The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1152 A family of 1 went to grandpa's house

Chapter 1152

"My mother sent us to school."

"Auntie, take us to school."

Xiao Yu'er was also afraid that Fang Youyou would be tired, so she asked Fang Youyou to let him down, and after putting him down, he led each other to the kindergarten.

"Little Fish Mother"

"Little Fish Mother"

Quite a few looked at Fang Youyou, making Fang Youyou a little confused.

What Fang Youyou didn't know was that yesterday she came to pick up Xiao Yu'er and let many children know how Xiao Yu'er's mother looks like, so someone deliberately sent the little one to visit Fang Youyou in the kindergarten early this morning.

After handing over the two children to the teacher, Fang Youyou said goodbye to them.

"I come to ride?"

Fang Youyou can drive, drive a tractor, and ride a bicycle, but she hasn't learned to ride a motorcycle yet.

"Let me come, the two of them like to move around, you look at them."

"Grandma, I'll take their siblings to visit grandpa, and I won't come back for lunch at noon."

"Okay, let's go, my in-laws have come to our house often in the past two years." They are quite different in age, so they still have something to talk about.

They first went to the pastry shop to buy pastries, and then to the department store to choose things for their aunt and grandma, tea, and good wine, all bought one by one.

The family of four headed towards the compound on a motorcycle.

When registering at the entrance of the courtyard, an aunt from the courtyard recognized Fang Youyou.

"Isn't that the granddaughter-in-law of the Zhao family?"

"I heard that I've been busy with work and haven't been home for two years."

"To mention so many things, I should go to Zhao's house."

"This pair of dragon and phoenix twins have grown so big."


This motorcycle burns oil and moves very fast.

At the gate of Zhao's house, Fang Youyou easily got out of the car with a small child in one hand, and even helped carry things.

"Grandma, grandpa, here we come." Little Moon knocked on the door and shouted after getting off the car.

The little dolphin shouted not to be outdone.

"Little Moon and the others are here?" Grandma Zhao was watering her flowers, when she heard the movement, she looked around and saw their family of four.


It's been a long time since I saw Yoyo. It's been two years, but she hasn't changed at all.

Sure enough, it's good to be young.


"Into the house, in the house."

Greet them into the house.

"Why do you buy so many things?" Grandma Zhao knew that her grandson had money, so when she came to them, she bought them a lot of things.

"Grandma, the little dolphin misses you so much." The little dolphin is a cute kid who is very popular with the elderly.

"Great-grandmother, where's great-grandfather?"

Grandma Zhao looked at the two little ones and replied with a smile, "Your great-grandfather went to play chess with his old friend."

"Grandma, are you at Grandpa Zhang's house, or at Grandpa Xiao's house?"

Grandma Zhao looked at her grandson and daughter-in-law, "At your Grandpa Xiao's house, you can go find him."

Ye Qinghe didn't go with him, and helped watch the two little ones at home. Now they can walk, and no one was watching, so they sneaked out.

As soon as Fang Youyou here came out of the house, she ran into Chen Xiangyun directly.

"Fang Yoyo"

I was shocked to see Fang Youyou at this time, and it was rumored that something happened to Fang Youyou, but now that I saw Fang Youyou, I saw that she didn't talk about it, and there was no change from the last time I saw her.

"Comrade Chen, long time no see." This little Qingmei, Fang Youyou has not forgotten the existence of this person.

"You're back."

It seems that many people spread the news about her and ran away, or was it rumored that she eloped?

(End of this chapter)

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