"How about we mention it? Let Mr. Ye bring his wife to the company?"

"I dare not mention it."

"I'll go talk to Wang Zhu about it."

Someone went to Assistant Wang to inquire about President Ye's wife.

"Assistant Wang, Assistant Wang"

Assistant Wang was dragged, "Just tell me if you have something to do?"

The man looked around before whispering, "Assistant Wang, have you seen Mrs. Ye's wife?"

Assistant Wang paused, why did you ask him this question?

"I haven't seen it."

Assistant Wang has worked with Ye Qinghe for several years. He knows that Mr. Ye has three children, and they are all his own, but he has never met Mr. Ye's wife.

He asked Vice President Wang, but Vice President Wang said that Mrs. Ye is very busy, busier than them.

What kind of job is it? I have been too busy to come to the company?

"Is Mr. Ye not married?"

Otherwise, why haven't they seen Madam?
Assistant Wang knew why they asked this question.

Mr. Ye is indeed very handsome, which has moved many girls in his company, but Mr. Ye is really married and loves his wife very much.

"I'm married and have three children. President Ye and his wife have a very good relationship. They are the first batch of college students to be admitted to college, and both of them were admitted to the same school."

That's all he knows.

Telling this colleague like this is also to let him pass it on. Mr. Ye is really married, so they don't want to get Mr. Ye's idea.

Especially today, he also saw Mr. Ye changing a watch. When he said that the watch was beautiful, Mr. Ye's eyes were full of tenderness, and he said it was a gift from his wife.

In fact, he also wanted to know what kind of lesbians he was, who could handle them so well that Mr. Ye would not mention them, and let Mr. Ye mention that his eyes were full of tenderness, as if they could melt into water.

This really shocked him.

This word was quickly spread to various departments.

Breaks the hearts of unmarried lesbians.

And Huang Shuyuan cried secretly.

Ye Qinghe didn't know that Assistant Wang had cut off a lot of his rotten peach blossoms.

"Brother, I seem to have never been to your company. According to Ping An, your company is quite big."

Ye Qinghe shook his head, "It's not too big, your work is even busier."

The work of the daughter-in-law is more important.

And I've been busy with some projects recently.

"Does your company have my rival in love?"


Fang Youyou held Ye Qinghe's cheek in both hands, and couldn't help kissing him a few times, "After all, my brother is so plump and handsome."


Fang Youyou wanted to go and have a look, but she really didn't have the time to go.

Before the project was finished, Xiao Yunzheng came to the door.

Fang Youyou hadn't seen Xiao Yunzheng for many years.

"Comrade Fang, long time no see."

Fang Youyou looked at Xiao Yunzheng, this person had not seen him for several years, and he turned black again.

In Xiao Yunzheng's eyes, Fang Youyou hasn't changed at all.

"This time we received news that there was an influx of contraband across the border."

But the project in her hand is not finished yet.

"In a hurry?"


Fang Youyou called the professor, briefly talked about the project, and said that she would be away for a few days.

Bring her tutor, know that this student is still working in the institute, and think she is busy with the work in the institute.

His school's project is not in a hurry, but she is in a hurry, so go to her business first.

He just told Mrs. Fang that she was going out for an urgent matter and would be back in a few days.

When Ye Qinghe came back, Mrs. Fang also told Ye Qinghe.

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