"We also took a lot of photos, wait for them to be developed and take a look."


Brother-in-law Lin is a little cautious.

Since I came to Kyoto, I realized how prosperous it is here.

Only then did I know that the consumption here is high.

Fortunately, he lived and ate in the factory, and even his clothes were distributed in the factory.

There are many things, let's sort them out one by one.

Brother-in-law Lin left after Fang's mother asked him to eat dinner. It's hot today and it's getting dark late.

They also stuffed some special products that Fang Youyou bought back, and asked him to take them over to eat.

The next day, their family of five went to the compound to visit Grandpa Zhao and the others, and brought special products.

"Whose car is that?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a new license plate?"

No one recognized Fang Youyou's car.

But when the car stopped in front of Zhao's house, someone stuck out his head to look.

But when several children get out of the car one by one.

Someone recognized it.

"Little Fish, Little Moon"

"The grandson of the old Zhao family?"

"It was Lao Zhao's grandson-in-law who drove the car."

In the compound, it is not uncommon for a man to drive, but it is unusual for a woman to drive.

No wonder the aunt was so startled.

Hearing the sound of a trumpet coming from outside, she went to open the door, and saw a few little radish heads shouting at her one by one, "Auntie, Auntie"

Aunt Zhao smiled all over her face, "Hurry up and get in the house, it's hot outside"

When he looked up, he saw the car at the door.

Nephew bought a car?
A car is not cheap, and some people can't earn it in their entire lives.

"Big aunt"

"Big aunt"

Fang Youyou and Ye Qinghe were carrying things in their hands, and the children climbed down by themselves.

"Have you bought a car?"

Fang Youyou nodded, "There is a car, so it's easier to go out."

Aunt Zhao, who swallowed in surprise, recognized this, which is indeed convenient, not an ordinary convenience.

"Into the house, in the house"

The whole family entered the house. It was a hot day, and Grandma Zhao and Grandpa Zhao were both at home.

"Hello, sister." Xiao Yu'er called Gao Xinya directly when she saw Gao Xinya.

Gao Xinya showed a bright smile, "Xiao Yu'er, I'm not a sister, you will call me aunt from now on."

"Hello auntie."

"Hello, Auntie." Little Moon yelled something, and the little dolphin yelled along.

Gao Xinya is in a better mood.

"it is good"

Fang Youyou also met the future cousin who was nearly ten years younger than her cousin.

"Xiaoya, this is Yoyo. You haven't seen her before. She was busy with work." Aunt Zhao introduced Fang Youyou to Gao Xinya.

Gao Xinya had met Ye Qinghe, but Fang Youyou had indeed.

"Yuyo, hello."

Although I haven't seen Fang Youyou before, I have heard of it.

I also heard that she pursued her cousin back then.

There's no shame in chasing someone you like.

She doesn't feel ashamed.

"Give me something."

"I bought some specialty products."

"Go, play two games with me."


When Fang Youyou left, he nodded slightly to Gao Xinya.

Then Gao Xinya saw this cousin Ye Qinghe staring at the younger ones.

"Auntie, when will you marry my cousin? I heard from my grandma that my cousin is older than my father."

Gao Xinya picked up Little Moon and couldn't help kissing her on the face, "We will get married when your cousin comes back when he is free, and then I will be able to see Little Moon often."

The name sounds nice.

"I can make a new bed." Xiao Yu'er interjected. Uncle Dongzi said that when he got married, his father took him to make a new bed for Uncle Dongzi.

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