't know when the next meeting will be.

"My daughter came back after finishing her work."

Abandoned children, abandoned parents, busy with work, what can their parents say?
Now it's not about money anymore.

They can accept it, but Xiaoye's side doesn't know what to say?
"Grandma, I'm back." Xiao Yu'er was carried off the bicycle and came into the room with the picture book Dr. Zhao bought for her.

A child's voice interrupted the gloomy atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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