Grandma Zhao asked the two young ones to shout whatever they wanted, and they shouted whatever they wanted. After getting to know each other, the little dolphin and little moon are still very attractive. The two young ones can eat a lot of snacks at home with their sweet mouths.

Regardless of their small size, Ye Qinghe was afraid that they would develop tooth decay, so he started brushing his teeth at a young age.

"When will your Shanshan get married?"

They heard that Shanshan has a date, and that this date is very rich, driving a small car, and brought a lot of things when they came to the door.

It never occurred to them that the youngest of their old Zhao family was the first to get married.

The biggest one goes out on missions throughout the year and comes back once.

It's Huanhuan, who has made a lot of movies and TV series, and has no intention of getting married at all.

As for the two grandsons of the Zhao family, there was no movement at all.

"We have to wait for the future mother-in-law to return to China to discuss the marriage."

Back home to discuss marriage?

Is this Shanshan really going to marry into a rich family?

"Then congratulations, congratulations."

Zhao's side.

The nanny was busy in the kitchen, and Ye Qinghe occasionally helped out.

In the study, the two old men and Fang Youyou were writing calligraphy and painting together.

"Hey, I haven't made any progress after practicing for a few years?"

Look at the words written by the little girl, and you can see that they were written by everyone.

Although the little girl is young, her mood is different.

I haven't seen him for several years, and this mentality has become more stable.

All of a sudden more mature.

"Little girl, give me your calligraphy."

Fang Youyou said with a smile, "Grandpa Zhang doesn't dislike the sloppy writing of the younger generation."

Where is it scribbled?
The little girl is too modest.

Mr. Zhang is happy.

Ask Fang Youyou to leave his name and time in the corner of the calligraphy and painting.

After lunch, several people took fishing tools and prepared to go fishing.

But the little moon and the little dolphin are arguing to follow.

It was rejected by Fang Youyou.

"You take a nap at home, then mom will take you to eat delicious food tomorrow, do you agree?"

"Delicious, what delicious?"

Both siblings looked at Fang Youyou expectantly.

"Ice cream is better than ice cream."

"Yes, my uncle bought it for us."

"Mom, it's settled like this. Let's be good, and you will buy it for us."

Promised delicious food, the two little ones didn't follow them.

In fact, little moon and little dolphin are usually pretty good.

Ye Qinghe has to be busy with schoolwork and company affairs.

Mother Fang and Captain Fang are also busy with the stewed meat shop and the land in the suburbs.

As for the others, they also have their own affairs to be busy.

Except for Mrs. Fang who can often accompany the two young children, the rest of the family are often busy with their own affairs.

The two little ones are already used to not going out with adults, but obediently reading books and watching TV at home.

Several adults went fishing together.

Zhang always took them to the old place.

This time Fang Youyou didn't cheat, she just sat under the willow tree and fished slowly.

Occasionally chatting, occasionally paying attention to the situation of the fishing rod.

Professor Ye still doesn't know about Fang Youyou's return, and Fang's mother picked up Xiao Yu'er in the afternoon.

"Grandma, where's mom?"

Why didn't mom come to pick him up?
Is mom going to work again?

"Your mother went to your aunt's house."


That's where Mom and Dad are coming back.

"little fish"

"Grandpa, grandpa, my mother is back."

Only then did Professor Ye know that his daughter-in-law had returned.

You can see the joy on the grandson's face.

Finally, no one will talk nonsense anymore.

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