Fang Youyou didn't care about the Su family, but grabbed Zhao Yunshan's wrist and walked outside.

As soon as several people got into the car and were about to drive away, the tire of the car was punctured by the wooden warehouse.


Su Xinian opened the car door first, and prepared to take Zhao Yunshan to avoid it, but Fang Youyou did not move faster.

Fang Youyou here pulled Zhao Yunshan to hide as well.

They moved faster, and the next moment, the car not only blew out, but also burst into flames.

It directly made Zhao Yunshan stunned for a moment, how could there be such a big danger.

"Shanshan, are you okay?"

Zhao Yunshan was hugged tightly in her arms, and she was stunned. It took her a long time to find her voice, "What's going on?"

Su Xinnian could feel Zhao Yunshan's nervousness, "We are here, it is more dangerous at night, and the wooden warehouse can be worn reasonably."

And Fang Youyou, who was standing aside, looked around, seeing that there was a lot of danger this night.

She also discovered that Su Xinian's sister also has the ability to avoid danger.

What does this mean?
This kind of thing happens often, and there will be an emergency response.

"I usually go out less and less at night."

Su Xinian said in a low voice.

"Let's go this way." Su Xinian said as he led them away.

This is also one of the reasons why Su New Year likes Kyoto and rarely returns here these years.

In Kyoto, even if you go out at night, there is no such great danger.

Even if Mu Cang's voice was really heard, someone would investigate the matter soon, but here, they would not even come out to investigate, even if someone came to investigate, they would wait and wait.

"Let's go this way." Su Xinian led them to another path.

Fang Youyou walked along with Su Xinian, paying attention to the surrounding situation.

It's dangerous to go out at night.

"Mr. Su, there is danger this night, how can you protect yourself?"

Su Xinnian said simply, "It is possible to equip wooden warehouses abroad. My family also hired some bodyguards. My brothers and sisters have also practiced martial arts since childhood."

Wooden warehouse?

"May I visit your wooden barn?"

Want to touch it?
Is this a foreign wooden warehouse?
If you have the opportunity, it is best to go to a place where you can buy a wooden warehouse privately.

Su Xinnian was stunned for a moment, never thought that a cousin, a woman, would be very interested in Mu Cang.


It was almost midnight when they got home, and they were all a little tired, so they all went back to their rooms.

But Zhao Yunshan didn't go back to the room, but went to Fang Youyou's room, stood at the door and knocked on the door a few times.

"Come in."

"Cousin, I can't sleep."

This is scared?
"Didn't you go to see your Mr. Su?"

Zhao Yunshan closed the door and walked in, "Cousin, I am still a little scared about what happened tonight. Why did our car have a flat tire, and why did we encounter a battle in the wooden warehouse?"

Zhao Yunshan has lived for more than [-] years. This is the first time she has encountered such a thing, and it is difficult to calm down. Now thinking about it, she still feels a little scared.


Zhao Yunshan nodded, looking pitiful and aggrieved. Now she only feels safe by her cousin's side.

"With my cousin around, I'm not afraid."

And after Su Nian had a bath, he went to see his girlfriend, but knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so he opened the door and entered, only to find that there was no one in the room.

You don't need to think about it with your toes, you know who your partner is looking for.

When my partner is in danger, the first thing he looks for is her cousin, and when he is afraid, he also goes to his cousin the first time.

Su Nian looked at Fang Youyou's door and left helplessly.

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