Chapter 1143 I Came Back Late

Little Moon also looked at Fang Youyou, blinking her eyes, "It looks like the mother in the photo."


The two siblings looked at Fang Youyou from side to side.

"Little Moon, are you still going to buy popsicles?" The children behind them were in a hurry when they saw that Little Moon was not leaving.

"do not know."

Fang Youyou looked at the children, did they sneak out?
He is brave enough to buy food without the guidance of an adult.

"I am your mother."

I haven't seen you for a long time. The little ones in my family have all grown up.

"Sister, is she?"

Little Moon looked around, there were some resemblances, family portraits taken, and single photos, father and the others would point to the mother in the photo and let them call mother.

"Go home." Fang Youyou squatted down, holding one in each hand, ready to go home.

"Little Moon's mother is so strong, she holds one in each hand."


The children didn't buy popsicles, they planned to see if this person was Xiao Yueyue's mother.

They had heard that Little Moon's mother ran away with someone.

There are many people living on both sides of this alley, and of course there are some gossips.

Fang Youyou didn't show up for a long time, and it was inevitable that people with broken mouths thought that Fang Youyou had run away.

Otherwise, no matter how busy you are at work, you will be able to find time to come back all year round.

But it's been almost two years since I disappeared, so what's wrong with running away?
Even if you study abroad, can you come back when you have time?

But Fang Youyou didn't come back in a daze.

Over time, bad words spread.

Especially some people saw that the Ye family's life was getting better and better, of course they felt a little bit jealous.

"Yuyou." As soon as Fang Youyou entered the room with the two little ones in her arms, the old lady Fang saw her and exclaimed.

I was also surprised, Sister Wang who was cleaning the main room.

I haven't seen Fang Youyou for two years, and there are rumors that Fang Youyou has run away.

Sister Wang always thought it was impossible.

The young couple have a good relationship, and Xiaoye's father-in-law and mother-in-law are all here in the capital to help take care of the children, how could Fang Youyou run away?
Now that I am finally back, I am finally relieved.

"Great-grandmother, is it mother?" The little moon turned around very quickly, and the great-grandmother said it was mother, is it really mother?

The mother was so strong, she carried her and the little dolphin in.

Uncle Xiaowu said they were gaining weight.

"It's your mother"

"Mom, the little dolphin misses you so much, you are finally back." The little dolphin hugged Fang Youyou's neck and burst into tears.

Usually he is heartless and seems to have no worries.

But they were still very sad to hear that their mother had run away.

"Sorry, I came back late."

Fang Youyou immediately apologized.

She didn't come back for such a long time, which really worried them. She knew this, and she didn't feel ashamed to apologize to the children.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Mrs. Fang smiled all over her face. They could also breathe a sigh of relief when their granddaughter came back. The honeydew melon and watermelon planted by the old man were helped to eat.

"Mom, mom, let's go into the house." The little moon is more careful than the little dolphin, seeing her mother holding them standing in the yard, the little girl hastened to bring Fang Youyou into the house.

A few children who followed behind them also looked at them and saw the little dolphin crying.

But this time, they didn't laugh at the little dolphin.

(End of this chapter)

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